telegraf log wrangling to scrape apache or nginx logs for erddap related requests and sent to plausible or google analytics event api's see for more details on teleraf
create env file
cp .env.sample .env
edit .env values. This to check are
- LOG_FILE - this should point to the nginx or apache log folder. not directly to a file.
- HOST_URL - hostname to report in plausible with protocol
- DOMAINS - keys used by plausible to route events see
- PLAUSIBLE_URL - url to plausible instance
- SENTRY_URL - url to sentry project for monitering up time
review telegraf/telegraf.conf. the most important one being
under [[inputs.tail]]
find the group that has read access to the log files
stat -c '%g' /var/log/apache2
use the resulting number to set the group in the telegraf container by editing the docker compose and adding
user: telegraf:4
where 4
is the gid of the group
Start the container
sudo docker-compose up -d
- log file name is hard coded i.e. catalogue-ssl-access.log. it would be nice to make it based on an environment variable.