is a very simple way for you to keep track of failed login
attempts, both for the Django admin and for the rest of your site. The name is
sort of a geeky pun, since axes
can be read interpreted as:
- "access", as in monitoring access attempts
- "axes", as in tools you can use hack (generally on wood). In this case,
however, the "hacking" part of it can be taken a bit further:
is intended to help you stop people from hacking (popular media definition) your website. Hilarious, right? That's what I thought too!
requires Django 1.5 or later. The application is intended to
work around the Django admin and the regular django.contrib.auth
login-powered pages.
You can install the latest stable package running this command:
$ pip install django-axes
Also you can install the development version running this command:
$ pip install -e git+
You can contribute to this project forking it from github and sending pull requests.
Tests can be run, after you clone the repository and having django installed, like:
$ PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$PWD test axes --settings=axes.test_settings
First of all, you must add this project to your list of INSTALLED_APPS
INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.sites', ... 'axes', ... )
Next, install the FailedLoginMiddleware
MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'axes.middleware.FailedLoginMiddleware' )
Run python syncdb
. This creates the appropriate tables in your database
that are necessary for operation.
You have a couple options available to you to customize django-axes
a bit.
These should be defined in your
: The number of login attempts allowed before a record is created for the failed logins. Default:3
: After the number of allowed login attempts are exceeded, should we lock out this IP (and optional user agent)? Default:True
: IfTrue
, lock out / log based on an IP address AND a user agent. This means requests from different user agents but from the same IP are treated differently. Default:False
: If set, defines a period of inactivity after which old failed login attempts will be forgotten. Can be set to a python timedelta object or an integer. If an integer, will be interpreted as a number of hours. Default:None
: If set, specifies a logging mechanism for axes to use. Default:'axes.watch_login'
: If set, specifies a template to render when a user is locked out. Template receives cooloff_time and failure_limit as context variables. Default:None
: If set, specifies a URL to redirect to on lockout. If both AXES_LOCKOUT_TEMPLATE and AXES_LOCKOUT_URL are set, the template will be used. Default:None
: IfTrue
, you'll see slightly more logging for Axes. Default:True
: the name of the form field that contains your users usernames. Default:username
: IfTrue
prevents to login from IP under particular user if attempts limit exceed, otherwise lock out based on IP. Default:False
Using django-axes
is extremely simple. Once you install the application
and the middleware, all you need to do is periodically check the Access
Attempts section of the admin.
By default, django-axes will lock out repeated attempts from the same IP
address. You can allow this IP to attempt again by deleting the relevant
records in the admin.
You can also use the axes_reset
management command using Django's
. axes_reset
will reset all lockouts and access axes_reset ip
will clear lockout/records for ip
In your code, you can use from axes.utils import reset
will reset all lockouts and access records.reset(ip=ip)
will clear lockout/records for ipreset(username=username)
will clear lockout/records for username
You may find that Axes is not capturing your failed login attempts. It may be that you need to manually add watch_login to your login url. For example, in your
... from django.contrib.auth.views import login, logout, password_change from axes.decorators import watch_login ... urlpatterns = patterns('', (r'^login/$', watch_login(login), {'template_name': 'auth/login.html'}), ...
It may happen that you have suddenly become locked out without a single failed attempt. One possible reason is that you are using some custom login form and the username field is named something different than "username", e.g. "email". This leads to all users attempts being lumped together. To fix this add the following to your settings:
Using you do the following:
Change axes lockout url in
:AXES_LOCKOUT_URL = '/locked'
Add the url in
:url(r'^locked/$', locked_out, name='locked_out'),
Create a captcha form:
class AxesCaptchaForm(forms.Form): captcha = CaptchaField()
Create a captcha view for the above url that resets on captcha success and redirects:
def locked_out(request): if request.POST: form = AxesCaptchaForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): ip = get_ip_address_from_request(request) reset(ip=ip) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse_lazy('signin')) else: form = AxesCaptchaForm() return render_to_response('locked_out.html', dict(form=form), context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Add a captcha template:
<form action="" method="post"> {% csrf_token %} {{ form.captcha.errors }} {{ form.captcha }} <div class="form-actions"> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </div> </form>