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JamesNewton edited this page Feb 19, 2021 · 18 revisions

SSH stands for "Secure SHell. It is an application running on a computer that gives you a command line interface to typing in 'shell' commands into another computer such as Dexter's Linux operating system. Here's how to use it to control your Dexter:

All Operating Systems

  1. Connect to your Dexter. Usually via an Ethernet cable between your computer (set the network adapter to and the Dexter processor board.
  2. Username: root
  3. password: klg

Windows OS

  1. Install an SSH client (e.g. [PuTTY (
  2. Configure the IP address in the client software to (this is [Dexters default IP address (Dexter-Networking)), or to the IP address assigned via your router.
  3. set the port to 22.
  4. select SSH.


  1. Double click on the file: Applications/Utilities/
  2. Type in [email protected] and hit enter.
  3. When prompted, type in password: klg and hit enter.

Commonly Used Shell Commands

  • pwd (print working directory)
  • cd dirname_in_working_directory (change directory to the given sub directory)
  • cd .. (change directory to the parent of the working directory)
  • ls (show contents of the working directory)
  • ls -l (show working directory contents including permissions, owner, size, modified date.)
  • cat filename (show contents of the given file)
  • nano filename (Edit an existing file.
    Use arrow keys to move the cursor.
    delete/backspace to delete chars before the cursor.
    Help at the screen bottom tells you basic commands:
    - Ctrl+X to eXit. Shows prompt to allow saving file. After pressing "Y", the file name can be changed if desired or just press Enter to accept it. Note: If you see [MAC format] or [DOS format] after the File Name to Write prompt, then the file has extra line ending characters that you probably don't want. Press Alt M until you do not see those strings and then press enter to save the file without them.
    - To select text, move the cursor to the start of the text you want to select, press the Alt-A key combination to mark the start, then move the cursor to the end of the section you want to select.
    - Ctrl+K to cut your selection
    - Ctrl+U to paste it.)

Detailed instructions are available for updating the firmware or gateware

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