is an AMQP (aka RabbitMQ) client library for
Python 3.4's new asyncio
Check out the official documentation.
import asyncio
import asynqp
def send_and_receive():
# connect to the RabbitMQ broker
connection = yield from asynqp.connect('localhost', 5672, username='guest', password='guest')
# Open a communications channel
channel = yield from connection.open_channel()
# Create a queue and an exchange on the broker
exchange = yield from channel.declare_exchange('', 'direct')
queue = yield from channel.declare_queue('test.queue')
# Bind the queue to the exchange, so the queue will get messages published to the exchange
yield from queue.bind(exchange, 'routing.key')
# If you pass in a dict it will be automatically converted to JSON
msg = asynqp.Message({'test_body': 'content'})
exchange.publish(msg, 'routing.key')
# Synchronously get a message from the queue
received_message = yield from queue.get()
print(received_message.json()) # get JSON from incoming messages easily
# Acknowledge a delivered message
yield from channel.close()
yield from connection.close()
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
is on the Cheese Shop, so you can install it using Pip:
pip install asynqp
If you want the latest development version, you can install it from source:
git clone
cd asynqp
python install