Rest2WS is a library that allows you to run a REST API that translates the requests to an existing WS-based API. It makes a few assumptions that we'll try to lax overtime. Currently, it only works with messages that follow the HELF standard.
The client side of the REST API depends on the Phoenix framework.
On your brand new Phoenix installation, add to config/config.exs
config :rest2ws,
route_file: File.cwd! <> "/config/routes.json",
ws_config: %{
host: "",
port: 8080,
path: "/ws"
The route map tells how Rest2ws should translate the HTTP requests into WebSocket ones.
Here's an example route map (json):
"/user": {
"get": {
"topic": "account.get",
"args": {}
"post": }
"topic": "account.create",
"args": {
"user": "uid"
"/user/:id": {
"get": {
"topic": "account.get",
"args": {
"id": "uid"
"/authenticate": {
"post": {
"topic": "account.login",
"args": {}
The first keys of the route map json represents the REST path. The second one tells which HTTP methods are available. Finally, for each method you specifiy which WebSocket topic the request should be sent to. The args
key maps the rest arguments (or body arguments) to new variable names. For instance, we specify :id to be the REST argument at /user/:id, but the websocket backend expects an "uid" argument. Rest2ws will make this transformation based on the args
Save that json on config/routes.json
On web/router.ex
, add:
scope "/api", MyAPI do
resources "/user", Rest2WS, only: [:show, :create], param: "user_id"
resources "/authenticate", Rest2WS, only: [:create]
Create web/controllers/rest2ws_controller.ex
with the following content:
defmodule MyAPI.Rest2WS do
use Rest2WS.Controller, namespace: MyAPI
Make sure to change MyAPI
to your Phoenix project name.
If all is well, simply run mix phoenix.server
and that should work.
- [] Add type specs
- [] Add tests
- [] Translate authentication headers
- [] Translate rate-limit headers