Releases: HU-SD-SV2PRFED-studenten-2021/prfed_2021-v2b-2
User stories
This iteration we worked on three user stories:
As a system administrator, I want the wiki to have version control, so I can see who edited what.
This was divided into a few issues:- Adding a user to an article
- Displaying the user on the article
As a system administrator, I want the ability to rollback to previous versions, so no information is lost.
This was divided into a few issues:- Adding a table on every article's history tab
- Getting the history of an article and filling the table
- Adding a button that changes the article back to that state
As a user, I want to be able to search the wiki, so I can quickly find the information I need.
This was divided into a few issues:- Creating a request that gets you all article titles
- Creating a search suggestion bar
Other issues
There was another issue we worked on for this iteration. It was related to adding information to the database:- Adding a button that shows a popup for creating an article
User stories:
This iteration we worked on four user stories:
- As a user, I want the wiki to be divided into the matrix of categories, so the information I am looking for is findable.
This was divided into a few issues:- Saving articles into the backend database
- Adding matrix categories to the wiki
- As a user, I want to be able to edit the wiki, so I can change and add information.
This was divided into a few issues:- Wireframe Editpage
- HTML Editpage
- CSS Editpage
- JS Editpage
- Add page button
- As a system administrator, I want that only registered users are able to edit the wiki, so there are no unwanted edits.
This was divided into a few issues:- Add a check before the editing process to see if the user is allowed to edit
- As a user, I want to be able to turn on disability mode, so I can still get information with an eyesight disability.
This was divided into a few issues:- Add three buttons for changing the font size
- Adding functionality to those buttons
- Add dark mode
- Other issues
There were some other issues we worked on for this iteration. They were related to the creation and accessibility of information:- Setup of Heroku
- Dummydata for the database
This iteration we worked on two user stories:
As guest, I want to be able to see the wiki, so I can read the information that is in it.
This was divided into a few issues:
- Wireframe Indexpage
- HTML Indexpage
- CSS Indexpage
- JS Indexpage
As user, I want to be able to log in, so I can add my knowledge to the wiki.
This was divided into a few issues:
- Wireframe Loginpage
- HTML Loginpage
- CSS Loginpage
- JS Loginpage
Other issues
There were some other issues we worked on for this iteration. They were related to the startup of the project:
- Creation of the database
- Spring backend setup