HTR Ground truth for Latin medieval manuscripts from the 12th to the 16th century. Transcription is graphematic.
The transcription guidelines are described in a paper available on HAL and published at the Journal for Open Humanities Data. It provides specific details about the selection process, the transcription methods and choices, as well as details about output (mainly the Generic CREMMA Model for Medieval Manuscripts (Latin and Old French) for Kraken)
More details of manuscripts can be found in the data registry files
Shelfmark | Folder | Biblissima | Pages | Type | Century | Color | Script | Content |
Egerton 821 | 🔗 | → | 4 | Medic. | 12 | ✓ | Praegothica | 54v-56r: Sortes sanctorum. f. 56r: A prayer-charm for a wounded animal. ff. 56r: A charm against fever |
Montpellier H318 | 🔗 | → | 5 | Medic. | 12 | ✓ | Semitextualis Libraria | Anonyme, De urinis, Recettes, Constantinus, Libert de coitu, Bartholomeus Salernitanus, Practica |
CCCC MSS 236 | 🔗 | → | 5 | Lit. | 13 | ✓ | Textualis Libraria | Martial, Book 1: pr, 3, 4, 6, 15, 8-10, 13-14, 16, 19-20, 18, 21-25, 28, 33-34, 37, 40, 42-48 |
CLM 13027 | 🔗 | → | 5 | Medic. | 13 | ✓ | Southern Textualis Libraria | Liber minor de Coitu. Galien, De Crisibus |
Latin 16195 | 🔗 | → | 4 | Medic. | 13 | ✗ | Semitextualis Currens | Questiones De Coitu |
† MsWettF 15 | 🔗 | → | 5 | Schol. | 13 | ✓ | Textualis Libraria | Rothwell, Commentarius in libros Sententiarum |
Laur. Plut. 33.31 | 🔗 | 5 | Lit. | 14 | ✓ | Textualis Meridionalis | Priapea, 12-45 | |
Arras 861 | 🔗 | → | 5 | Lit. | 14 | ✓ | Textualis Formata | Seneca, Ad Lucilium, 121-122 |
† BIS 193 | 🔗 | → | 5 | Schol. | 14 | ✓ | Textualis currens | Adam Wodeham, Ordinatio, Liber IV, Quaestio 6. |
Phil., Col. of Phys. 10a 135 | 🔗 | 5 | Medic. | 14 | ✓ | Cursiva recentior | Tractatus de Sterilitate | |
† Mazarine Ms. 915 | 🔗 | → | 4 | Schol. | 14 | ✓ | Textualis Meridionalis | Adam Wodeham, Ordinatio |
‡ UBL, Ms 758 | 🔗 | 15 | Eccl. | 14 | ✓ | Textualis Libraria | In annuntiatione Mariae | |
Latin 6395 | 🔗 | → | 6 | Lit. | 14 | ✗ | Semitextualis Libraria | Seneca, Medea, 284- |
Laur. Plut. 39.34 | 🔗 | 5 | Lit. | 15 | ✓ | Humanistica Cursiva | Priapea, 01-16 | |
† Vat. Pal. Lat. 373 | 🔗 | → | 4 | Schol. | 15 | ✗ | Hybrida Currens | Plaoul, De Fide, Lectio 1-2 |
Laur. Plut. 53.08 | 🔗 | 4 | Gramm. | 15 | ✓ | Personal Humanistica | Donat, In Phormionem Terenti commentum | |
Laur. Plut. 53.09 | 🔗 | 4 | Gramm. | 15 | ✓ | Humanistica Rotunda | Donat, In Phormionem Terenti commentum | |
‡ Berlin, Hdschr. 25 | 🔗 | 17 | Eccl. | 15 | ✓ | Textualis Formata | Book of Hours | |
‡ Berlin, Germ. Oct. 511 | 🔗 | 6 | Eccl. | 15 | ✓ | Hybrida formata | Psalm. 6 | |
Latin 8236 | 🔗 | → | 5 | Lit. | 15 | ✗ | Humanistica Cursiva | Prudentius, 3.1-3.2, 3.16-3.17, 4.4-4.5; Tibullus, 3.7.74-3.7.114, 3.7.199-3.9.3 |
† CCCC MSS 165 | 🔗 | → | 5 | Schol. | 16 | ✓ | Personal Cursive | Peter Abelard, Sic et non |
- For the manuscripts: MsWettF 15, BIS 193, Latin 6395, Vat. Pal. Lat. 373 and CCCC MSS 165, the transcriptions of Sentences Commentary Text Archive (SCTA) Project by Jeffrey C. Witt. In the case of dubia, additional corrections have been made for the faithful reproduction of the abbreviations. The GitHub repository of the project can be found here: and their reading room here:
- For the Faithful Transcriptions Data Set:
- For the Donatus manuscripts: Laurentianus Pluteus 53.08 and 53.09, the edition of HyperDonat by Bruno Bureau & Christian Nicolas has been consulted, preserving, nevertheless, the manuscript lectiones/errors;
- In the same vein, for Latin 16195, the critical edition of Questiones de coitu, for Montpelier H318 and CLM 1302, the critical edition of Liber minor de coitu and for Philadelphia, College of Physicians, 10a 135, the critical edition of the Tractatus de sterilitate by Enrique Montero Cartelle were consulted respectively as reference.
Directory | Line type | Count |
./data/Arras-861 | HeadingLine | 1 |
DefaultLine | 357 | |
./data/BGO-511 | DefaultLine | 56 |
./data/BIS-193 | DefaultLine | 889 |
./data/CCCC-MSS-165 | DefaultLine | 151 |
./data/CCCC-MSS-236 | HeadingLine | 31 |
DefaultLine | 161 | |
./data/CLM13027 | DefaultLine | 616 |
./data/Egerton821 | DefaultLine | 114 |
./data/H318 | DefaultLine | 427 |
./data/Latin16195 | DefaultLine | 449 |
./data/Latin6395 | DefaultLine | 681 |
./data/Latin8236 | HeadingLine | 1 |
DropCapitalLine | 1 | |
DefaultLine | 212 | |
./data/LaurentianusPluteus33.31 | DefaultLine | 204 |
./data/LaurentianusPluteus39.34 | HeadingLine | 15 |
DefaultLine | 120 | |
./data/LaurentianusPluteus53.08 | DefaultLine | 245 |
./data/LaurentianusPluteus53.09 | DefaultLine | 158 |
./data/Mazarine915 | DefaultLine | 528 |
./data/PalLat373 | DefaultLine | 453 |
./data/Phi_10a135 | DefaultLine | 142 |
./data/SBB_PK_Hdschr25 | HeadingLine | 2 |
DefaultLine | 235 | |
./data/UBL758 | HeadingLine | 9 |
DefaultLine | 561 | |
./data/WettF0015 | DefaultLine | 455 |
----- | ----- | ----- |
All | All | 7274 |