This repo exists for historical purposes. A more up-to-date ChatBot can be found on the ITOM Marketplace. ITOM Marketplace
This is a project to enable OMi users to connect OMi to Slack. It contains the source code of a npm package for a Hubot integration. Currently, the integration covers two use cases:
- Automatically posting selected OMi events into Slack channels. Users can work on events via chat commands. E.g. escalating events to a trouble ticket system.
- Starting custom OMi tools from the chat to investigate or correct failure situations.
Note, that is an open source project. Feel free to fork, contribute or submit issues.
The code is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied.
Download and install node and npm version 6.x on the Linux system that should run the OMi bot. Install the hubot generator:
npm install -g yo generator-hubot
Generate a hubot in a directory of your choice. HPE recommends using a non-root directory:
mkdir hubot; cd hubot/
yo hubot --owner="[email protected]" --name="omi" --description="OMi bot" --defaults
Do not use --adapter. Add the required slack adaptper manually in a next steps.
Add hubot-slack the the dependencies in package.json
... ,
"hubot-slack": "git+"
}, ...
Install dependencies:
npm install
Download the
repo on your system, for example into /home/hubot/
Within the hubot
directory, add the OMi hubot NPM package:
npm install /home/hubot/hubot-omi --save
Then add hubot-omi to your external-scripts.json
Configure the OMi bot. Copy the configuration file into your hubot directory
cp ./node_modules/hubot-omi/omi-conf.json .
Edit omi-conf.json
in the hubot
directory. Ensure that you use an OMi user with non-administrative privileges.
"OMiLogin": "chatops_integration_user" ,
"OMiPassword": "chatops_integration_passwd",
"OMiHost": "my.omi.server.fqdn",
"OMiPort": 80,
"OMiContextRoot": "",
"OMiProtocol": "http",
"RunCmdsChannels": ["^hr-infra-ops$", "^Incident[0-9]{3,5}$"],
"ServiceManagerName": "Service_Manager_Connected_Server_Name_in_OMi",
"rejectUnauthorized": true
Event forwarding only mode: Leave OMiLogin
empty ("OMiLogin": ""
), in case you do not want to the bot to perform any operations in OMi.
Reject Unauthorized: Reject SSL connections to OMi if the certificate cannot get authorized.
For proper https configuration, export the OMi Webserver CA Certificate and copy it to the hubot
/opt/HP/BSM/bin/ -export "OMi Webserver CA Certificate" PEM ca-cert.pem
The RunCmdsChannels is optional and you can use it to limit the channels for the run command execution.
Setup event forwarding to your hubot. Create a new External Event Processing connected server in OMi:
• Target Server: The hubot system FQDN or localhost if your hubot runs on your OMi system.
• CI Type: Management system
• Integration type: Call external event web service.
• URL Path: /omibot/general ('general' is the target channel name)
• User Name: admin
• Port: 8080 – the hubot port is set in an environment variable before starting the bot
Additionally, create an event forwarding rule of your choice.
If you haven’t already, add a new Hubot integration to your slack team and name it omi, then save the TOKEN.
In the hubot directory on the hubot system, run the following commands:
export HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN=xoxb-…
export EXPRESS_PORT=8088
HUBOT_LOG_LEVEL=debug SLACK_LOG_LEVEL=debug bin/hubot --name omi --adapter slack
Create a new tool category for ChatOps so that it is simple to give the ChatOps integration user access only to these tools.
The tool parameter must be named ${1} ${2}
etc. E.g. ping -c 3 ${1}
Here is an example for using a ping tool:
Stefan: @omi: omi run ping
omi: Result:
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.98 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.678 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.961 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=1.72 ms
@omi: omi help
Escalate an event to the pre-configured incident manager
Syntax: omi escalate event [short|long event id]
@omi: omi escalate event
@omi: omi escalate event e1dc
@omi: omi escalate event iaa1bde62-e1a4-4676-89b0-0a236fdcb6f8
Run an OMi tool
Syntax: omi run [node] [tool] [parameters]
@omi: omi run db-srv-hr1 df
@omi: omi run batch-srv-hr1 ping db-srv-hr1