This repository contains a pytorch implementation for the latency-critical
neural network optimization method.
An environment.yml has been uploaded for creating a conda environment.
This Cifar 10 dataset will be downloaded automatically by the scripts. And the Imagenet can be downloaded from IMAGENET_2012, and the classes we used are listed in the imagenet100.txt.
cd Cifar10
python -sr --s 0.0001 --dataset cifar10 --arch vgg --depth 19 --our 1 --prune_ratio 0.5 --epochs 160 --save ./logs-vgg
python -sr --s 0.00001 --dataset cifar10 --arch resnet --depth 164 --our 1 --prune_ratio 0.5 --epochs 160 --save ./logs-resnet
python -sr --s 0.00001 --dataset cifar10 --arch densenet --depth 40 --our 1 --prune_ratio 0.5 --epochs 160 --save ./logs-densenet
# Layer pruning
python -sr --s 0.0001 --dataset cifar10 --arch vgg_lp --depth 19 --our 1 --prune_ratio 0.5 --epochs 160 --save ./logs-vgg
python -sr --s 0.00001 --dataset cifar10 --arch resnet_lp --depth 164 --our 1 --prune_ratio 0.5 --epochs 160 --save ./logs-resnet
python -sr --s 0.00001 --dataset cifar10 --arch densenet_lp --depth 40 --our 1 --prune_ratio 0.5 --epochs 160 --save ./logs-densenet
cd ImageNet
python -a vgg19_bn --save ./logs-vgg19bn/ --lr 0.01 -sr --ssr 0.001 ../imagenet_100/ --our 1 --prune_ratio 0.5 --epochs 90 --batch-size 128 --auto
python -a googlenet --save ./logs-googlenet/ --lr 0.1 -sr --ssr 0.0001 ../imagenet_100/ --our 1 --prune_ratio 0.5 --epochs 90 --batch-size 128 --auto
python -a resnet50_new --save ./logs-resnet50new/ --lr 0.1 -sr --ssr 0.0001 ../imagenet_100/ --our 1 --prune_ratio 0.5 --epochs 90 --batch-size 128 --auto
# Layer pruning
python -a vgg19_bnlp --save ./logs-vgg19bn/ --lr 0.01 -sr --ssr 0.001 ../imagenet_100/ --our 1 --prune_ratio 0.5 --epochs 90 --batch-size 128 --auto
python -a googlenetlp --save ./logs-googlenet/ --lr 0.1 -sr --ssr 0.0001 ../imagenet_100/ --our 1 --prune_ratio 0.5 --epochs 90 --batch-size 128 --auto
python -a resnet50_newlp --save ./logs-resnet50new/ --lr 0.1 -sr --ssr 0.0001 ../imagenet_100/ --our 1 --prune_ratio 0.5 --epochs 90 --batch-size 128 --auto
All models that are trained by our method in the paper are publicly accessed at OneDrive. And you only need to add two arguments to the above commands to evaluate these models:
--resume PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT --evaluate
cd LatPredictor
We train a Backpropagation (BP) neural network via Matlab using the script. It will save a .mat file and you can read this .mat file by Python (an example is provided in here).
Export the results from the script into a latency predictor written by Pytorch, which can be used in the training process.
As Tensorflow is widely used in edge GPU, we also support covert our model from PyTorch into Tensorflow frozen .pb file and remove all zeroized weights.
cd Torch2pb
python --torch_model /path/to/torch_checkpoint/ --save /path/to/savevgg19.pb
python --torch_model /path/to/torch_checkpoint/ --save /path/to/savegooglenet.pb
python --torch_model /path/to/torch_checkpoint/ --save /path/to/saveresnet.pb
If you want to use quantization, you can refer to the scripts with _half to generate a quantized model.
The checkpoints saved in Pytorch format still include zeros in the weights, so the models' sizes are not changed. But our Tensorflow convertor will remove all zeros and the models' sizes become smaller.
Please refer to the paper.
Copyright (c) HP-NTU Digital Manufacturing Corporate Lab, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
If you find that ZeroBN helps your research, please consider citing it:
title={ZeroBN: Learning Compact Neural Networks For Latency-Critical Edge Systems},
author={Huai, Shuo and Zhang, Lei and Liu, Di and Liu, Weichen and Subramaniam, Ravi},
booktitle={2021 58th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC)},
title={Latency-constrained DNN architecture learning for edge systems using zerorized batch normalization},
author={Huai, Shuo and Liu, Di and Kong, Hao and Liu, Weichen and Subramaniam, Ravi and Makaya, Christian and Lin, Qian},
journal={Future Generation Computer Systems},
Contributors: Shuo Huai, Lei Zhang, Di Liu, Weichen Liu, Ravi Subramaniam (HP).
If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions please create an issue on github or contact us via email.
Shou Huai <shuo [DOT] huai [AT] ntu [DOT] edu [DOT] sg>
It is a contribution made from the HP-NTU Corp Lab. 2 public mirror repositories for it: HP Inc., ntuliuteam.