Performance does not always come from writing code, sometimes it is about the way you make use of existing code and programs. The philosophy of the unix shell is to create many small programs with orthogonal functionality, then to combine them in many ways to provide different high-level functionality. This philosophy also often allows large amounts of parallelism, which can allow surprisingly good scaling over multiple processors.
The overall goals of this coursework are:
Get experience in using the command line and shell-script, for those who are used to GUI-based programming. This will help with the multi-core, GPU, and AWS programming.
Some (minimal) experience in automating setup. Again, this will help with AWS work.
Understand process pipelines, and how they can improve efficiency and enable parallelism. For lots of data-analysis tasks this an extremely effective way of speeding things up, and avoiding hitting disk.
Look at makefiles as a way of creating dependency graphs, and organising the automation of tasks rather than doing it manually.
Explore the built-in parallelism available in makefiles allowing you to exploit process level parallelism where it is possible to specify dependencies at the process level.
The goal is not to produce ultra-optimised C code (though if you do, and it works, then that is nice too). Also, I make no apologies for making you go through some slightly circuitous steps on the way to the streaming and parallelism bits later on in the exercise.
For some of you this coursework will make you do things you already know how to do, or conflict with the ways that you've done things in personal projects or industry. However, I think most people will learn something useful (?), and it is important to be able to work in this kind of environment because:
We need it to access the remote hardware used later on in the course.
Linux is generally the environment of choice if you are trying to get a lot of compute done.
There is often no GUI in production HPC contexts (whether embedded or super-computer).
Code often needs to be deployable without any user input, as it needs to start up on 100 linux boxes and sort itself out.
Some EEE and MsC students have little or no experience with the concepts of reality of running programs without physically being sat in front of the computer running the program, so this is that. I've talked to a few EEE students after graduation, and quite a few have said that these skills were some of the most important in day-to-day life (both for final-year projects and their work-life).
Multi-core and GPU knowledge is a very useful skill, but sometimes it is easier to set up a job with 1000 tasks, go away for the weekend and forget about it, then come back to all the results. Why spend hours optimising or parallelising code so it runs in an hour, when you can just run lots of copies of the slow version in parallel for a day?
People with experience in posix environments will be able to get through this section very fast.
This coursework should be performed in a posix-like environment, so that could be Linux, OS-X, or Cygwin. Particular things it relies on are:
Bash: There are many shells (the program that provides the interactive command line), and there are some differences in input syntax. This coursework explicitly targets the Bash shell, as it is installed in most systems (even when it isn't the default).
Make: While traditionally used just for building programs, "make" can also be used for the general co-ordination of many programs working together - if you need to run 1000 jobs, each of which has multiple steps, and you want to run them in parallel, it is extremely effective. We will specifically use GNU make.
C++ toolchain: Some of the audio processing will be done with programs compiled by you, so you need a command line toolchain setup. It doesn't really matter if it is gcc, clang, or icc, though if you don't have any strong preference, stick with gcc.
First start a command line terminal -- the exact mechanism depends on your OS. You should now be looking at a command line shell, with some sort of blinking text prompt. The first thing to check is that you are in bash, rather than some other shell. Type the command:
echo $SHELL
This displays the name of the current shell, which
should look something like /bin/bash
. If it says
something different, you'll need to type:
which should then drop you into a bash shell (the prompt may change slightly). If it complains that bash can't be found, then you'll need to use your system's package manager to install it.
You should now be in bash, so next make sure that you
have make
make -v
If it complains that make can't be found, then you'll need to install it using your package manager. If make is listed as anything other than "GNU Make", then you may need to install the GNU version -- however, try following the coursework first, and it may just work ok.
Change to a directory you want to do your work in, then clone the coursework repository:
git clone
Again, if git
isn't found, get it through your package
For this coursework, you must keep things within git, as it forms part of your submission.
The point of this section is to set up a framework for later work in audio processing, and to do that we're going to use two tools:
The aim here is to create a single makefile which
is able to download and build both packages, creating
a known environment no matter what software is
currently installed. This may seem a slightly pointless
task, but being able to replicate an environment by
typing make
and then going away and getting
a coffee can often be useful.
Before automating, you need to build it manually. For lots of open source packages, there are some standard steps for doing this:
Download the tarball.
Extract the sources from the tarball.
Run the "./configure" script, which allows the package to look at your environment and see what is currently installed, and allows the user to specify where the new package will be installed.
Execute "make" to build all the sources and produce the executable.
Do "make install" to install the binaries and documentation.
The process is not completely standardised, but for many packages it looks the same.
We'll use a version of sox that I downloaded from their website,
but which will be hosted locally to avoid us hammering their
website. We'll use curl
to download the source package:
curl -o packages/sox-14.4.1.tar.gz
should be installed on most managed installation,
but if you are using your own cygwin you might need to
installed it. The first argument to is the URL we
want to read from, and -o
is the location it should
be saved to. As with most unix programs, you can use
to find out the arguments it takes (for example
curl --help
), or man
or info
to get more detailed
documentation (man curl
, or info curl
). If they
exist, the info pages are usually more detailed and better structured
(and the man page may just be a stub, though
some tools only have man pages).
Here we are specifying that the file should be downloaded to
the packages
directory. Once curl finishes, do ls packages
to check that you can see the download file there.
Note that this download is a distinct step in the overall build process:
- we depended on nothing,
- then executed the curl command,
- and the output of that command was the tarball.
We now need to extract the contents of the tarball.
To keep things clean, we'll extract the contents to
the directory called build
This will keep things
separated, so that if necessary (e.g. to save space), we can
delete the contents of build
without losing anything.
You should still be at the base directory, but that is not
where we want to extract. Do cd build
to get into the
build directory. The general command to extract things
is tar -xzf some-file
, where some-file
is the path to a
tarball you want to extract. The -xzf
option specifies
what you want to do:
means eXtract;z
means the tarball is compressed with gzip;f
means that we are specifying the input tarball using a File path.
The tarball is still in the packages directory, so we'll need to specify a relative path. You may wish to do:
ls ..
ls ../packages
ls ../packages/sox-14.4.1.tar.gz
just to check you know where you are pointing. Knowing
that the relative path from the build
directory is ../packages/sox-14.4.1.tar.gz
we can now extract the files using:
tar -xzf ../packages/sox-14.4.1.tar.gz
This will extract a number of files and directories in
the current (i.e. build
) directory. Change directory
into the new sox-14.4.1
, and have a look around.
In particular, note that there is a file called configure
which will be what we use next.
This step is now complete, and again we can summarise the step in terms of inputs, commands, and outputs:
- the input is the tarball;
- the command is
; - and the output is the extracted files, and a specific output
is the file called
The source files for sox are designed to work on multiple unix-like
platforms, but to achieve this they have to enable and disable
certain features, or specify different #define
s at
compile time. A commonly used approach is to use
GNU Autotools,
which attempts to make this "easy", and is reasonably portable
(Although nobody really thinks that autotools are good - they just mostly work and everything else is worse. They are the democracy of build systems. See for example Poul-Henning Kamp's commentary.)
The configure
file produced by the previous stage is actually
a program that we need to run. Make sure that you are in
the build/sox-14.4.1
directory, and do:
./configure --help
This will show you all the options that you can pass when configuring the package, so there are lots of options affecting what gets included or excluded, and multiple flags that can be passed in.
The only flag that we need to worry about is --prefix
, which
tells configure
where it should install the binaries. By default
it will install it in a system-wide location, often /bin
or /local/bin
However, we are trying to create a local environment that we
control, rather than modifying the entire systems. On many systems
you also won't be allowed to write to the system-wide directories
(certainly in college, and often in an industrial context), so
it is critical that you make sure it installs it in a place you control.
We're going to specify the installation directory as local
in your base directory. From where you are you should be
able to do:
ls ../../local
to check the relative path from where you are, and can then do:
./configure --prefix=../../local
Well, except... it won't (at least on systems I tried). The error message should tell you what the problem is, and to solve it you can use the following:
- The
command prints the current directory. - Enclosing a command
captures the output of that command. - The syntax $X retrieves the value of a shell variable
(yes, I know, it makes no sense that
tries to run a program calledX
, and$X
gets the value of the variableX
). - You can concatenate strings in the shell by putting variables next to strings.
So for example:
X=$( pwd );
echo $X
captures the output of pwd
into the shell
variable X, then prints the value of X using echo.
Combining that with string concatenation, you can do:
X=$( pwd );
echo "$X/../../local"
which should now print your current directory followed
by the relative path to local. However, because it starts
with /
, this is now an absolute path, despite
the ..
components later on.
Collapsing the two steps, you can do:
echo "$(pwd)/../../local"
to combine the two.
Note: see issue 4 for a discussion about the $(.) syntax in makefiles.
This leads us to a (rather hacky, but portable) solution that works on both the command line and in a makefile:
./configure --prefix="`pwd`/../../local"
or a slightly nicer version that only works in the makefile is:
./configure --prefix="$$(pwd)/../../local"
the second version uses $$
, which is escaped to a single $
the makefile, and so is seen the same as the original by the
underlying shell.
Note: I'm a bit wary about hacking these instructions as I go, as I haven't regression tested them, so please respond in issue 4 if this step doesn't work.
Note: @SzeKiatTan suggested another good method,
which is to use the CURDIR
variable provided by GNU make:
./configure --prefix="$(CURDIR)/../../local"
You should now see huge amounts of configuration messages go past as it works out what your system looks like.
(It is possible that it may find some errors, for example a missing library. Some of those can be fixed easily with your package manager, but if you find uncorrectable errors, switch to a controlled environment like Cygwin. Building the environment should not involve any debugging or difficulty, so don't get caught up trying to debug problems. If you come across any problems, raise an issue, and either I or someone else might be able to help. Don't forget to include actionable information though. )
Once configuration has finished, a new file called Makefile
will have appeared, which is the input to the next stage.
Again, notice the pattern:
- the required input is the configure file;
- the action is to run that configure file;
- the output is the Makefile.
We now have a makefile, which contains the list of all files which must be built, as well as the order in which they have to be built. So for example, an object file must be built before a library containing it can be linked. However, for now we can just run the file:
You'll now (hopefully) see a mass of compilation messages going past. To start with, there will be lots of individual C files being compiled, then you'll start to see some linking of libraries and executables. Once this process is finished, the whole thing should be compiled. If you do:
ls -la src/sox
then you should be able to see the sox executable, and if you want you can run it with:
but, it is not yet in the location where we want it installed.
(Again, there should not be any compilation errors once make starts -- if anything strange happens at this stage, you may wish to switch to a clean cygwin install.)
Laboring the pedagogical point, in this stage:
- the input file was the Makefile;
- the action was calling make;
- and the output is the executable.
At this point we can start to exploit the parallelism of make. Do:
make clean
This is the convention for getting a makefile to remove everything it has built, but only the things it has built - all source files will be untouched. You'll see that all the object files have disappeared (what a waste!).
Now do:
make -j 4
You should see a similar set of compilation messages go past, but you'll see them go by faster, and if you look at a process monitor, you'll see multiple compilation tasks happening at once. If you have 4 or less CPU cores, you'll see most of the cores active most of the time, while if you have more than 4 cores then the cores will all be active but not running at 100%.
This type of process-level parallelism is extremely useful because:
The parallelism is declarative rather than explicit: internally the makefile does not describe what should execute in parallel, instead it specifies a whole bunch of tasks to perform, and any dependencies between those tasks.
It is very safe: there is usually no chance of deadlocks or race conditions.
It allows you to take existing sequential programs with no support for multi-core and scale them over multiple CPUS, without needing to rewrite them.
There are limitations to this approach, but if a make
-like solution
to describing parallelism can be used, it is usually very efficient
in terms of programmer time, and fairly efficient at exploiting
multiple cores (I have met people who do what would normally be
called super-computing using make
, executing peta-flops with
one make command).
The final step here is to install the binary to its target
location, in our case the local
directory. To install,
just do:
make install
You'll see various things being copied, and a few other commands
being run. If you see errors about not being able to write to
a directory, check that you specified the --prefix
flag to
earlier on.
The installation directory is local
, so if you do:
ls ../../local/
You'll see that you have a shiny new local/bin
, local/include
, and
so on created, and hopefully if you do:
ls ../../local/bin
You'll see the sox
binary there.
So, for this process:
- the input is the
binary in thebuild
dir; - the action is
make install
; - and the output is the
binary in thelocal/bin
If you return to the base folder, you can now run sox
as local/bin/sox
Sox is able to play audio, but by default is not able to handle things like mp3s. We'll use lame for these purposes, so we'll also need to follow the same steps.
The version of lame we'll use is lame-3.99.5, and it is available at:
The steps you should follow will be exactly the same as for sox
, but
you'll need to change the various names from sox
to lame
as you
go through.
Note: you may encounter build errors duing the build for specific versions of gcc. If you see build errors, try using the command:
./configure --prefix="$(pwd)/../../local" CPPFLAGS=-march=native
The extra flags tell the gcc compiler to target whatever processor the compiler is being run on. For most platforms this is not needed, but it should cause no harm.
Congratulations! You should now have both lame and sox installed
in local/bin
, so whenever anyone says you are not allowed to
install things, you can point out that if you have a
compiler, you can do anything you want. We'll now do some
(not very impressive) parallel processing.
From your base directory, execute this (it is all one command, you can copy and paste it in):
curl \
| local/bin/lame - --mp3input --decode - \
| local/bin/sox - -d
The source mp3 is Creative Commons, I believe.
Be careful about the ends of lines in these commands, as it is easy to accidentally send binary files to the terminal. If that happens, you'll get a screen of weird characters, and your terminal might lockup. If that happens, just kill the terminal and open another one.
Note: On some platforms sox will build happily, but then refuse
to play to the audio device due to the system setup. If you are using
cygwin (32 or 64 bit), and on many linuxes, everything be fine. If you are
using your own linux, then you can install libasound2-dev
to get audio support. If you can't get it to play live audio at
all, then don't worry. As long as sox
builds it is fine.
Note (updated): There seem to be a lot of problems on modern stock
Ubuntu, which means that /dev/dsp
can't be opened. There are also
some suggestions from @raymond-williams on getting it working in Ubuntu.
But if you can't get audio working, it is fine to redirect to an mp3
or wav and play it normally. As long as sox builds, you'll pass the
The three commands correspond to three stages in a parallel processing pipeline:
Curl is downloading a file over http, and sending it to stdout.
Lame is reading data from its stdin (
), treating that input data as mp3 (--mp3input
) and decoding it to wav (--decode
), then sending it to stdout (second-
). -
Sox is reading a wav over its stdin (
), and sending it to the audio output device (-d
If you look at a process monitor while it is playing (e.g. taskmgr in windows,
or top
in unix), then you'll see that all three processes are active
at the same time. However, the processing requirements are very small.
If you instead try:
curl \
| local/bin/lame - --mp3input --decode - \
| local/bin/lame - - \
> tmp/dump.mp3
then here we are decoding, then re-encoding (i.e. transcoding). Because
we are writing to a file (> tmp/dump.mp3
), there are no limits on
playback speeds, so all processes run as fast as they can. In this
case you'll find either that the curl process is the limit (if you
have slow internet), or more likely that the second lame process
starts taking up 100% of CPU. The first lame process will probably
take a much smaller, but still noticeable amount of CPU time.
To emphasise this effect, do the following:
curl \
| local/bin/lame --mp3input --decode - - \
| local/bin/lame - - \
| local/bin/lame --mp3input --decode - - \
| local/bin/lame - - \
> tmp/dump.mp3
This is now completely pointless, but if you run it, you will probably see that two of the lame processes are now taking up an entire CPU each. So by connecting streaming processes in this way, we are enabling multiple cores to work together on the same problem.
You've now built two tools, but there were quite a few steps involved. If you now wanted to do the same experiment on a different machine, you'd have to go through each of the manual processes again. Here we're going to build a makefile which will automate this process.
Note: This automation and the makefile is part of the submission - my tests will initially get your submission to build its environment, before running your code.
We're going to do this by creating a makefile, similar to the
makefile you used to build sox and lame, but much simpler. Note
that there is a lot of documentation available for make, either
on the GNU website,
or by typing info make
Makefiles primarily consist of rules, with each rule describing
how to create some target file. For example, we want our build
system to eventually create the target executable local/bin/sox
Each rule consists of three parts:
target: The name of the target file (or files) that the rule can build - the intended 'output' of the rule
dependencies Zero or more files which must already exist before the rule can execute.
commands Zero or more shell commands (or actions) to execute in order to build the target.
The general format of a rule is:
target : dependencies
Be aware that the space before the command must be a single tab, not multiple spaces. The makefile will contain multiple rules, each of which describes one step in the process.
In the case of building sox, we used the following rules:
Stage | target | dependencies | command | directory |
Download | packages/sox-14.4.1.tar.gz | curl url -o dest | ||
Unpack | build/sox-14.4.1/configure | packages/sox-14.4.1.tar.gz | tar | build |
Configure | build/sox-14.4.1/Makefile | build/sox-14.4.1/configure | configure | build/sox-14.4.1 |
Build | build/sox-14.4.1/src/sox | build/sox-14.4.1/Makefile | make | build/sox-14.4.1 |
Install | local/bin/sox | build/sox-14.4.1/src/sox | make install | build/sox-14.4.1 |
So each of these corresponds to each of the stages you performed manually (you'll notice I deliberately pointed out the target, commands, and dependencies at the end of each stage). I've also included the directory we were in when the command was executed, as we were occasionally using relative paths.
Your makefile is going to replicate the steps you performed to install sox and lame, so first you need to delete everything you did manually. So delete:
- The tarballs from
. - The two build directories from
. - All the directories from
You should now be back to just what came out of the original coursework tarball.
In the base directory of your project, create a text file called makefile
This should have no extension: windows may secretly add a .txt
on the
end, and lord knows what MacOS does, but you need it to have no extension.
You can check it by doing ls
to see what the real filename is.
If some sort of extension has been added, just rename it, .e.g:
mv makefile.txt makefile
Open the text file in a text editor, and add the variable and rule:
packages/sox-14.4.1.tar.gz :
curl $(SRC_URL)/sox-14.4.1.tar.gz -o packages/sox-14.4.1.tar.gz
This first defines a convenience variable called SRC_URL
, which
describes the web address, and then defines the actual rule:
- the target is
; - there are no dependencies (as it comes from the network);
- and the command just executes curl.
Where the variable SRC_URL
is referenced using $(SRC_URL)
it will expand into the full path.
Note-1: the white-space before curl
is a tab character. Do not use
four spaces, or it won't work.
Note-2: if you are in windows (cygwin), you need to make sure you use unix line-endings in your makefile. If necessary, force your text editor to use that mode.
If you go back to your command line (with the same directory as the makefile), and execute:
make packages/sox-14.4.1.tar.gz
it should execute the rule, and download the package. The argument to make
specifies the
target you want to build, and it will execute any rules necessary in order to build that
So now the makefile can download, and we need to unpack the file. Add this rule to the end of the makefile:
build/sox-14.4.1/configure : packages/sox-14.4.1.tar.gz
cd build && tar -xzf ../packages/sox-14.4.1.tar.gz
Make sure there is an empty line between this rule, and the previous rule.
This tells make how to build the configure target, so you can now do:
make build/sox-14.4.1/configure
Note that make
does not re-execute the download rule, it only executes
the tar rule. This is because if a file already exists, then
it won't bother to re-execute the rule that produced it.
For the rule's command, we used:
cd build && tar -xzf ../packages/sox-14.4.1.tar.gz
Originally we performed the command from within the build
directory, so to use the same tar command we first enter the
correct directory and then ('&&') execute the tar command.
Changing directories within a command only affects that
particular command - any further commands will execute
from the original working directory.
You can now follow the same process for the rest of the stages, adding a rule to the makefile for each.
Two of the stages involve calling another makefile from within make - this is perfectly valid, but in order to allow things like parallel make to work well, we need to use the convention for recursive make. So where you would naturally write the command as:
build/sox-14.4.1/src/sox : build/sox-14.4.1/Makefile
cd build/sox-14.4.1 && make
instead write it as:
build/sox-14.4.1/src/sox : build/sox-14.4.1/Makefile
cd build/sox-14.4.1 && $(MAKE)
Once you have added all the rules, doing:
make local/bin/sox
should result in all the sox build and install stages running. However, they will only run if necessary -- if you run the same command again, nothing will happen, because the target already exists.
The same steps can be followed to add the commands to build lame to the same makefile -- simply add the equivalent rules after the rules for sox. You should mostly be able to copy and paste the rules, then modify where necessary to work with lame (There are ways to templatise things like this, but we won't go into them here.)
We'd also like an easy way to tell make to build all the tools we need, so the final thing we'll do is create a dummy target called ''tools''. Add the following line to the end of your makefile:
tools : local/bin/sox local/bin/lame
This is a dummy rule, because it has no commands, so the
target is considered to exist as long as both
sox and lame have been built. You can then type:
make tools
and it will check that both tools have been built, and if necessary perform the steps to build them.
We now have an automated build system for getting and downloading the tools. As a final test, clean the environment as before (making sure not to delete your makefile), then do:
make -j 4 tools
This should download and build all the tools, and as a bonus you should see the compilation of both lame and sox proceeding in parallel. Some of the output will be messed up, because concurrent tasks are writing to the terminal, but the resulting files will be ok.
Note-1: The test tools for submissions will make tools
as the first step, so do make sure it works from a clean start.
Note-2: These makefiles will look essentially identical, so don't worry about us thinking you have plagiarised.
Once you are satisfied that this part works, commit
your work to your local git repository. This consists
of two stages:
Staging: use the
git add
command to tell git that your want to add, or "stage", a file for the next commit. -
Committing: use the
git commit
command to tell git that you want to record all the currently staged changes.
I reccomend using a GUI (see the other notes about git), which will make the process easier, and allows you to combine the two steps.
So in this case, you need to add
your makefile
then commit
it. It is generally a good idea to commit
whenever you get something working, but I particularly
want you to commit here.
The final thing I want you to do is to tag the repository with the tag "done_A". This is to capture the state of the repository at this point, so that you can always get back here.
On the command line you can use git tag -a done_A
or again, the GUIs make it much easier.
This section will play around with the concept of pipeline parallelism and streaming, all in the context of streaming audio.
We'll be working in the directory audio
, and will rely
on the two tools built in the previous section having already
been built. We will be using C rather than C++, but feel free
to use C99 constructs.
First we'll define some helper scripts to reduce typing. In
the audio directory, create a text file called
and enter the following text:
curl $1 | ../local/bin/lame --mp3input --decode - -
The $1
represents the first command line argument to
, and the |
(pipe) is saying that the
output stream of curl should be sent to the input stream
of lame. The output stream of lame will end up being the
output stream of the overall command.
Create another file called
, and give it the contents:
../local/bin/sox - -d
This sox command will play audio coming in over its input stream,
and it will inherit its input from the overall
Save both files, and as before, be very careful about line endings on windows.
If weird things are happening, try doing cat -v
and check that there aren't any special characters at the end of the line.
We will now mark these scripts as executable, so that they can be used as programs:
chmod u+x
This command modifies the permissions for the user (u
adding (+
) the execute (x
) permission. If you do a ls -la
you should now see the files have the x
attribute (on cygwin,
you may find everything has the x
Now, with audio
as your current directory, do:
./ \
| ./
This is equivalent to the streaming playback we set up in the previous section, but we have hidden the details of the command line arguments. By wrapping them up in little scripts, we have hidden the details, but can still connect them together via their stdin (input stream) and stdout (output stream).
To let you record to an mp3 (useful if you can play via sox, or you
are getting sick of Beethoven), you can create another file
, containing:
../local/bin/lame -r -s 44.1 --signed --bitwidth 16 - $1
This will then let you do commands such as:
./ \
| ./ tmp.mp3
which would record to tmp.mp3 rather than playing the audio. You should be able to kill it and listen to the partial mp3, rather than going all the way through.
Streaming from an URL is wasting bandwidth, so download the mp3 by doing:
curl \
> bn9th_m4.mp3
So we're downloading the file as before, but redirecting the output to
a local file. This performs the same function as using
the -o
option you used to get the coursework spec. You
can check that the local file is a valid mp3 by playing
it in a normal mp3 player.
(From this point on, feel free to substitute any mp3s while testing the graphs, or turn the volume down, as otherwise it gets very boring when you're debugging. You will be explicitly told if you need to work with a particular mp3, or actually listen to the output.)
Create a new script file called
, and give it the body:
../local/bin/lame --mp3input --decode $1 -
You should now be able to do:
./ bn9th_m4.mp3 | ./
Here we have kept the same sink (
), but we
are using a different source which reads from a file rather
than an url. This ability to swap in and out parts of the
chain is one of the great strengths of the unix pipe
If we want to look at the speed of decoding, without being constrained to the actual playback speed (the audio sink will only accept samples at normal audio frequency), we can redirect the output to a file. However, if we are only interested in processing speed, we might as well avoid writing to a real file, so there is no chance that disk speed will slow us down. For this we can use /dev/null, which is a special file which throws away anything written to it.
To time the command, we can use... time
. This
takes as an argument the command to execute, then says how
long it took.
time ( ./ bn9th_m4.mp3 > /dev/null )
you'll notice that the CPU usage shoots up to 100% (at least on one CPU), and it will probably decode the file in a few seconds.
The default output for lame when decoding is a wav file, containing the raw data from the stream. For example, if you do:
./ bn9th_m4.mp3 > ../tmp/dump.wav
then you should be able to play the resulting wav in a standard media player.
The media player can do this because wav files contain meta-data, as well as the raw sound samples. So the header describes things like the sampling rate, the number of channels, the bits per sample, and the endian-ness. We don't want to bother with the header, so for the rest of this coursework, whenever we pass audio data around it will be:
- Dual channel (stereo).
- 16 bits per sample; signed; little-endian.
- 44.1 KHz.
By default lame will add a wav header, so we need to get rid of that. Sox is also expecting a wav header so it knows what kind of data it is, so we'll need to manually specify that instead.
If you look at the documentation for lame, it specifies the -t
to get raw output, so update both
to pass that flag to lame.
The documentation for sox details multiple settings which can be used
to specify the input file configuration, you can find it by looking for "Input & Output File Format Options".
First note that the settings can be applied to either the input or output stream of sox, depending on
which filename it appears before. In this case we want to specify what the format
of the input stream is, so in
insert the flag -t raw
before the
hyphen representing stdin, along with options to specify the format of the audio
data as described above.
Now try running the same streaming command as before:
./ bn9th_m4.mp3 | ./
If all has gone well, the data streaming between them will now be raw binary, rather than a wav file, but the effect should be exactly the same. If it sounds weird or distorted, double check that you have set the correct format on both side.
While you are modifying settings, you may notice that both lame and sox
produce quite a lot of diagnostic information as they run. You may wish
to suppress this in your scripts, using --silent
options, respectively.
Now we'll now finally start adding our own stuff to the pipeline. You
will find a file in audio
called passthrough.c
. Compile it by
make passthrough
Note that even though we don't have a makefile in the directory, make
has some default rules
for common processes. In this case, make knows how to turn a file called
into an executable called XXXX
Insert your new filter into the chain:
./ bn9th_m4.mp3 | ./passthrough | ./
If all goes well it should sound the same.
However, if you look at the processes in a process manager, you'll most
likely see that passthrough
is taking up a lot of CPU time, probably
more than lame and sox (though it varies between systems). To make this
effect clearer, use the same approach as before to remove the speed limitations:
./ bn9th_m4.mp3 | ./passthrough > /dev/null
Depending on your system, you may now see that passthrough
is taking
up one entire CPU core, while lame is taking less CPU time. At the
very least, passthrough
will be using a lot of CPU to do not very much.
One possible problem is that we are compiling it with no optimisations.
Create a makefile in the audio
directory, and add the statements:
CPPFLAGS += -O2 -Wall
LDLIBS += -lm
here we are adding three flags that will be passed to the C compiler:
turns on compiler optimisations; -Wall
warnings (generally a useful thing to have for later stages); and
tells it to link to the maths library. If you wish, you could
also add -std=c99
to the flags, if you want to use C99 constructs.
Now build it again with:
make passthrough
You will likely find that nothing happened, because from make's point of
view the target passthrough
(i.e. the executable) already exists, and
has a more recent timestamp than passthrough.c
. You have two ways to force it to
do the make:
Modify the source file
, i.e. make sure the file's modification date is updated to now (which will be more recent than the executable). You could do that by simply modifying and saving the C file, or by using thetouch
command. -
Pass the
flag to make, in order to force it to ignore timestamps and build everything. So you could domake -B passthrough
If you run the optimised version, you'll still find much the same problem,
with passthrough
being very slow (at least for the amount of work being done).
The problem here is excessive communication per computation. Passthrough is
pretty much all communication: all it does is read from one pipe and write
to another. The problem is in the fixed-costs versus per-byte costs: there
is quite a lot of OS overhead to call read
and write
so for very small transfers the per-byte cost is dwarfed by the cost of
setting up the transfer. This is very similar to the argument we used for
vectorisation, where the scheduling cost (i.e. doing a read) is high, while
the calculation cost (actually getting each byte) is relatively cheap.
The solution is that instead of reading just one time sample (i.e. four bytes), each call to read and write should move multiple samples, using a larger buffer.
Task: Modify passthrough so that instead of processing 1 time sample (4 bytes), it processes n samples (n*4 bytes). If the executable is given no arguments, it should use a default of 512 samples. If a positive integer is passed to passthrough, then that should be the number of samples used to buffer.
Note: for larger n you will find that the last batch of samples is smaller than you requested, causing a warning. This is fine as long as it happens at the end of the stream: if you are reading in 64 sample chunks, and there are 1000 samples in total, the final chunk cannot contain 64 samples.
You can explore the effect of batch size on performance by
looking at bandwidth using raw data. We've seen /dev/null
as a pure "black-hole" sink, but we can also use /dev/zero
as a
"white-hole" source - it contains an infinite stream of
zeros. Because the stream is inifinite, if you do:
cat /dev/zero | ./passthrough 16 > /dev/null
it will spin forever (you can kill it with ctrl-c). The
command can be used to return the first few lines
of a stream, but we can also use it to return the first N
bytes of a stream using head -n N
. So if we do:
time cat /dev/zero | head -c 1024000 | ./passthrough > /dev/null
it will estimate the time take to process a million bytes.
We would like to know how the execution time scales with n, so we could do:
time cat /dev/zero | head -c 1024000 | ./passthrough 1 > /dev/null
time cat /dev/zero | head -c 1024000 | ./passthrough 4 > /dev/null
time cat /dev/zero | head -c 1024000 | ./passthrough 16 > /dev/null
but that involves a lot of copying and pasting, and is error prone. Wherever possible we want to generate timings automatically, and with good coverage of the space.
Bash has a for loop built in, which you can use from the shell. For example:
X="1 2 3 4 A B C D"; # Create a list of things to process
for val in $X; do # Loop over the list
echo $val; # Print each item
We can use that to quickly evaluate the scaling of the program:
NS="1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024"; # What to measure over
for n in $NS; do
echo $n;
/usr/bin/time -f %e cat /dev/zero | head -c 1024000 | ./passthrough $n > /dev/null
Note: unfortunately there is not complete agreement on what
command should be used to time things. Bash has a shell built-in
called time
, but there is often an actual program called
which has more output options. The key idea
we're trying to explore is that you can automate the timing
runs, and also automatically collect the data in a form that you
can analyse and graph. If you can't get your time
to support the -f %e
switch, don't worry too much.
From here it is possible to see how we are approaching your function timer from the matlab exercise. Instead of passing functions to functions, we are passing programs to programs.
Task: Write a C program called print_audio.c
, which reads
audio data from stdin, and then prints it as output to stdout
as comma-seperated-value lines containing:
- The sample index (first sample is at time zero).
- The effective time of the sample (first sample is at time zero).
- The left channel in decimal (remember it is signed 16-bit).
- The right channel in decimal
For example:
cat 200hz.raw | head -c 64 | ./print_audio
Should produce the output:
0, 0.000000, 0, 0
1, 0.000023, 854, 854
2, 0.000045, 1708, 1708
3, 0.000068, 2561, 2561
4, 0.000091, 3412, 3412
5, 0.000113, 4259, 4259
6, 0.000136, 5104, 5104
7, 0.000159, 5944, 5944
8, 0.000181, 6779, 6779
9, 0.000204, 7609, 7609
10, 0.000227, 8433, 8433
11, 0.000249, 9250, 9250
12, 0.000272, 10059, 10059
13, 0.000295, 10860, 10860
14, 0.000317, 11653, 11653
15, 0.000340, 12435, 12435
The exact number of output digits for the "time" column is not that important, but it should show enough digits that it is possible to see the time changing.
Note that the lines can be read as:
0, 0/44100, sin(0 * 1/44100 * 200 * 2*pi)*30000, sin(0 * 1/44100 * 200 * 2*pi)*30000
1, 1/44100, sin(1 * 1/44100 * 200 * 2*pi)*30000, sin(1 * 1/44100 * 200 * 2*pi)*30000
2, 2/44100, sin(2 * 1/44100 * 200 * 2*pi)*30000, sin(2 * 1/44100 * 200 * 2*pi)*30000
This task is intentionally easy; experience suggests that people won't create debugging tools unless they are forced too.
Task: Write a C program called signal_generator.c
which can synthesise sine waves
of a given frequency (I would suggest copying and modifying passthrough.c
). This
program should have one argument, which is a floating-point
number giving the desired frequency (f
). If there is no argument, then the
default frequency should be 200hz. The generator should use a batch size of
512 stereo samples, i.e. each time it writes to stdout it will write 2048 bytes.
If we consider the very first sample output to have time t
=0, then at
time t
both left and right output should have the value:
30000 sin ( t * 2 * PI * f)
rounded to 16 bit. An example segment is given in 200hz.raw
There should be no "glitching" in the output - the end
of one set of 512 samples should blend smoothly into the
If you pipe the output of your signal generator to
, then
you should hear a sine wave. It will get annoying quickly.
A tool you may find useful in debugging is diff
, which lets
you compare two files for differences. The --binary
will treat them as binary streams (which is what you want).
Task: Write a C program called audio/merge.c
, which takes two input streams, specified
as files on the command-line, and merges them to a single output stream which is
sent to stdout. The merging function should take an equally weighted blend
from both streams, so if you supply the same input for both arguments, you'll end up
with the same thing back. Unlike before, you'll actually have to open the
two input files, rather than just using stdin. Use a batch size of 512 samples
(2048 bytes) again.
In order to test this program, you'll need two raw files. You can generate them just as:
./signal_generator 1000 > ../tmp/sine1000.raw
./signal_generator 2000 > ../tmp/sine2000.raw
For each command, let it run for a couple of seconds, then kill it with ctrl-c.
You can now test your program merge
, by doing:
./merge ../tmp/sine1000.raw ../tmp/sine2000.raw \
| ./
Going via temporary files means that data is forced onto disk (or at least to disk cache), but really we'd prefer things to stay in memory. One way of doing this is to use another feature of bash called input redirection. Do the command:
./merge <(./signal_generator 1000) <(./signal_generator 2000) \
| ./
This process can actually be nested, so for example, you could write:
./merge \
<(./merge \
<(./ bn9th_m4.mp3) \
<(./merge <(./signal_generator 600) <(./signal_generator 700)) \
) \
<(./merge \
<(./merge <(./signal_generator 800) <(./signal_generator 900)) \
<(./merge <(./signal_generator 1000) <(./signal_generator 100)) \
) \
| ./
This sounds terrible, and looks terrible, but you could hide it in a script. What is important is that you have connected these sequential programs into a single parallel processing graph. There are no intermediate files, so it can keep going for ever.
The effect of this is more obvious if you redirect the output to /dev/null
./merge \
<(./merge \
<(./ bn9th_m4.mp3) \
<(./merge <(./signal_generator 600) <(./signal_generator 700)) \
) \
<(./merge \
<(./merge <(./signal_generator 800) <(./signal_generator 900)) \
<(./merge <(./signal_generator 1000) <(./signal_generator 100)) \
) \
> /dev/null
The CPU usage should shoot up, and on my 8-core desktop I get about 6 of the cores fully utilised.
So to re-iterate: you have created a parallel processing pipeline, which does not touch disk, and can be reconfigured without any compilation.
The final function we'll add is discrete time FIR filtering. FIRs are examples of useful but time consuming filters that need to be applied in real-time streaming systems, but bear in mind I'm not a DSP expert -- feel free to laugh at the naivete of my coefficients.
We can represent one channel of our discrete-time input audio as
the sequence x_1,x_2,...
and we'll filter it with a k-tap FIR filter.
The filter has k real coefficients, c_0,..c_{k-1}
, and the output sequence
,... is defined as:
x'_i = \sum_{j=0}^{k-1} x_{i-j} c_{j}
In the audio/coeffs
directory you'll find a number of coefficient sets
for notch filters, with filenames of the form fXXX.csv
, where XXXX is the
centre frequency. Different filters have different orders.
Task: Write a program called audio\fir_filter.c
that takes as an
argument a filename specifying the FIR coefficients, which will apply the
FIR filter to each channel of the data coming from stdin, and write the
transformed signal to stdout. All internal calculations should be in
double-precision, but input and output should be in stereo 16 bit as normal.
So for example, if you write:
./merge <(./ bn9th_m4.mp3) <(./signal_generator 800) \
| ./
you'll get audio mixed with a sine wave, but if you do:
./merge <(./ bn9th_m4.mp3) <(./signal_generator 800) \
| ./fir_filter coeffs/f800.csv \
| ./
then hopefully most of the sine-wave disappears. If you double up the filter:
./merge <(./ bn9th_m4.mp3) <(./signal_generator 800) \
| ./fir_filter coeffs/f800.csv \
| ./fir_filter coeffs/f800.csv \
| ./
then it should be completely gone.
Note: I would think most machines could handle this FIR filter on two CPUs, but if it becomes choppy, check whether your CPUs are overloaded, i.e. both fir_filter processes are permanently at 100% CPU.
Note that I'm not looking for bit-exact results here -- I've deliberately left things ambiguous enough to give you some freedom of implementation (e.g. things like buffering), so don't worry if you get slightly different results as me. As long as the effect is correct from a signal processing point of view (i.e. does the 800Hz signal get attenuated?), then my tools will detect that. I won't required exact per sample matches.
We're now going to benchmark two different ways of using our FIRs: first by using intermediate files, then by using direct streaming.
Task: Create a script called audio/
, which takes an audio
stream as input, mixes it with sine waves, and produces an output. This script
should be streaming, i.e. it can run forever as long as it keeps getting input.
The ratios should be:
Source | Weight |
Input | 25% |
500hz | 12.5% |
600hz | 12.5% |
800hz | 12.5% |
1000hz | 12.5% |
1200hz | 12.5% |
1400hz | 12.5% |
Hint: This script could look very similar to the merge script we
saw before, which merged together multiple sin waves with a signal
from an mp3 and send it to the audio device. In this case, we want
the input to come from the stdin of the script, and the output to
go to the stdout. To get the stdin of the script, you can try
"grabbing" it using <(cat -)
, which gives you a stream
containing stdin that you can pass in place of the mp3 stream.
Task: Create a file called
. This should
take an audio stream from stdin, and produce on stdout
another stream that has had applied a notch filter at
500, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, and 1400 hz (using the
f500,f600,...,f1400, coefficient files provided). This
script should not use any intermediate files.
Hint: this can be a pretty simple pipeline of fir filters, each connected to the next, with the first one taking the stdin of the script, and the last one producing the stdout.
Task: Create another file called
. This will do exactly
the same job as
, except each stage will read input from
a named file, and write to a named file. We may wish to call this script
in parallel with itself, so try be careful about what the intermediate named files
are called.
A useful pattern within the script may be to use mktemp, so for example:
T1=$(mktemp ../tmp/XXXXXXXX);
./ bn9th_m4.mp3 > $T1;
cat $T1 | ./
will create temporary file and store the name in variable T1, then decode the entire file to T1, then send it to the audio sink.
Hint: your script could start with something like:
T1=`mktemp ../tmp/XXXXXXX`;
./fir_filter coeffs/f500.csv > $T1;
T2=`mktemp ../tmp/XXXXXXX`;
cat $T1 | ./fir_filter coeffs/f600.csv > $T2;
where the first filter is taking stdin from the script's stdin, and the next one reads it from the temporary file identified by T1.
Once you have written these three scripts, you can then try to work out how much time is saved by avoiding disk, by doing:
time (./ bn9th_m4.mp3 | ./ | ./ > /dev/null )
time (./ bn9th_m4.mp3 | ./ | ./ > /dev/null )
You may want to use a short mp3 file, unless your FIR is blazingly fast.
Exact results will vary with your system, but what you'll probably see is that in the direct case, all six fir filters are working together. If you've got two CPUs, both should be at 100%; for four CPUs there is enough work to occupy all of them; and for eight CPUs, you'll see some of the fir_filters with more taps working flat-out, while some of the filters with fewer taps are operating a little under load.
In the staged case, which may appear the more natural approach if you have a bunch of discrete tools to use together, each of the stages in turn will occupy 100% of just one CPU. As only one thing is being done at once, you lose the ability to exploit the extra cores, and on my eight-core desktop it takes just over six times longer than the streaming method.
Task: Add the following to the end of ./audio/makefile
filters : merge fir_filter passthrough signal_generator
This will allow users to go into the audio
directory and
type make filters
, and all your files will be updated. Also
add the following to the end of ../makefile
filters :
cd audio && $(MAKE)
all : tools filters
which means that from the base directory you can can type:
make all
and it will build all the tools and all the audio filters
(and if you do make -j 4 all
it will use up to 4 parallel
processes to do so).
Task: Once it is all working, do another commit of
your source files (don't forget to add/stage the new .c and .sh files).
Add a tag to the repository called done_B
to record this
Task: To prepare this coursework for submission, go into the root directory and do:
This should create a submission tarball in the directory below your work. Note that it will include the git repository (.git), which will contain the history of your work.
Note: on some systems the
file may
aquire windows line endings, though I'm unable to work out
under what scenarios this happens. This can be fixed with the
program if it happens.
Before submitting, you should do a number of checks to make sure it works:
- Extract the tarball to a fresh directory.
make all
in the base of the submission to build everything.- Go into the audio directory and run
make filters
to check that they build. - Choose an mp3, and
./ your_mp3.mp3 | ./ | ./ > /dev/null
Note: for some systems it seems permissions are not preserved, but unfortunately I can't replicate. I will commit to forcing permissions of scripts to execute and converting dos line endings to unix in the testing, so don't worry too much if you have to manually fix it up.
If that all works, submit your tarball via blackboard.
Congratulations! You now know how to:
- Build and install random software packages without being root.
- Automate the creation of build environments.
- Declare dependency graphs using makefiles.
- Perform parallel processing using makefiles.
- Exploit recursive parallelism (Remember that sox and lame will get built together).
- Integrate together multiple disparate tools using pipes.
- Exploit streaming parallelism using pipes.
Lame and sox should (!) compile and work everywhere, though sox may refuse to play audio in some environments. If necessary, record to an mp3 or wav (there is no real need to listen, except to prove to yourself it is streaming).
By default the headers and libs for ALSA sound are not
installed in all distributions, though the libraries are. You
need to install libasound2-dev
using whatever package manager
you used.