A composition api to persist and rehydrate reactive data to local storage for vue 3.
Caution: Tested on vue 3 reactive() only, didn't test for ref(). ref() data shouldn't work with this.
yarn add vue-use-local-storage
npm i --save vue-use-local-storage
import { defineComponent, reactive } from 'vue';
import useLocalStorage from 'vue-use-local-storage';
export default defineComponent({
name: 'App',
setup() {
const state = reactive({
someValue: 'some value',
someValue2: 'some value 2'
* basic usage
* state: typeof reactive
* key: string
* whitelist?: string[] !optional
* whitelist keys of state to persist.
* ignore whitelist if you wish to persist whole object
const storage = useLocalStorage(state, 'someKey', ['someValue'])
* callback on first rehydrated from local storage
storage.onRehydrate(state => {
yarn serve
yarn build