This module is based on the internal puppet module of the University of Bristol IT services. Many thanks to @djjudas21 and Paul for providing the source and documentation.
This module to sets up Nagios monitoring for your infrastructure which includes:
- core: domain, CPU, daemons, I/O, networker, memory usage, load, uptime, yum, selinux, certificate, smtp, swap, zombies, users, cron, NTP, TCP traffic, openmanage, xinetd, DNS
- bind: named status
- dhcp: dhcpd status, pools, failover
- mysql: Queries Per Second (QPS), Multi-Master replication Manager (MMM), DB size,
- nagios client: config, stats
- nagios server: config, apache, AAAA record, NRPE
- puppet: last run, environment, master, DB
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