LEAF is a benchmarking framework for learning in federated settings. This repository provides a custom PyTorch dataset class for the LEAF femnist dataset
the file femnist.tar.gz contains
- femnist_train.pt
- femnist_test.pt
- femnist_user_keys.pt
Contains a list of individual authors of the letters and digits in the dataset
These files contain the entire femnist dataset split into 80% train, 20% test partitions. Each sample is associated
with one of the authors listed in femnist_user_keys.pt so that samples may be divided between federated clients by
author if required.
The data was obtained from the TalwalkarLab/leaf
repository by following the setup instructions provided and executing the command
./preprocess.sh -s niid --sf 1.0 -k 0 -t sample
to obtain the full sized dataset.
** Note: the dataset provided here contains 817851 samples, not 805263 samples as specified here.
See TalwalkarLab/leaf#49 (not resolved at this time 2022-07-06)
femnist_dataset.py is modeled after The torchvision MNIST Class and will work similarly with PyTorch Dataloaders.
root: the path to the root directory where the data will be stored
train: set True for training data and False for test data
transform: PyTorch image transformations
target_transform: label transformations
download: set True to download the femnist dataset, False otherwise
train = FEMNIST(root='./data', train=True, transform=None, target_transform=None, download=True)