This repository contains the implementation of experiments in our paper Re-Weighted Softmax Cross-Entropy to Control Forgetting in Federated Learning. In it, we train a federated learning model using a re-weighted softmax (WSM). WSM weights the importance of contributions from client labels based on the frequency with which they appear in the client dataset.
- To run the experiment using the default values:
- model=ResNet18
- dataset=cifar10
- epochs=4000
- local batch size=64
- number of local training rounds=3
- client lr=0.03
- logits not masked
- normalization technique: group norm
- non-iid data split according to a dirichlet distribution parameterized by alpha=0.1
python src/
- To run the experiment with the default settings and WSM:
python src/ --mask=True
- To run baselines with default parameters:
python src/
python src/
python src/
Description | Command | Accuracy |
Default (see definition in [Examples](### Examples)) | python src/ |
83.6 |
Default + WSM with batch norm (see definition in [Examples](### Examples)) | python src/ --mask=True --norm=batch_norm |
85.7 |
FedProx with mu=1.1 for the cifar100 dataset, with WSM, 30 clients and trained for 2000 global rounds | python src/ --epochs=2000 --mask=True --dataset=cifar100 --num_clients=30 --mu=1.1 |
56.2 |
FedAvg+WSM with 20 clients and 50% client participation, alpha of the Dirichlet distribution is 0.5, batch norm, trained for 300 rounds | python src/ --mask=True --alpha=0.5 --epochs=300 --num_clients=20 --frac=0.5 --norm=batch_norm |
78.93 |
Install all the packages from requirments.txt
- Python3
- Pytorch
- wandb
- numpy
- pillow
- Download train and test datasets manually or they will be automatically downloaded from torchvision datasets.
- Experiments are run CIFAR10, CIFAR-100. FEMNIST.
- MNIST and FMNIST datasets were implemented in the source code but not updated for changes made to the code, so they
will need some modification to run
The chart below summarizes options to set for run configurations
Flag | Options | Default | Info |
--epochs |
Int | 4000 | rounds of federated training |
--num_clients |
Int | 100 | number of client nodes |
--frac |
Float (0, 1] | 0.1 | fraction of clients selected at each round |
--local_ep |
Int | 3 | number of local epochs (E) |
--local_bs |
Int | 64 | local batch size (B) |
--client_lr |
Float | 0.1 | learning rate for local training |
--reg |
Float | 1e-5 | L2 regularization strength |
--model |
mlp, cnn_a, cnn_b, cnn_c, lenet, resnet18, resnet34 |
resnet18 | |
--mask |
Ture, False | False | specifies whether or not to run with WSM |
--norm |
batch_norm, group_norm, layer_norm |
group_norm | normalization applied |
--dataset |
mnist, fmnist, cifar10, cifar100 |
cifar10 | model to train on |
--optimizer |
adam, sgd | sgd | |
--decay |
0, 1 | 0 | use learning rate dacay (0<--False, 1<--True) |
--iid |
0, 1 | 0 | seperate data iid (0<--False, 1<--True) |
--dirichlet |
0, 1 | 1 | 1 uses a dirichlet distribution to create non-iid data, 0 uses shards according to Mcmahan(2017) et. al. |
--alpha |
Float (0, infty) | 0.1 | alpha parameterizing the dirichlet distribution |
--dataset_compare |
True, False | False | evaluate client models against the datasets of other clients for an update round |
--weight_delta |
True, False | False | evaluate weight delta alignment between model before and after local training |
--grad_alignment |
True, False | False | evaluate gradient alignment between model before and after local training |
--linear_probe |
True, False | False | evaluate model with linear probe |
--mu |
Float | 1 | parameter of FedProx. 0 <-- no effect, the larger the value the greater the effect. |
--local_iters |
Int | None | defines number of local training iterations (batches). Overrides --local_ep option |
To use WandB:
- you will need a WandB account, create a new project and take note of your api key
- set the environment variable WANDB_API_KEY to your WandB api key in your .bashrc file, this will automatically authenticate your account
- set
(the default is False) - set
--wandb_project = "name-of-project-you-set-up-in-wandb"
- set
--wandb_entity ="wandb-username-or-team-name" (wherever the project resides)
- set
--wandb_run_name ="informitive-run-name"
(so you can distinguish different runs)
If you want to run WandB in offline mode the flag --offline=True
needs to be set, the current default is False
Based off of Federated Optimization in Heterogeneous Networks, implemments the experiments using FedProx algorithm.
Based off of SCAFFOLD: Stochastic Controlled Averaging for Federated Learning, implemments the experiments using SCAFFOLD algorithm.
Based off of Tackling the Objective Inconsistency Problem in Heterogeneous Federated Optimization, implemments the experiments using FedNova algorithm.
Thank you to NIID-Bench whose baseline implementations we modified for our experiments.