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extremely experimental twig rendering engine for Silverstripe CMS 6+

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Silverstripe Twig

Provides a bridge between Silverstripe CMS 6+ and twig/twig.


This is an extremely experimental module which primarily (if not exclusively) exists to validate the abstraction from SSViewer to using the new TemplateEngine interface can be used with engines for other template syntaxes. If you want or need this functionality, I encourage you to do one of the following:

  1. Use this module as inspiration to create and maintain your own module
  2. Open an issue expressing your use case and request that this module be made stable

If you go with 2 above, be prepared to put in some work providing PRs to get this module into a well-tested and stable state.


This package is not added to packagist. You will need to add the git repo to the repositories array in your composer.json file. The first line below will do this for you.

composer config repositories.silverstripe-twig --json '{"type":"vcs", "url":"[email protected]:GuySartorelli/silverstripe-twig.git"}'
composer require guysartorelli/silverstripe-twig:dev-main


In your templates, you need to use model anywhere you want the currently controller/model in scope. For example where you'd normally directly use $Title in a ss template, you must use {{ model.Title }} in the twig template.

You must not use model for global template variables (e.g. $SiteConfig.Title is simply {{ SiteConfig.Title }}).

Casting and escaping is done using Silverstripe CMS's DBField classes - Twig's autoescaping has been turned off. That means if you want to escape an HTML field, you should usually use {{ model.MyField.Xml }} instead of {{ model.MyField|e }}. Similarly, to get the raw value of a field use {{ model.MyField.Raw }} instead of {{ model.MyField|raw }}.

Don't use twig's asset() function - instead use {% require %} the same way you would use <% require %> e.g. {% require themedCSS("some-file.css") %}

Don't use twig's localisation syntax - instead use {{ _t }} e.g. {{ _t('My.Localisation.Key', 'Default {var} goes here', {'var': 'string'}) }}. This maps more closely to the PHP _t() function than it does Silverstripe CMS's ss template syntax for localisations.

Twig doesn't call exists() or count() on a list to see if it's got content. So {% if model.MyList %} will always return truthy.

You CANNOT use any method/property that returns a scalar directly in a twig {% if %} condition. ViewLayerData will return a ViewLayerData wrapping a DBBoolean wrapping the actual value. Since ViewLayerData is an object which is truthy, twig will just treat it as true even if the value contained in the DBBoolean is false. Even with conditions, it'll be trying to compare ViewLayerData which will usually result in an error. The one exception to this is count() which is explicitly implemented on ViewLayerData. You can work around this using getRawDataValue(), e.g. {% if model.getRawDataValue('MyField') %}

There are a few ways to swap out rendering engines as of the time of writing:

Globally override the normal one via dependency injection

This is the lowest effort in terms of setting the engine, but it means every single template used in your project must be a twig template. I'm considering making a .ss to twig conversion package, but for now you'd have to convert them all by hand.

After: '#view-config'
    class: 'GuySartorelli\Twig\TwigTemplateEngine'

Note that this will also be used by default for all string template rendering unless I change how that works in framework. So that may cause problems for you in a few places.

For a specific controller or model


It's possible I'll change how this works - likely adding a config property for it - but for now you'd need to override the getTemplateEngine() method on your controller.

use GuySartorelli\Twig\TwigTemplateEngine;
use SilverStripe\Control\Controller;

class MyController extends Controller
    // ...

    protected function getTemplateEngine(): TemplateEngine
        if (!$this->templateEngine) {
            $this->templateEngine = TwigTemplateEngine::create();
        return $this->templateEngine;

When this controller is rendered (e.g. via handleAction() or directly calling render()), the twig template engine will be used to render it. You must make sure you have a twig template available.

All includes invoked in your template will also be rendered by the twig template engine - but if another controller is invoked (e.g. rendering an elemental area), it will use whatever engine is set for it.


There's no getTemplateEngine() method in ModelData. Instead, you'll need to override renderWith() like so:

use GuySartorelli\Twig\TwigTemplateEngine;
use SilverStripe\Model\ModelData;
use SilverStripe\ORM\FieldType\DBHTMLText;

class MyModel extends ModelData
    // ...

    public function renderWith($template, ModelData|array $customFields = []): DBHTMLText
        // Ensure MY template engine is used, unless the viewer was already explicitly instantiated
        if (!($template instanceof SSViewer)) {
            $template = SSViewer::create($template, TwigTemplateEngine::create());
        return parent::renderWith($template, $customFields);

For a given instance of SSViewer

If you're instantiating SSViewer instances directly, you can pass the template engine as the second constructor arg.

use GuySartorelli\Twig\TwigTemplateEngine;
use SilverStripe\View\SSViewer;

// ...
$viewer = SSViewer::create($templates, TwigTemplateEngine::create());


extremely experimental twig rendering engine for Silverstripe CMS 6+






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