The famous diagram from the book "Getting Things Done" - implemented with markdown of mermaid.js
flowchart TD
A[Processing your tasks] --> B(Is it actionable?)
B --> |yes| F("🛠 Process it")
F --> G(Project planning)
G --> F
F --> H(Can you do it in two minutes?)
H --> |yes| I("💪 Do it!")
H --> |no| J("+ Task")
J --> K("🕒 Defer it")
K --> N("🗓 Calendar")
K --> O("🔥 Hotlist")
J --> L("👥 Delegate it")
L --> |Can't do it yet| M("⏳ Waiting")
F --> E
B --> |no| C("🗑 Trash")
C --> D(Reference)
D --> E("⏩ Someday")