A simply readable Hacker News app for iOS and Android.
- React Native
- React Native Package Manager
- Node.js
- Xcode
- iOS 9
- Android SDK API 23 (minimum support: 21)
npm install
- Install all dependenciesrnpm link
- Linking all native dependencies
- Alt - the Flux thing
- htmlparser2 - for parsing the comments HTML
- url-parse - for extracting domains out of story URLs
- iOS
- react-native-safari-view - the reason why iOS 9 is the minimum requirement
- Android
- react-native-chrome-custom-tabs - same as SafariView for iOS, but for Chrome
- react-native-android-share - for sharing
- inspired by react-native-activity-indicator-iosHTMLView
- inspired by react-native-htmlview, react-native-htmltext and react-native-html-render- react-native-cache-store - for local caching