AESCrypt is a simple to use, opinionated AES encryption / decryption Ruby gem that just works.
AESCrypt uses the AES-256-CBC cipher and encodes the encrypted data with Base64.
A corresponding gem to easily handle AES encryption / decryption in Objective-C is available at
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'aescrypt'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install aescrypt
message = "top secret message"
password = "p4ssw0rd"
encrypted_data = AESCrypt.encrypt(message, password)
message = AESCrypt.decrypt(encrypted_data, password)
encrypted_data = encrypt_data(data, key, iv, cipher_type)
decrypted_data = decrypt_data(encrypted_data, key, iv, cipher_type)
The AESCrypt Objective-C class, available at, understands what you're talking about in your Ruby code. The purpose of the Ruby gem and Objective-C class is to have something that works out of the box across the server (Ruby) and client (Objective-C). However, a standard encryption technique is implemented, which ensures that you can handle the data with any AES compatible library available across the web. So, you're not locked-in.
Here's how you would use the AESCrypt Objective-C class:
NSString *message = @"top secret message";
NSString *password = @"p4ssw0rd";
NSString *encryptedData = [AESCrypt encrypt:message password:password];
NSString *message = [AESCrypt decrypt:encryptedData password:password];
See the Objective-C class README at for more details.
Copyright (c) 2012 Gurpartap Singh
The encrypt_data and decrypt_data methods are Copyright (c) 2007 Brent Sowers and have been included in the gem with prior permission. Thanks Brent! :)
See LICENSE for license terms.
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