This plugin is a fork of
A Leaflet plugin to create a custom POI overlay - thanks to the OSM dataset and the Overpass API
Here is a demo with associated sourcecode.
$ npm install leaflet-overpass-layer
If you use bower to install leaflet-layer-overpass, you need to load JsClipper first.
$ bower install leaflet-overpass-layer
You can include and use the OverpassLayer.css
and OverpassLayer.bundle.js
files from the dist
folder in your html.
var attr_osm = 'Map data © <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors';
var attr_overpass = 'POI via <a href="">Overpass API</a>';
var osm = new L.TileLayer(
'opacity': 0.7,
'attribution': [attr_osm, attr_overpass].join(', ')
var map = new L.Map('map')
.setView(new L.LatLng(52.265, 10.524), 14);
var opl = new L.OverPassLayer({
'query': '(node({{bbox}})[organic];node({{bbox}})[second_hand];);out qt;',
In order to get a valid query the Overpass-turbo IDE might help.
You can specify an options object as an argument of L.OverPassLayer.
options: {
debug: false,
minZoom: 15,
endPoint: '',
query: '(node({{bbox}})[organic];node({{bbox}})[second_hand];);out qt;',
loadedBounds: [],
markerIcon: L.Icon(),
timeout: 30 * 1000, // Milliseconds
retryOnTimeout: false,
noInitialRequest: false,
minZoomIndicatorEnabled: true,
minZoomIndicatorOptions: {
position: 'topright',
minZoomMessageNoLayer: 'No layer assigned',
minZoomMessage: 'Current zoom level: CURRENTZOOM - All data at level: MINZOOMLEVEL'
beforeRequest: function() {},
afterRequest: function() {},
onSuccess: function(data) {},
onError: function(xhr) {},
onTimeout: function(xhr) {},
Warning: This fork use Git Flow to manage branches.
In order to contribute to the project you should first clone the repository. The javascript source files
reside in the src
folder and are concatenated and minified by Webpack in the dist
folder. If you want to make changes
make them in the src
folder and then run npm run build
(or npm run watch
for continuous build).
For that you first need to install all the needed packages for this project:
$ npm install