modelLINQ is a simple library to help you build and reuse expression tree data transfer object modeling from some source (generally a database) to another source. Removing all the burden of writing all the types of Expressions needed to generate a simple model, allowing you to only worry about the bindings between objects.
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Begin writing DTO bindings!
Let's say we have a class. Let's also assume it is a context class.
public class Customer
public int Id { get; set; }
public Person Person { get; set; }
And we want to be able to map to a an object - Keeping it simple.
public class CustomerModel
public int Id { get; set; }
// Let's just assume this is defined
public PersonModel PersonModel { get; set;}
With modelLINQ we can create a reusable expression tree to build this model. Lets look at the basic bindings.
// By taking a parameter expression we can define the bindings
static Func<Expression, MemeberAssignment[]> bindings = param =>
return new MemberAssignment[] {
// Notice we can easily reuse previously made bindings
param.ObjectBind<CustomerModel, Person, PersonModel>(
"PersonModel", PersonModel.bindings, "Person")
And now we can use our bindings to project the CustomerModel
databse.Customers.Select(bindings.Model<Customer, CustomerModel>()).ToList()
I left all the functions public to allow the developer to create additional binding trees based on the existing. If you notice there are missing functions that you find yourself using a lot, please open an issue!
Made with ♥ by Ryan English