Maintain a screenshot baseline on your web application, right from Azure DevOps through the SpotCheck Azure DevOps Extensions. This extension is publicly maintained on GitHub.
Once installed, it enables an extra task within pipelines, as well as an extra UI tab for those pipelines. Through some minimal configuration, maintaining a visual basline of E2E tests becomes very accessible.
Generate screenshots through cypress or Robot Framework.
describe('Visuals', () => {
it('Visit Google', () => {
cy.compareSnapshot('home-page', 0.1)
Or a custom keyword in Robot Framework
*** Test Cases ***
Visit Example
Go To
Wait Until Element Is Enabled //h1
Compare Snapshot example_homepage 0.1
*** Keywords ***
Compare Snapshot
[Arguments] ${FileName} ${Threshold}=0.1
Capture Page Screenshot ${FileName}.png
Generate the Cypress or Robot report within a pipeline, then use SpotCheck to process the report.
Process Robot report:
- task: SpotCheck@1
input: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/Automation/robot-output.xml'
Process Cypress Image Diff report:
- task: SpotCheck@1
input: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/Automation/cypress-image-diff.json'
mode: 'cypress'
Process Robot report with screenshots in a subfolder without posting comments on the related pull request, while flattening the images paths to a single parent folder.
- task: SpotCheck@1
input: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/Automation/robot-output.xml'
baseDir: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/Automation/screenshots'
skipFeedback: true
normalizePaths: true
Differences against the baseline are reported through a dedicated threadon the PR. When a difference is resolved, the thread will automatically resolve.
The visual differences are presented on an extra tab in the build pipeline, to which the PR will link as well.
It only requires a few clicks to update the baseline, if a change is found to be legitimate.