This is a Redmine (v 3.3) project source with some few changes needed to deploy on
Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework. More details can be found in the doc directory or on the official website
Heroku is a cloud platform that lets companies build, deliver, monitor and scale apps — we’re the fastest way to go from idea to URL, bypassing all those infrastructure headaches.
You can use this repository to deploy it on Attention, this source use thin gem web service instead default Webrick. Comment it in Gemfile to use Webrick.
Install heroku Toolbelt (unix version here):
wget -O- | sh
Clone this repository (or see How to prepare Rails source):
git clone your_path
cd to your_path
Create Heroku APP using web interface or command:
heroku login heroku apps:create HEROKU_APP_NAME
Add Heroku Postgres addon to your app. Use resources tab(on or command:
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql --app HEROKU_APP_NAME --name main-db --as DATABASE
rake secret and create environment variable SECRET_KEY_BASE on heroku app. Use setting tab or command:
heroku config:add --app HEROKU_APP_NAME SECRET_KEY_BASE=hash-from-rake-command
heroku git:remote -a HEROKU_APP_NAME git push heroku master heroku run --app HEROKU_APP_NAME rake db:migrate
Tested for Rails 4.2.6 Redmine example.
Copy Redmine official source svn or unofficial from github and bitbucket.
svn co redmine-3.3_to_heroku cd redmine-3.3_to_heroku
Unlikely you use svn :)
rm -rf .svn
Create git repositoy (or mercurial):
git init
In ignore files (.gitignore and .hgignore) remove lines:
Create config/database.yml:
production: adapter: postgresql url: <%= ENV["DATABASE_URL"] %>
Create config/secrets.yml
production: secret_key_base: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %>
Add to Gemfile
group :production do gem thin end
bundle install
Commit changes
git add -A git commit -m "init" git remote add origin git push -u origin master </tt>
Now you can create repo on github (w/o any files and descriptions) and deploy on heroku via github or depoly directly (like in Fast method 6) or maybe you like dropbox. Don’t forget check environment variables of Heroku app on settings tab.
All you need is to add plugin repository as git submodule. For example to add redmine_ckeditor:
cd to root of your redmine
remove ‘/public/plugin_assets’ from .gitignore
git git submodule add plugins/redmine_ckeditor
bundle bundle install –without development test
git add -A
git push heroku master