Simple twig extension to allow templates to set caching headers
Install with composer in the usual fashion
composer install gravitatenz/fta-cache
Add the event listener to your services
GravitateNZ\fta\cache\Event\CacheControlListener: ~
GravitateNZ\fta\cache\Twig\CacheControlExtension: ~
Then drop in your twig
{% do setPrivate() %}
{% do setPublic() %}
{% do setMaxAge(1000) %}
{% do doNotCache() %}
{{ do setPrivate() }}
{{ do setPublic() }}
{{ do setMaxAge(1000) }}
{{ do doNotCache() }}
This can also be injected into a controller etc, and the listener and used directly.
All of these will defer to the internal Symfomny session logic, if you are running a session, except for the doNotCache
this will turn that off and force the headers cache-control and surrogate-control headers to be set to max-age=0, nostore, private