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Gravitate-Health G-Lens: Medication Management.


APIs generated using LoopBack 4 CLI with the initial project layout.

Table of contents


This repository contains the configuration and deployment files needed for the "G-Lens: Medication IManagement" module. This module handles Medication Administration, Dispense, Request and Usage models, following the HL7-FHIR interoperability standard.

This application is generated using LoopBack 4 CLI with the initial project layout.

This readme will help the reader to deploy the system, but also to understand the configuration and be able to edit/expand it.


Local installation

Step 1: Clone the workspace

git clone

Step 2: Install all the dependencies

cd MedicationManagement

By default, dependencies were installed when this application was generated. Whenever dependencies in package.json are changed, run the following command:

npm install

To only install resolved dependencies in package-lock.json:

npm ci

Kubernetes deployment

For the Kubernetes deployment first of all, the module must be compiled into a docker image and uploaded into a registry accessible by the Kubernetes cluster, the MongoDB is pulled from the official docker registry.

git clone
cd MedicationManagement

docker build . -t <docker-registry>/med-management:latest
docker push <docker-registry>/med-management:latest

The name of the image is specified in the medication management module deployment file, 004_med-management-deployment.yaml. In that file you can also specify a registry secret in case the registry is behind authorization. Here is the documentation regarding private registries.

Both the deployment files for the MongoDB and the medication information module contain several environment variables which can be modified. These environment variables are the ones we used, but the configuration allows for much more.

  • Mongo environment variables
Environment Variable description default
MONGO_SIDECAR_POD_LABELS Labels to be applied to the sidecar container role=mongo-med-management,name=mongo-med-management
KUBE_NAMESPACE Namespace where the Mongo is deployed development
  • Medication management module environment variables
Environment Variable description default
DB_HOST Database host mongo-med-management
DB_URL Full database connection URL mongodb://mongo-med-management:27017/

The next step is to apply the Kubernetes files in the cluster, the services will be deployed in the development namespace. In case the namespace has not been created before you can create it with the following commands, or change the name in metadata.namespace:

First we deploy the database:

kubectl create namespace <namespace>                         # Only if namespace not created and/or the current context
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<namespace> # Only if namespace not created and/or the current context

kubectl apply -f YAMLs/001_mongo-service-med-management.yaml
kubectl apply -f YAMLs/002_mongo-stateful-med-management.yaml

Once the database is ready the medication management module can be deployed, you can check if the database is ready by running:

kubectl get pod | grep "mongo-med-management"
NAMESPACE            NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
<namespace>          mongo-med-management-2           2/2     Running   0               13d
<namespace>          mongo-med-management-0           2/2     Running   0               13d
<namespace>          mongo-med-management-1           2/2     Running   0               13d

If the status is running proceed with the medication management module deployment:

kubectl apply -f YAMLs/003_med-management-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f YAMLs/004_med-management-deployment.yaml

You can check if the deployment is ready by running:

kubectl get pod | grep "med-management"
NAMESPACE            NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
<namespace>          med-management-dc88dd545-bvbnb            1/1     Running   0               13d

If the pod is ready you can access the service by other services in the same namespace by using the name of its Kubernetes service and the port (especified in 003_med-management-service.yaml). You can also obtain both by running the following commands:

kubectl get svc | grep "med-management"
NAME                                TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
med-management                      ClusterIP    <none>        3000/TCP            39d

The type of the service is ClusterIP which means that the service can only be accessed from inside the cluster. Moreover, if the Kubernetes cluster has a DNS manager other services can access services in other namespaces using the following URL: http://<service-name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local. To learn more about the types of services and its uses in Kubernetes, here is the official documentation. Alternatively if the Gateway has been deployed, the service will be proxied to the outside of the cluster at https://<DNS>/med-management/.


Step 1: Run the application

Inside the directory, run the following command:

npm start

Step 2: Access through the browser

Open in your browser, preferably Google Chrome, in private or incognito mode.

Step 3: Different endpoints

Some of the most useful enpoints are listed below:

For every endpoint, change 'PATH' with the following:

  • med-requests
  • med-dispenses
  • med-administrations
  • med-usages

POST request, adds a new object to the G-Lens DB:

GET request, returns the count of the objects stored in the DB:

GET request, returns the list of the objects stored in the DB:

PATCH request, updates the object that matches the body of the request:

GET request, returns a single object with ID :<id>

PATCH request, updates the object with ID :<id>

PUT request, replaces the object with ID :<id>

DEL request, deletes the object with ID :<id>

For further details check the openapi

Known issues and limitations

None are known at this time

Getting help

In case you find a problem or you need extra help, please use the issues tab to report the issue.

Also you can check the following documentation

Loopback documentation

Please check out LoopBack 4 documentation to understand how you can continue to add features to this application.

FHIR Models

Please check out the FHIR Models used for the definition of Loopback Models.


To contribute, fork this repository and send a pull request with the changes squashed.


This project is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 (AL2). The license applies to this file and other files in the GitHub repository hosting this file.

Copyright 2022 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Authors and history




G-Lens Medication Management module







No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 3

