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larspalo edited this page Apr 26, 2024 · 13 revisions

A Note: It is usually better to ask question via the public forum than to mail GO developers directly. For common problems, you will likely get faster anwsers, because other GO users also can help. Additionally, the discussion is preserved for the public - so if somebody comes up with the same question, the previous answers are available.

Where can I download GrandOrgue?

Pre-built packages of binaries are provided here on GitHub for Linux, Windows and OS X.

Official builds of releases

Intermediate builds for testing

How do I install/upgrade GrandOrgue?

See for information on installing/upgrading GrandOrgue.

What about latency?

GO ships with safe (=bigger) latency settings. Lower samples per buffers decrease latency but also limit polyphony. Each sound card entry in GO has a "desired latency" setting (default: 50 ms).

What about ASIO?

The Windows builds on GitHub include support for ASIO. GO also directly supports WDK/KS, which is wrapped by ASIO4ALL. A previous recommendation was to use WDM/KS and WASAPI in preference over ASIO. If WASAPI does not work, try a different samplerate in GrandOrgue.

What linux desktop environments is GrandOrgue compatible with?

Grandorgue works on linux with any popular desktop environments, including Gnome, KDE, LXDE, Cinnamon. They may run on top of an x11 or a wayland window system. But restoring GrandOrgue panels size and positions works fine only on xorg, and it may have some issues on wayland, so x11 is preferable for GrandOrgue. See more here. You can obtain your current window system with the command echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE in the terminal window. Ususlly you can select the window system when you log on to linux.

How is GrandOrgue developed?

GrandOrgue uses an agile development model. We determine the GrandOrgue version number based on the type of changes done to the source code in our repository. The first number indicate major version, the second number minor version, the third number build version and the last part after the dash is package information number where a -1 indicates a release and a -0.Number indicate an intermediate testing build. So a higher number means a more recent GrandOrgue.

Our contain the changelog.

A bug has been fixed in GO ''1234''. Where can I download it?

Releases can be found at and intermediate testing builds at

How to build GrandOrgue?

See in the source code for instructions.

I want to modify/create ODF (organ definition files) for GO

GO includes a "telegram style" ODF and organ package reference in its help (Anybody is welcome to submit improvements for our help). You should also enable "strict ODF mode" in the GO settings, as this will report various potential problems. In regards to temperament handling, it will only report larger, probably incorrect re-tunings - each pipe of each stop still needs to be checked manually in equal temperament for smaller errors.

There is OdfEdit - a python3-based GUI tool for editing ODFs. Also a completely GUI based option for both editing and creating ODFs is to use GoOdf that completely removes the need to learn to manipulate the .organ config file text manually.

There are lots of awesome sample sets for Hauptwerk. Can I use them with GrandOrgue?

GrandOrgue can not load a Hauptwerk sample set directly, but if the samples are not encrypted, you can add a GrandOrgue-style ODF for the set and then you can open it with GrandOrgue. There are two options of getting ODF for hauptwerk-style sample sets: