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GTIRB Ghidra Plugin

This repo contains the source for building a Ghidra plugin to handle GTIRB files.

Some limitations:

  • Imports GTIRB created from ELF files (only)
  • Supported architectures are IA32, ARM, X86-64, and PPC32
  • File name must have ".gtirb" suffix (otherwise you will have to manually select the GTIRB loader)
  • Builds are specific to a single version of Ghidra and will not work with newer or older Ghidra releases.


A video demonstration of installing and using this plugin is available at

Build and Install

See the Installation section above to use the provided builds. To build from source instead:

The command-line examples in this section are for Ubuntu 20.04 and Ghidra 10.1.2, assuming you want to install Ghidra and Gradle to ~/.local. Adjust them as appropriate to fit your system and Ghidra version.

  1. Download the latest release of Ghidra from Github.
  2. Download Gradle 7 from
  3. Install OpenJDK 11
    sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk
  4. Extract Ghidra and Gradle somewhere convenient
    unzip -d ~/.local ~/Downloads/
    unzip -d ~/.local ~/Downloads/
  5. Add your Ghidra install path to a Gradle properties file
    mkdir -p ~/.gradle
    echo "GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR=$HOME/.local/ghidra_10.1.2_PUBLIC" >> ~/.gradle/
  6. Download or clone the gtirb-ghidra-plugin source.
    git clone
    cd gtirb-ghidra-plugin
  7. Build gtirb from source for Java and install its gtirb_api and protobuf-java JAR files to gtirb-ghidra-plugin/Gtirb/lib. You can use the script to automate this.
  8. Build the plugin with Gradle and extract it to GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR/Ghidra/Extensions. You can use the script to automate this.

Usage - GUI

Use Ghidra's ghidraRun script to launch the Ghidra project window.

To import a GTIRB file, simply open it from the "File -> Import File..." menu. Ghidra should automatically use the installed GTIRB plugin to load it.

To export a program to GTIRB, import it into your Ghidra project then open it with Ghidra's CodeBrowser. In CodeBrowser, select the "File -> Export Program..." menu option. Select "GTIRB Exporter" in the format dropdown to create a GTIRB file for the current program.

Usage - headless

The export-gtirb script is provided to automatically use Ghidra to create a GTIRB file. Simply provide an input binary and the output filename.

./scripts/export-gtirb /bin/true ~/true.gtirb