Out-PieChart is a function to take data from the pipeline and create a pie chart. The function makes use of the .net assembly 'System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization'.
Get-Process |
select -First 5 name, pm |
Out-PieChart -PieChartTitle "Top 5 Windows processes running" -DisplayToScreen -Pie3D
Get-Process |
select -First 5 name, pm |
Out-PieChart -PieChartTitle "Top 5 Windows processes running" -DisplayToScreen
use switch -DisplayToScreen
Get-Process |
select -First 5 name, pm |
Out-PieChart -PieChartTitle "Top 5 Windows processes running" -DisplayToScreen
Get-Process |
select -First 5 name, pm |
Out-PieChart -PieChartTitle "Top 5 Windows processes running" -saveImage 'C:\tmp\Win_Process.png'