Acepted at CCS'22.
git clone
cd NeuromorphicBackdoors
pip install -r requirements.txt
Donwload the datasets DVS Gesture and N-MNIST. For more information about the datasets, refer to the SpikingJelly doc.
The directory should be like this:
|-- DvsGesture.tar.gz
|-- LICENSE.txt
|-- README.txt
`-- gesture_mapping.csv
Then provide the path to the dataset in the -data_dir argument.
usage: [-h] [-T T] [-model {dummy}] [-trigger TRIGGER] [-polarity {0,1,2}] [-trigger_size TRIGGER_SIZE] [-b B] [-b_test B_TEST] [-epochs N] [-j N] [-channels CHANNELS]
[-data_dir DATA_DIR] [-out_dir OUT_DIR] [-dataname {gesture,cifar10,mnist}] [-resume RESUME] [-amp] [-opt OPT] [-lr LR] [-loss LOSS] [-momentum MOMENTUM]
[-step_size STEP_SIZE] [-T_max T_MAX] [-epsilon EPSILON] [-pos POS] [-type TYPE] [-seed SEED] [-load_model] [-trigger_label TRIGGER_LABEL] [-tau TAU] [-use_plif]
[-use_max_pool] [-detach_reset] [-save_path SAVE_PATH]
Backdoor Attacks on Spiking NNs and Neuromorphic Datasets
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-T T simulating time-steps
-model {dummy} Model name
-trigger TRIGGER The index of the trigger label
-polarity {0,1,2} The polarity of the trigger
-trigger_size TRIGGER_SIZE
The size of the trigger as the percentage of the image size
-b B batch size
-b_test B_TEST batch size for test
-epochs N number of total epochs to run
-j N number of data loading workers (default: 1)
-channels CHANNELS channels of Conv2d in SNN
-data_dir DATA_DIR root dir of DVS128 Gesture dataset
-out_dir OUT_DIR root dir for saving logs and checkpoint
-dataname {gesture,cifar10,mnist}
dataset name
-resume RESUME resume from the checkpoint path
-amp automatic mixed precision training
-opt OPT use which optimizer. sgd or adam
-lr LR learning rate
-loss LOSS loss function
-momentum MOMENTUM momentum for SGD
-step_size STEP_SIZE step_size for StepLR
-T_max T_MAX T_max for CosineAnnealingLR
-epsilon EPSILON Percentage of poisoned data
-pos POS Position of the triggger
-type TYPE Type of the trigger, 0 static, 1 dynamic
-seed SEED The random seed value
-load_model load model from checkpoint
-trigger_label TRIGGER_LABEL
The index of the trigger label
-tau TAU Tau for the LIF node
-use_plif Use PLIF
-use_max_pool Use MaxPool
-detach_reset Detach reset
-save_path SAVE_PATH Path to save the model
python -opt adam -loss cross -b 16 -T 16 -dataname gesture -epochs 65 -amp -epsilon 0.1 -polarity 1 -type 0 -pos top-left -trigger_size 0.1
python -opt adam -loss cross -b 16 -T 16 -dataname gesture -epochs 65 -amp -epsilon 0.1 -polarity 1 -type 1 -pos bottom-right -trigger_size 0.1
python -opt adam -loss cross -b 16 -T 16 -dataname gesture -epochs 30 -amp -epsilon 0.001 -polarity 0 -type 0 -pos bottom-right -trigger_size 0.1
python -opt adam -loss cross -b 16 -T 16 -dataname gesture -epochs 30 -amp -epsilon 0.001 -polarity 0 -type 1 -pos middle -trigger_size 0.1