It was a test task. So functionality is a bit specific and not complicated)
- Copy folder
- Open terminal in it
- $ npm install
- $ npm run build
- $ npm run start
Rroute "/hello", method - GET. It takes a request with JSON object, for example: { "name": "Tyson", "surname": "Pedro", "age": 88 } Return JSON string. If age > 18. Send response: "Hello ".
Route "/users", method - POST. It takes a request with JSON object with 4 parameters: email, name, surname, age, for example: { "name": "Tyson", "surname": "Pedro", "age": 88, "email": "[email protected]" }
If age > 18 it returns "Done!" if object saved to DB.
- Ability to find all users by email. Send request with email. Return list of full names.
Rroute "/users", method - GET. It takes a request with JSON object with required email field, for example: { "email": "[email protected]" } Return JSON array, where every value - full name. If there is no email field - return list of all users.
- Created node.js script that will call API and generate .csv file with response data. Headers [ID, Email, First Name, Last Name]
To generate csv you should send GET request to ghe route '/file'. In response you get list of all users from that API, and generated users.csv in ./dist folder with that list.