This is a quick update of the mod for 1.4-1.5.
The directory structure for the storyteller texture is slightly different and I set it to appear slightly lower compared to my other modded storytellers.
Want to make this harder by adding RNG psycasters (from Vanilla Psycasts Expanded) for your pawns and raids? Check out the Basilicus Patch!:
=== original description === An attempt to combine the best aspects of each storyteller, with some additional aspects:
- Like Randy, events can spawn randomly and in rapid succession.
- Event difficulty is slightly randomized, between 75% and 125% threat points.
- Like Cassandra regular raids are guranteed.
- Like Perry, quests, trading caravans and travelers are much more frequent.
- Population curve is like vanilla. (Though like Randy, population events can still happen through sheer random chance.)
In the end I wanted a storyteller which feels more like an adventure rather than a survival simulator. Could be easier, could be harder, but at the very least something is always happening.
Very simple mod, no scripting nor patching, should be compatible with anything.