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EmulinkerSF v0.58.7(04-26-2008) Manual - By: SupraFast

Server Access Level Privileges

Elevated Status (E)

Bypass Bot Triggers

Login When Server is Full

Join Playing Games

Gets Login Message


Admin Status (A)

Includes (E) and (M)  [can silence users indefinitely]

Ban Normal or (E) or (M) Users from Server

Kick Normal or (E) or (M) Users from Games

Close Games

Stealth Mode

Make Announcements

Join Games without being noticed (stealth)

Moderator Status (M)

Includes (E)

Silence Normal Users up to 15min

Kick Normal Users from Server


Super Admin Status (SA)

Includes (E), (M), and (A)

Grant Temp Admin

Grant Temp Elevated

Can use EmulinkerSF Admin Client

Has Power over everyone…even (SA)’s



Game Input Delay

Unlike the original Emulinker, EmulinkerSF allows users to play on different delays or the same delay.  The server

default is different delays.  If Player 1 has a ping of 33 on a Excellent Connection and Player 2 has a ping of 67 on

a Excellent Connection, Player 1 will play at 1 (3 frame delay) and Player 2 will play at a 3 (7 frame delay). 


If you or your opponent want to play on the same delay, the owner can toggle between delay modes with the

command: "/samedelay true" to play with the same delay and "/samedelay false" to play with different delays.  If the

owner chooses to play with the same delay, both opponents will be playing with the delay of the user with the worst

ping.  So in my example above, both players would be playing on 3 (7 frame delay).


Obviously if both you and your opponent fall in the same ping range, you have nothing to worry about. 


Common Ping Ranges/Connection Type Thresholds


Lan Connection


0 to 16 ms

17 to 33 ms

34 to 49 ms

50 to 66 ms

Delay Value

1 (1 frame delay)

2 (2 frame delay)

3 (3 frame delay)

4 (4 frame delay)


Excellent Connection


0 to 33 ms

34 to 66 ms

67 to 99 ms

100 to 133 ms

Delay Value

1 (3 frame delay)

2 (5 frame delay)

3 (7 frame delay)

4 (9 frame delay)


Good Connection


0 to 49 ms

50 to 99 ms

100 to 150 ms

151 to 199 ms

Delay Value

1 (5 frame delay)

2 (8 frame delay)

3 (11 frame delay)

4 (14 frame delay)


Hacker Prevention

  1. Username Forging (change username while logged in)
  2. Server Hammering (hogs up all ports)
  3. Username Length > 31 (crashes all traditional kaillera clients)
  4. Gamename Length >128 (crashes all traditional kaillera clients)
  5. Gameroom Join Spamming
  6. Username Duplication


Server Fixes

  1. Input Ghosting (buttons seem to press on their own)
  2. White Screen Login (about 95% better)
  3. Casting Error when gameID becomes larger than 0x7FFF (crashes server)


Emulinker Supraclient Chat/Gameroom Commands




General Commands


Brings up the command.

/finduser <username>

Allows a user to find in what game another user is in and that user’s ID.

/me <message>

Allows the user to “emote”

/unignore <User ID> /unignore <User ID>

Allows a user to ignore or unignore another user.

/msg <User ID>

Allows a user to send a private message to another user in the server.


Allows a user to see what his/her IP address is.


Allows a user to find what version of the server he/she is currently in.

Moderator Exclusive Commands

/kick <userID>

Allows a moderator to kick another user of equal or less status from the server.

/silence 0 - 15

Allows a moderator to silence another user of equal or less status for 0-15 minutes.

Elevated Exclusive Commands (?)

/silence 0 – 5

Allows an Elevated user to silence users of equal or less status for 0-5 minutes.

Admin Exclusive Commands*

/ban 0 - 30000

Allows an admin to ban a user of less status for 0 to 30000 minutes.

/silence 0 – 30000

Allows an admin to silence a user of less status for 0 to 30000 minutes.

/closegame <Game ID>

Allows an admin to close any game that has been hosted.

/announce, /announceall, /announcegame <Game ID>

Allows an admin to announce messages via the server to chat, every game and chat, or to one exclusive game respectively.

/findgame <Game Name>

Allows an admin to find the Game ID of any hosted game.

/stealthon, /stealthoff

Allows an admin to join a game unnoticed.

/clear <User IP>

Allows an admin to clear banning, silencing, etc. done by himself/herself or another admin.

Super Admin Exclusive Commands**

/tempelevated <User ID>

Allows a super admin to grant temporary elevated status to another user

/tempadmin <User ID>

Allows a super admin to grant temporary admin status to another user.

Gameroom Commands

/detectautofire 1 – 5

Allows the host of a game to set autofire sensitivity.

/maxusers <# of users>

Allows the host of a game to set the maximum amount of users allowed in the game at one time.

/maxping <#>

Allows the host of a game to set the highest ping allowed to enter the game.

/samedelay true | false

Allows the host to set game delay.

/start, /startn <#>

The game will start when a certain amount of users join.

/mute, /unmute, /muteall, /unmuteall

Stops users from typing in-game.

/p2pon, /p2poff

Allows faking p2p during gamplay


Restricts the gameroom to the emulator the host is using.


Shows the amount of lag spikes each user in the gameroom has.

/swap <# # # #>

Swaps the keys for each user in the gameroom.

*Admin can mute/unmute people when in a game hosted by someone else.

** Super Admin can do all gameroom commands when in a game hosted by someone else.

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