BigNumber is an arbitrary precision number library which supports numbers with any values and many operations with them.
pip install BigNumber
To use this library, install it using the command shown in "Installation" section. Then, read the instructions below regarding how to use operations with BigNumber.
BigNumber can be added with any numbers using "+" operator.
BigNumber can be subtracted by any numbers using "-" operator.
BigNumber can be multiplied with any numbers using "*" operator.
BigNumber can be divided by any numbers using "+" operator.
The "%" sign can be used together with BigNumber for modulo operations.
The "//" sign can be used together with BigNumber for modulo operations.
BigNumber can be raised to the power of any other numbers using "**" operator.
int(BigNumber("5.3")) # 5
float(BigNumber("5.3")) # 5.0
to_mpf(BigNumber("5.0)) # 5.0
sin, cos, tan, cosec, sec, and cot are usable trigonometric functions. They are called using the code with the format {trigonometric function name}(a big number object). For example, sin(BigNumber("0.5")) to get the value of sin(0.5).
sinh, cosh, tanh, cosech, sech, and coth are usable hyperbolic functions. They are called using the code with the format {hyperbolic function name}(a big number object). For example, sinh(BigNumber("0.5")) to get the value of sinh(0.5).
The function factorial(big_num: BigNumber) will quickly get the factorial of any number.
The logarithm of any number using any base can be quickly achieved by using the function log_base(big_num: BigNumber, base: BigNumber or mpf or float or int) where big_num is a BigNumber object and base is the base used for the logarithm operation.
sqrt(big_num: BigNumber) gets the square root of any number.
cbrt(big_num: BigNumber) gets the cube root of any number.
BigNumber.squared() gets the value of a BigNumber squared.
BigNumber.cubed() gets the value of a BigNumber cubed.
The script "" ( is used to run tests of the performance of BigNumber library against mpf library.
An example of test results for BigNumber versus mpf is in the file "BigNumber_versus_mpf.txt" (