Quick UI generator for MQTT Client
- App is running at: github-pages-quick-ui-mqtt
- Video demo link
The main purpose of this project is to provide a simple boilerplate for an html UI
that helps to use mqtt publish / subscribe
on background
- Use the example of pub / sub buttons and add your own behaviours to the
events - Use the json file to quickly create dynamically buttons for publish / subscribe to mqtt topics
- Defines the configuration of the mqtt-broker to use (url, port, options)
- Defines a list of items (button-name, mqtt-topic, message, qos)
(madatory, string) it will appear into the buttontopic
(mandatory, string) it will be used to publish or subscribe to / from mqtt-brokerqos
(mandatory, number [0,1,2]) it will be used for quality of service into the mqtt with that specific topicmessage
(optional, string)- A
will be created when the fieldmessage
is present, otherwise it will create amqtt-subscriber
- If your publish-topic doesn't have any message as payload then just put empty string
message: ""
to tell the App this is a publisher
- A
- This class handles the loading of the UI configuration (from json file as described above)
- Load can be done from url, server-side file or client-side file
- This class creates instance of
and performs cross-instance operations between them - Attaches callbacks for
, which are the basic 2 UI elements needed to load / change the configuration atruntime
- Attaches callbacks to manage mqtt and UI related when:
, onon_message_received
, etc
- This class contains all methods for creating UI elements (vertical
) withbuttons
(color blink) andtext
(that shows the incoming / outgoing mqtt messages) - Buttons of mqtt topics are initially disabled
- Once connected to mqtt broker buttons are enabled
- Broker colors:
connected successfully to mqtt broker (usingui_setup.json
disconnected successfully from mqtt brokerYellow
- Topics colors:
subscribed successfullyRed
unsubscribed successfullyYellow
published 1 message successfully
- Text box content for each subscribed topic is updated as fast as broker sends messages
- Or cleaned after 1 second if not received more messages
- At
the callback for each button is created and attached to the button- Depending on the topic it will add functionality for:
- Depending on the topic it will add functionality for:
- It is the entry point of our App:
- Loads bootstrap js
- Loads boostrap predefined css colors and styles
- Bootstrap depends on jquery. jquery-global-var
can be used only after the page is fully loaded- So we need to instanciate it
- Finally it creates an instance of our App
This project is buildt with NodeJS. The dependencies packages and configuration are locate at package.json
- Working with versions:
- npm:
- nodejs:
- npm:
- Install all dependencies
npm install
- Two modes of "compiling" the code:
- Running in development mode with a local webpack-dev-server
npm run dev
- Building compressed / production code for deployment in a remote server
npm run build
- Assets (images, index, etc.) and code will be placed at
- You can use vs-code-plugin live-server to simulate a remote server and view the result
- Running in development mode with a local webpack-dev-server
This project uses webpack-5 for building the final js code. Webpack configuration is done at config/
- paths.js
- Directory path for source files path (libgptjs, main scripts)
- Directory path for production built files (compressed, images, html, etc.)
- Directory path from which the assets will be copied to the build folder
- webpack.common.js
- Uses webpack-plugins to integrate all resources (js scripts, html, images, etc.)
- Defines the point as index.js, which also loads index.scss and main.js
- This makes canvas background green and starts our app entry point (main.js)
- Defines the point as index.js, which also loads index.scss and main.js
- Defines the final js code bundle
which will be placed atbuild
- Defines the final js code bundle
- Used to copy resources from origin to destination assets folders
- Used to load init_template.html, replaces some headers and defines the div where our project will be embedded into:
<div id="container"></div>
- Used to load init_template.html, replaces some headers and defines the div where our project will be embedded into:
- Used to provide
global variables$
before trying to use it on code (otherwise$
doesn't exist)
- Used to provide
- Used to tell Webpack whenever it sees
to replace it withrequire("mqtt/dist/mqtt.js")
which is the minified version of the MQTT library that doesn't happen to have the #! line at the beginning.
- Used to tell Webpack whenever it sees
- webpack.dev.js
- Includes
and adds configuraiton for development server
- Includes
- webpack.prod.js
- Includes
and adds configuration for building production bundle (split in chunks, minify code, etc.)
- Includes
git clone https://github.com/GiovannyJTT/quick-ui-mqtt.git
cd quick-ui-mqtt
npm install # install all nodejs packages needed for this project (in node_modules/ folder)
npm run dev # compile and run a development version
npm run build # build an optimized website (html + javscript + images) in dist/ folder
sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients
# this installs mosquitto_pub, mosquitto_sub
- Follow instructions at link
- This installs
local broker - Summary:
- Download
cd ~/Downloads wget http://mosquitto.org/files/source/mosquitto-1.4.10.tar.gz tar zxvf mosquitto-1.4.10.tar.gz cd mosquitto-1.4.10/ sudo nano config.mk
- Edit
- Add
- Add
- Compile and install
make sudo make install cp mosquitto.conf /etc/mosquitto/
- Configure ports
sudo nano /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf # add this in section "Default Listener" (ctrl + w to search) port 1883 listener 9001 protocol websockets
- Add user mosquitto
sudo adduser mosquitto
- Restart mosquitto
sudo systemctl restart mosquitto.service
- Download
- Mosquitto 2 already has support for websockets
- You need to add a websocket listener into
sudo nano /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf # add this at the end of file port 1883 listener 9001 protocol websockets
- Add user mosquitto
sudo adduser mosquitto
- Restart mosquitto
sudo systemctl restart mosquitto.service
- Run this app
npm run dev
- Since mosquitto local broker is now enabled to use port
for websockets- When our web-app starts it can connect to
- When our web-app starts it can connect to
- You can send messages from a terminal to our web-app using the local broker
- We send a message to broker using the TCP port 1883 (enabled by default) by terminal
mosquitto_pub -h "localhost" -p 1883 -t "/test" -m "new message"
- The broker finds the nodes that are subscribed to topic
and transmits the message to them - We can see the message is received into our web-app after it got subscribed to the topic
- Check chrome-console (Ctrl + Shift + I)
- We send a message to broker using the TCP port 1883 (enabled by default) by terminal