This repository is paired with this medium post
The main program is a rust application that reconciles trade events with order book events from the Binance websockets. It also has three scripts.
- To capture custom data
python scripts/ --symbol <SYMBOL> --save-folder data/capture/
- to visualize the order book snapshot
python scripts/ --input-path data/capture/btcusdt/1702798595534677/snapshot.txt --output-path tmp/
- to visualise the order book changes with the candidates trades within +/- 100ms.
python scripts/
(coded using pygame)
Reads throught a snapshot, an order book event capture and a trade event capture to produce a suggested reconciliation based on exact match of quantity and price, assuming that there is maximum 100ms lag between the trade event and the order book event.
RUST_LOG=info cargo run --bin shougoutaku -- --snapshot data/capture/btcusdt/1702798595534677/snapshot.txt --depth data/capture/btcusdt/1702798595534677/depth.txt --ask_trade data/capture/btcusdt/1702798595534677/ask_trade.txt --bid_trade data/capture/btcusdt/1702798595534677/bid_trade.txt