The goal of SrealityAnalyzer is to provide a set of util libraries for the analysis of Sreality data. For more information regarding Sreality API check[]
You can install the released version of SrealityAnalyzer from CRAN with:
And the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Lets take a look how we can download data for a particular sreality query. Go to and in the search select the atributes of the flats you are interested in.
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## This is an example of a query of the flats to buy and Rent
#You can use url tools to alter the query.
query<- urltools::param_set(url_prodej, key = "bez-aukce", value = "1")%>%
urltools::param_set( key = "vlastnictvi", value = "osobni")%>%
urltools::param_set( key = "stari", value = "tyden")%>%
urltools::param_set( key = "navic", value = "terasa,parkovani")
#> [1] ",karlovarsky-kraj,stredocesky-kraj?bez-aukce=1&vlastnictvi=osobni&stari=tyden&navic=terasa,parkovani"
Now that we have the listings we can use the function
To download the listings on the query. The function
creates in the working directory a temp folder, where you can find the
downloaded csv with the sreality listings and a log file describing the
run of the scraper.
Note that if there are less than 20 listings on the selected query there is no pagination so we assume there are 19 listings since we cannot check the real number.
# scrape_sreality(query)