I'm a third-year student at the Faculty of Computers & Informatics at Suez Canal University, Egypt. Currently, I'm delving deep into the world of back-end development, honing my skills in JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js and mongoDB. 💻
SQL - SQLite - MongoDBFrameworks:
Django - Express.js - Node.jsProgramming:
C - C++ - JavaScript - HTML - Python - Java - CSSMiscellaneous:
LaTeX - Markdown - Git - GitHub - MicrosoftOffice - postman - Linux - Trello - MongoDB compassTechnical Skills:
Problem Solving - Competitive Programming - DataStructure - Algorithms - OOP - solid principles - API
I'm passionate about competitive programming and enjoy participating in various coding competitions such as Codeforces, Atcoder, LeetCode, CodeChef, and Google Contests and qualified to the ACPC (Africa and Arab Collegiate Programming Championship) one times
and ranked 2nd in Egypt in the AtCoder Beginner Contest 362
, I'm always seeking new challenges to tackle and problems to solve. 🏆
- Explore my competitive programming profiles: CodeForces | LeetCode | AtCoder | CodeChef | ICPC Global | Codingame 🚀
- Feel free to reach out to me via Gmail or LinkedIn. 📫
I'm always open to collaboration opportunities, whether it's working on exciting projects or competing in coding contests. If you have any cool ideas or just want to chat, don't hesitate to get in touch! 💬
The ICPC SCU Community is a focused team that takes on the responsibility of improving the problem-solving skills of students from diverse backgrounds, preparing them for competitive programming challenges.
- Prepared sessions and worksheets. Sessions link
- Instructed students in thinking techniques and algorithm analysis
- Utilized Codeforces Polygon to create and prepare programming contests and problems Problems link
- Contributed to the ACM Palestinian Collegiate Programming Contest 2023 (PCPC) ProblemSet as a tester.