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Create Keycloak Mappers for Hogarama

Christian Salmhofer edited this page Sep 29, 2022 · 2 revisions

Hogarama needs the following 4 informations from keycloak for identifying the user and further processing.

  • name
  • email
  • given name
  • family name

Therefore mappers in the Keycloak client need to be defined. For now this process is not automated and this step has to be done manually at the moment.

Where is the mappers option in Keycloak for Hogarama?

  1. Login to the Keycloak administration console (

  2. Go to Clients --> hogarama-frontend


  1. Go to the Mappers-Tab

Create the Mappers for Hogarama

Add Builtin mappers

Three of the informations mentioned at the beginning of this document can be mapped by builtin mappers.

  1. In the Mappers Tab click on Add Builtin
  2. Choose email, family name and given name
  3. Confirm with Add selected

Create custom mapper

The name property is not builtin and need to be configured manually.

  1. In the Mappers Tab click on Create
  2. Create the Mapper with the following settings:
    1. Name: name
    2. Mapper Type: User Property
    3. Property: username
    4. Token Claim Name: name
  3. Click on Save

The following screenshot shows the properties described in step 2:


Analyze the Bearer Token

Hogarama shows your Bearer Token after the login. You can decode this Bearer Token on to see the attributes in readable form. Look out for the attributes name, given_name, family_name and email.

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