Template project for interactive exploration of Clojure. Will gather a kitchen sink of dependencies over time.
Start a REPL and try something.
Code samples that follow Clojure in Ten Big Ideas.
Except where otherwise noted, these are all in the examples/exploring directory, and intended to be interactively invoked, one form at a time, from the REPL.
- edn: data_formats.clj
- persistent data structures: persistent_data_structures.clj
- unified succession model:
- sequences:
- protocols: rps_protocols.clj
- ClojureScript: see below
- reducers: reducing_apple_pie.clj
- core.logic: rock_paper_scissors.clj
- datalog: clone the day of datomic repo and follow the README instructions
- core.async: clone the core.async repo and work through the examples directory.
Run generative tests
lein run -m run-tests
- Keep a copy of the Clojure cheatsheet handy.
- TryClojure will let you try Clojure in the browser, without any local setup required.
- 4Clojure provides step-by-step interaction with immediate feedback.
- Himera[http://himera.herokuapp.com/index.html] will let you try ClojureScript in the browser, without any local setup required.
- The modern-cljs tutorials are suitable for preparing to use ClojureScript in anger, covering toolchain and libs in addition to the language.
Copyright © 2013 Stuart Halloway
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.