This application is a web front end to the Arctic Bio Map server database. It provides a view into the data stored in the ABM server, allowing users to review and comment on sightings.
Your dev environment will need the following libraries:
- Ruby 2.6.3 or newer
- Postgresql 9.3 or newer
- Node 6.10.0
- NPM 4.4.1
Clone the repository. In the repo, run bundle install
to install the required Ruby gems. Run bower install
to install the client-side libraries.
Next use Rails to initialize a database for development:
$ rake db:create db:migrate
Then install the libraries for the Ember frontend:
$ cd frontend
$ npm install
Now you can start up the local Rails server, and pass in the host address for the ABM database. This app assumes the data is located at /biomap/<resource>
$ API_URL="" BASIC_USER="me" BASIC_PASS="me" rails server
The site will be running on http://localhost:3000/ by default.
Deployment is currently set up for an instance of Dokku running on the Cybera Rapid Access Cloud. See the deployment documentation for Dokku for more instructions.
$ git remote add dokku dokku@sarcee:abm-portal
$ git push dokku master
$ ssh dokku@sarcee domains:add abm-portal
MIT License
James Badger [email protected]