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Collection of traditional clustering metrics and modified superpixel versions


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Comparison of Quantitative Metrics for Superpixel Segmentation

In this repository, we provide implementations for 17 quantative evaluation metrics for superpixel segmentation as well as code to compute superpixel centers, an adjacency list, an adjacency matrix, and superpixel properties.

The required packages can be found in requirements.txt.

conda create --name eval_metrics
conda activate eval_metrics
/anaconda/envs/eval_metrics/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

I. Berkeley Segmentation Dataset 500

Metric validation experiments were conducted on the 200 images in the BSDS500 training set. To access these images, please proceed to the BSDS500 website.

Contour Detection and Hierarchical Image Segmentation
P. Arbelaez, M. Maire, C. Fowlkes and J. Malik.
IEEE TPAMI, Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 898-916, May 2011.

II. Functions

def get_K(labels)


  • labels = n x 1 where n is the number of pixels


  • K = number of superpixels
def get_n(img)


  • img = n x d where n is the number of pixels and d is the number of feature dimensions


  • n = number of pixels in image
def ComputeAdjacency(labels, connectivity) 


  • labels = R x C where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns
  • connectivity = 4 or 8


  • Am = adjacency matrix, K x K where K is the number of superpixels
  • Al = adjacency list of length K where K is the number of superpixels
def ComputeCenters(img, labels)


  • img = n x d where n is the number of pixels in the image and d is the dimensionality of a pixel
  • labels = n x 1 where n is the number of pixels in the image


  • centers = K x d where K is the number of superpixels and d is the dimensionality of a pixel
def CalinskiHarabasz(img, labels) 


  • img = R x C x d where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns and d is the dimensionality of a pixel
  • labels = R x C where where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns


  • score = metric score
def LocalCalinskiHarabasz(img, labels)


  • img = R x C x d where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns and d is the dimensionality of a pixel
  • labels = R x C where where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns


  • kscores = metric scores for each superpixel, length K
 def LocalCalinskiHarabasz2(img, labels)


  • img = R x C x d where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns and d is the dimensionality of a pixel
  • labels = R x C where where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns


  • kscores = metric scores for each superpixel, length K
def DaviesBouldin(img, labels)


  • img = R x C x d where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns and d is the dimensionality of a pixel
  • labels = R x C where where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns


  • score = metric score
def LocalDaviesBouldin(img, labels)


  • img = R x C x d where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns and d is the dimensionality of a pixel
  • labels = R x C where where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns


  • kscores = metric scores for each superpixel, length K
def Dunn(img, labels)


  • img = R x C x d where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns and d is the dimensionality of a pixel
  • labels = R x C where where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns


  • score = metric score
def LocalDunn(img, labels)


  • img = R x C x d where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns and d is the dimensionality of a pixel
  • labels = R x C where where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns


  • kscores = metric scores for each superpixel, length K
def I(img, labels)


  • img = R x C x d where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns and d is the dimensionality of a pixel
  • labels = R x C where where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns


  • score = metric score
def LocalI(img, labels)


  • img = R x C x d where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns and d is the dimensionality of a pixel
  • labels = R x C where where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns


  • kscores = metric scores for each superpixel, length K
def RSquared(img, labels)


  • img = R x C x d where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns and d is the dimensionality of a pixel
  • labels = R x C where where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns


  • score = metric score
def LocalRSquared(img, labels)


  • img = R x C x d where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns and d is the dimensionality of a pixel
  • labels = R x C where where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns


  • kscores = metric scores for each superpixel, length K
def RootMeanSquaredStandardDeviation(img, labels)


  • img = R x C x d where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns and d is the dimensionality of a pixel
  • labels = R x C where where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns


  • score = metric score
def LocalRootMeanSquaredStandardDeviation(img, labels)


  • img = R x C x d where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns and d is the dimensionality of a pixel
  • labels = R x C where where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns


  • kscores = metric scores for each superpixel, length K
def XieBeni(img, labels)


  • img = R x C x d where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns and d is the dimensionality of a pixel
  • labels = R x C where where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns


  • score = metric score
def LocalXieBeni(img, labels)


  • img = R x C x d where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns and d is the dimensionality of a pixel
  • labels = R x C where where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns


  • kscores = metric scores for each superpixel, length K
def Variance(img, labels)


  • img = R x C x d where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns and d is the dimensionality of a pixel
  • labels = R x C where where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns


  • kscores = metric scores for each superpixel, length K
def Compactness(img, labels)


  • img = R x C x d where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns and d is the dimensionality of a pixel
  • labels = R x C where where R is the number of rows in an image and C is the number #of columns


  • score = metric score

III. Demo

demo.ipynb includes a demonstration using the image displayed below to obtain superpixels and run the 17 metrics is included.

IV. Citing

If you use this code, please cite ..

This code uses the function regionprops from scikit image.