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Add CRUD for tags

Add CRUD for tags #537

# GitHub Action:
# Whenever creating a new release of the source code,
# also create a release of the installable plugin,
# and downgrading it from PHP 8.1 to 7.2 to support more users.
# Steps to execute:
# - Checkout the source code
# - Run "composer install" for development, to install dependencies for Rector
# - Run Rector to downgrade code from PHP 8.1 to 7.2
# - Run "composer install" for production (required dependencies are already under vendor/)
# - Create a .zip file, excluding:
# - All hidden files (.git, .gitignore, etc)
# - Rector file
# - All development files, ending in .dist
# - All composer files <= after installing dependencies, no need for them anymore
# - Markdown files concerning development
# - Folder build/ <= created only to store the .zip file
# - Folder dev-helpers/ <= not needed for the plugin
# - Upload the .zip file as an artifact to the action (this step is possibly optional)
# - Upload the .zip file as a release, for download
name: Generate plugins
types: [published]
- main
pull_request: null
# see
name: Provide configuration to generate plugins
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: ${{ env.CHECKOUT_SUBMODULES }}
- uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
php-version: 8.1
coverage: none
- uses: "ramsey/composer-install@v2"
- id: output_data
run: |
echo "plugin_config_entries=$(vendor/bin/monorepo-builder plugin-config-entries-json --config=config/monorepo-builder/plugin-config-entries-json.php)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "retention_days_for_generated_plugins=$(vendor/bin/monorepo-builder env-var RETENTION_DAYS_FOR_GENERATED_PLUGINS --config=config/monorepo-builder/env-var.php)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "local_package_owners=$(vendor/bin/monorepo-builder local-package-owners --config=config/monorepo-builder/local-package-owners.php)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "git_base_branch=$(vendor/bin/monorepo-builder env-var GIT_BASE_BRANCH --config=config/monorepo-builder/env-var.php)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "git_user_name=$(vendor/bin/monorepo-builder env-var GIT_USER_NAME --config=config/monorepo-builder/env-var.php)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "git_user_email=$(vendor/bin/monorepo-builder env-var GIT_USER_EMAIL --config=config/monorepo-builder/env-var.php)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
plugin_config_entries: ${{ steps.output_data.outputs.plugin_config_entries }}
retention_days: ${{ steps.output_data.outputs.retention_days_for_generated_plugins }}
local_package_owners: ${{ steps.output_data.outputs.local_package_owners }}
git_base_branch: ${{ steps.output_data.outputs.git_base_branch }}
git_user_name: ${{ steps.output_data.outputs.git_user_name }}
git_user_email: ${{ steps.output_data.outputs.git_user_email }}
# Build plugin => downgrade => (maybe) scope => (maybe) upload to release and deploy to dist repo
name: Generate plugin "${{ matrix.pluginConfig.plugin_slug }}"
needs: provide_data
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
pluginConfig: ${{ fromJson(needs.provide_data.outputs.plugin_config_entries) }}
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: ${{ env.CHECKOUT_SUBMODULES }}
- name: Create build folder
run: mkdir build && mkdir build/dist-plugin
- name: Install zip
uses: montudor/[email protected]
# pcre.jit=0 => @see
- name: Use PHP 8.1
uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
php-version: 8.1
coverage: none
ini-values: pcre.jit=0
- name: Install root dependencies
uses: "ramsey/composer-install@v2"
# Downgrade plugin
# "custom-bump-interdependency" temporarily needed because of bug:
- name: Localize package paths
run: |
vendor/bin/monorepo-builder custom-bump-interdependency --config=config/monorepo-builder/custom-bump-interdependency.php "dev-${{ needs.provide_data.outputs.git_base_branch }}"
vendor/bin/monorepo-builder localize-composer-paths --config=config/monorepo-builder/localize-composer-paths.php ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.path }}/composer.json --ansi
# When building bundles (i.e. containing 2 or more extension plugins), if 2 extensions
# contain the same entry under "replace" in composer.json, then "require"ing both of
# them in the bundle fails.
# For instance, several plugins replace "pop-schema/schema-commons", producing
# the following error message:
# > Only one of these can be installed: pop-schema/schema-commons[dev-master], gatographql-pro/php-constants-and-environment-variables-via-schema[dev-master], gatographql-pro/helper-function-collection[dev-master]. [gatographql-pro/php-constants-and-environment-variables-via-schema, gatographql-pro/helper-function-collection] replace pop-schema/schema-commons and thus cannot coexist with it.
# As a solution, when generating the bundle plugin, remove all the "replace" entries
# in the composer.json for the included plugins, and move them to the bundle composer.json
- name: "Bundles: Transfer the 'replace' entries in composer.json, from the contained plugins to the bundle"
run: |
vendor/bin/monorepo-builder transfer-composer-replace-entries-from-plugins-to-bundle --config=config/monorepo-builder/transfer-composer-replace-entries-from-plugins-to-bundle.php "${{ matrix.pluginConfig.path }}/composer.json" --exclude-replace="${{ matrix.pluginConfig.exclude_replace }}"
if: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.is_bundle }}
- name: Install plugin dependencies, avoiding v2 platform check
run: |
composer config platform-check false --no-interaction --ansi
composer install --no-progress --no-interaction --ansi
working-directory: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.path }}
# => Hacks to fix the codebase in preparation of the Rector downgrade
- name: Custom bash script to fix items in the code in preparation for the Rector downgrade
run: "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/${{ matrix.pluginConfig.bashScripts.before_downgrade_code }}"
working-directory: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.path }}
if: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.bashScripts.before_downgrade_code }}
# additional_rector_after_configs => Hack to fix bug:
- name: Downgrade code for production (to PHP 7.2)
run: submodules/GatoGraphQL/ci/downgrade/ "${{ matrix.pluginConfig.rector_downgrade_config }}" "" "${{ matrix.pluginConfig.path }}" "${{ matrix.pluginConfig.additional_rector_before_configs }}" "${{ matrix.pluginConfig.additional_rector_after_configs }}" "${{ needs.provide_data.outputs.local_package_owners }}"
# => Hacks to fix the codebase whenever Rector cannot handle it
- name: Custom bash script to fix items in the code that Rector cannot handle
run: "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/${{ matrix.pluginConfig.bashScripts.after_downgrade_code }}"
working-directory: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.path }}
if: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.bashScripts.after_downgrade_code }}
- name: Replace PHP version in plugin main file
run: |
sed -i 's/Requires PHP: 8.1/Requires PHP: 7.2/' ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.main_file }}
working-directory: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.path }}
- name: Check if readme.txt exists
uses: andstor/file-existence-action@v3
id: check_readme_exists
files: "${{ matrix.pluginConfig.path }}/readme.txt"
- name: Replace PHP version in plugin readme file
run: |
sed -i 's/Requires PHP: 8.1/Requires PHP: 7.2/' readme.txt
if: steps.check_readme_exists.outputs.files_exists == 'true'
working-directory: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.path }}
# Add the commit hash to the plugin version, to regenerate the container when testing the generated plugin
- name: Append the the commit hash to the plugin/extension version
run: |
sed -i "s/$commitHash = null;/$commitHash = '${{ github.sha }}';/" ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.main_file }}
working-directory: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.path }}
- name: Build project for production
run: composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader --no-progress --no-interaction --ansi
working-directory: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.path }}
# Scope plugin
# Only execute when enabled by configuration
- name: Install PHP-Scoper
run: |
composer global config minimum-stability dev
composer global config prefer-stable true
composer global require humbug/php-scoper
if: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.scope }}
# (Current situation) If the scoped results correspond to vendor/ only, we must do "--output-dir ../prefixed-plugin/vendor"
# (Not happening now) If they also include src/, we must do "--output-dir ../prefixed-plugin"
- name: Scope plugin into separate folder
run: ~/.composer/vendor/bin/php-scoper add-prefix --config=${{ matrix.pluginConfig.scoping.phpscoper_config }} --output-dir $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/build/prefixed-plugin/vendor --ansi --no-interaction
working-directory: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.path }}
if: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.scope }}
- name: Copy scoped code back to source folder
run: rsync -av build/prefixed-plugin/ ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.path }} --quiet
if: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.scope }}
- name: Regenerate autoloader
run: composer dumpautoload --optimize --classmap-authoritative --ansi
working-directory: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.path }}
if: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.scope }}
- name: Use Scoper autoload in plugin main file
run: |
sed -i 's/autoload.php/scoper-autoload.php/' ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.main_file }}
working-directory: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.path }}
if: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.scope }}
# Generate plugin, and Upload as artifact
- name: Create plugin as zip
run: zip -X -r $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/build/${{ matrix.pluginConfig.zip_file }}.zip . -x *.git* node_modules/\* .* "*/\.*" *.md phpstan.neon *.dist composer.* vendor/**/phpstan.neon vendor/**/phpstan.neon.dist vendor/**/phpunit.xml.dist vendor/**/composer.json vendor/**/ vendor/**/ vendor/**/ tests/\* **/tests/\* ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.exclude_files }}
working-directory: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.path }}
- name: Uncompress plugin zip contents into new folder
uses: montudor/[email protected]
args: unzip -qq build/${{ matrix.pluginConfig.zip_file }}.zip -d build/dist-plugin/${{ matrix.pluginConfig.plugin_slug }}
- name: Upload plugin zip as artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.zip_file }}
path: build/dist-plugin/
retention-days: ${{ needs.provide_data.outputs.retention_days }}
# Upload and Deploy
# Only when doing a release
- name: Create release folder
run: mkdir build/release-plugin
if: github.event_name == 'release'
- name: Create release plugin as .zip file (containing a root folder with the plugin name)
run: zip -X -r $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/build/release-plugin/${{ matrix.pluginConfig.zip_file }}.zip .
working-directory: build/dist-plugin
if: github.event_name == 'release'
- name: Upload to release
uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
files: build/release-plugin/${{ matrix.pluginConfig.zip_file }}.zip
if: github.event_name == 'release'
- id: previous_tag
uses: "WyriHaximus/github-action-get-previous-tag@master"
if: github.event_name == 'release'
- name: Include (previously excluded) folders for DIST repo
run: sudo rsync -av ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.include_folders_for_dist_repo }} $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/build/dist-plugin/${{ matrix.pluginConfig.plugin_slug }} --quiet
working-directory: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.path }}
if: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.include_folders_for_dist_repo != '' && github.event_name == 'release' && matrix.pluginConfig.dist_repo_organization && matrix.pluginConfig.dist_repo_name }}
- name: Publish to DIST repo
uses: symplify/[email protected]
branch: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.dist_repo_branch }}
package-directory: 'build/dist-plugin/${{ matrix.pluginConfig.plugin_slug }}'
split-repository-organization: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.dist_repo_organization }}
split-repository-name: ${{ matrix.pluginConfig.dist_repo_name }}
tag: ${{ steps.previous_tag.outputs.tag }}
user-name: "${{ needs.provide_data.outputs.git_user_name }}"
user-email: "${{ needs.provide_data.outputs.git_user_email }}"
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'release' && matrix.pluginConfig.dist_repo_organization && matrix.pluginConfig.dist_repo_name }}