Gate ERC-20 token.
An OpenZeppelin BurnableToken based token with 900M total supply.
For more information, see GATE Token website.
The token is deployed at 0x9d7630adf7ab0b0cb00af747db76864df0ec82e4.
GATE Token Audit Report - 28.04.21 by Ville Sundell
Instructions to deploy on Goerly testnet.
- Generate two new private keys, one for the deployment account and one for the server-side signer
openssl rand -hex 32
Create account on Infura and get API key for Goerli network.
Create a config file
. For variable documentation see deploy.js.
deployerPrivateKeyHex = "..."
infuraProjectId = "..."
network = "goerli"
etherscanAPIKey = "..."
- Get the address for the deployment account by running the deployer without ETH
npx ts-node src/scripts/deploy.ts secrets/goerli.testnet.ini
Deploy now with having some gas money
npx ts-node src/scripts/deploy.ts secrets/goearly.env.ini
Here are instructions how to generate snapshots for old STACS token.
Create alias that runs the command sto
from the command-line using Docker container.
alias sto='docker run -p 8545:8545 -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` miohtama/sto:latest'
Create INI file with your API key.
network = ethereum
# Get this from your Infura dashboard
ethereum-node-url =
Build a snapshot of balances in local SQLite database. This database also contains historical balances and can be resynced with the network.
sto --config=mainnet.ini token-scan \
Print out balances sorted by the top holder first.
venv/bin/sto --config=mainnet.ini cap-table \
--token-address=0x286708f069225905194673755f12359e6aff6fe1 \
--order-by=balance \
--order-direction=desc \
If you need a CSV, you can pipe the output of the last command to a file.
You can also query the number of token holders:
sto --config=mainnet.init cap-table \
--token-address=0x9b6443b0fb9c241a7fdac375595cea13e6b7807a \
--order-by=balance \
--order-direction=desc \
| wc -l