HiSV is a computational pipeline for structural variation detection from Hi-C data
Structural variations (SVs) play an essential role in the evolution of human genomes and are associated with cancer genetics and rare disease.
High-throughput chromosome capture (Hi-C) is a new technology that breaks through the limitations of the short-read-based whole-genome sequenc-ing (WGS) method and can be used to detect large-scale SVs. However, the identification of SVs from Hi-C data is still in the early stages with only a few methods available.
Here, we described HiSV (Hi-C for Structural Variation), a control-free computational pipeline-based salient object detection model to identify large-scale SVs from a Hi-C sample.
The following software must be installed on your machine:
python: tested with version 3.7
- numpy (tested 1.21.6)
- pysam (tested 0.21.0) (for hiccovert script)
- pandas (tested 1.3.5)
- pyBigWig (tested 0.3.22) (for SV_type script)
- prox_tv (tested 3.3.0) (for HiSV script)
- pytest (tested 7.4.0)
- pygam (tested 0.8.0) (for SV_type script)
- scikit-learn (tested 1.0.2) (for determin_breakpoint script)
- cooler (tested 0.9.2) (for hiccovert script)
- hic-straw (tested 1.3.1) (for hiccovert script)
HiSV and all the dependencies can be installed using pip:
conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda create -n HiSV python=3.7
conda activate HiSV
pip install hisv -U
conda install hic-straw
Note: If an error related to libffi occurs during the installation or use of hic-straw
, please try the following command, and recreate the hisv environment and install it.
conda install -c anaconda libffi
HiSV is distributed with four scripts. You can learn the basic usage of each script by typing command [-h] in a terminal window, where "command" is one of the following script names:
- hiccovert
Convert hic files in different formats to the matrix file format required by HiSV. - HiSV
Calling SVs from Hi-C matrix data. - SV_type
Type annotations for each structural variant. - determin_breakpoint
Breakpoints for structural variants are more accurately identified when high-resolution Hi-C data are available.
HiSV requires two input files, a tumor Hi-C data and a reference length file. HISV supports five types of Hi-C data as input including matrix file, bam file, .cool file, .hic file and fastq file. When Hi-C data is a bam file, .cool file, or hic file, you can use the script hiccovert
to generate matrix file. When Hi-C data are fastq files, you can use the shell script fastqtobam.sh
to generate bam file. This step requires the installation of BWA-MEM(https://github.com/lh3/bwa) and HiCExplorer(https://github.com/deeptools/HiCExplorer). Here, we strongly recommend users to use Hi-C data whose reference genome is hg38 instead of hg19. If the Hi-C data whose reference genome is hg19 is used, we recommend that users use the gap_remove.py
script to preprocess the Hi-C matrix file.
HiSV results consist of two files including intra-chromosomal SV events and inter-chromosomal translocation events.
Then, it provides SV_type
and determin_breakpoint
scripts to perform type annotations on SV events and more precise breakpoint identification respectively.
Note: the input hic file format should be mcool, cool, hic or bam. The output Hi-C matrix file matches the number of chromosomes in the reference genome length file provided by the user
usage: hiccovert [-h] [--hic_file HIC_FILE] [--binsize BINSIZE]
[--format FORMAT] [--ref REF] [--cores CORES]
[--output OUTPUT] [--name NAME]
Convert Hi-C files in different formats into matrix form as HiSV input.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--hic_file HIC_FILE Hi-C file in different format. (default: None)
--binsize BINSIZE Bin size of final Hi-C contact matrix. (default: 50000)
--format FORMAT Format of input Hi-C file. This type needs to included
in [mcool, cool, hic, bam]. (default: None)
--ref REF Reference Genome length file (default: None)
--cores CORES The number of cores used for parallel computing
(default: None)
--output OUTPUT Output file path. (default: None)
--name NAME Sample name (default: None)
$ hiccovert --hic_file /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/GSE63525_K562_combined.hic --binsize 50000 --format hic --ref /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/ref.len --output /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/Matrix_data --name K562 --cores 20
$ hiccovert --hic_file /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/K562_in_house_b38d5.nodup.bam --binsize 50000 --format bam --ref /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/ref.len --output /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/Matrix_data --name K562 --cores 20
$ hiccovert --hic_file /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/K562_50kb.cool --binsize 50000 --format cool --ref /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/ref.len --output /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/Matrix_data --name K562 --cores 20
$ hiccovert --hic_file /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/K562.mcool --binsize 50000 --format mcool --ref /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/ref.len --output /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/Matrix_data --name K562 --cores 20
$ head ref.len
chr9 141213431
chr13 115169878
When the matrix files are prepared, the user can use the HiSV
script to identify SVs from Hi-C matrix files.
usage: HiSV [-h] [--inter_hic INTER_HIC] [--intra_hic INTRA_HIC]
[--intra_binsize INTRA_BINSIZE] [--inter_binsize INTER_BINSIZE]
[--window WINDOW] [--regularization REGULARIZATION]
[--inter_cutoff INTER_CUTOFF] [--intra_cutoff INTRA_CUTOFF]
[--ref REF] [--name NAME] [--cores CORES] [--output OUTPUT]
Identification of SVs based on Hi-C interaction matrix.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--inter_hic INTER_HIC
inter chromosomal hi-c contact matrix. (default: None)
--intra_hic INTRA_HIC
intra chromosomal hi-c contact matrix. (default: None)
--intra_binsize INTRA_BINSIZE
Resolution of intra Hi-C contact matrix. (default:
--inter_binsize INTER_BINSIZE
Resolution of inter Hi-C contact matrix. (default:
--window WINDOW Local region window. (default: 10)
--regularization REGULARIZATION
The regularization parameter (default: 0.2)
--inter_cutoff INTER_CUTOFF
Threshold for filtering inter-SV segments (default:
--intra_cutoff INTRA_CUTOFF
Threshold for filtering intra-SV segments (default:
--ref REF Reference Genome length file (default: None)
--name NAME Sample name (default: None)
--cores CORES The number of cores used for parallel computing
(default: None)
--output OUTPUT Output file path. (default: None)
By default, we set the local region window to 10, the regularization parameter to 0.2, and the cut-off values to 0.5 and 0.6 for Hi-C data with a sequencing depth of less than 100 million contacts and nearly 100 million contacts, respectively. We have found that these parameter settings achieve a good balance between sensitivity and precision for most test datasets.
The local region is approcimately 1Mb could avoid the normal 3D organization having high salience. So we set the local region window to 10 for 50Kb resolution Hi-C data. When the resolution of Hi-C data is 100kb, we recommend setting window to 5.
If your Hi-C data has a higher sequencing depth, we recommend increasing the cut-off value or the regularization parameter (eg. 0.4) accordingly.
Here, we provide an example Hi-C dataset to guide users through the whole process. The dataset contained two chromsomes, 9 and 13, and these two chromosomes in the K562 sample covered some of SVs. The command to run the test sample is:
$ HiSV --inter_hic /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/Matrix_data/Inter_matrix --intra_hic /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/Matrix_data/Intra_matrix --ref /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/ref.len --name K562 --cores 20 --output /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/result --inter_cutoff 0.6 --intra_cutoff 0.6
In the HiSV ouput directory, you will find
intermediate files used to identify the SV breakpoints../HiSV_test_data/result/HiSV_intra_SV_result.txt
the integrated intra-chromosomal SVs../HiSV_test_data/result/HiSV_inter_SV_result.txt
the integrated inter-chromosomal SVs The file "HiSV_intra_SV_result.txt" contains the intra-chromosomal SV events. Each column is named 'chrom1', 'start_pos', 'end_pos', 'start_pos' and 'end_pos'. Here, the breakpoint of each SV event is identified as a genome segment rather than a precise location.
$ head HiSV_intra_SV_result.txt
chr9 26550000 26800000 37400000 38450000
chr9 123550000 123600000 130900000 131150000
chr9 123550000 123600000 132400000 132550000
chr9 130900000 131100000 132400000 132550000
chr9 133700000 133900000 133800000 134000000
chr13 81050000 81300000 90400000 92550000
chr13 81050000 81150000 92950000 93350000
chr13 81050000 81100000 93850000 94050000
chr13 81050000 81250000 108500000 108750000
chr13 90450000 90500000 92950000 93350000
The file "HiSV_inter_SV_result.txt" contains the inter-chromosomal translocations. Each column is named 'chrom1', 'start_pos', 'end_pos', 'chrom2', 'start_pos' and 'end_pos'. Here, the breakpoint of each SV event is identified as a genome segment rather than a precise location.
$ head HiSV_inter_SV_result.txt
chr9 133550000 133750000 chr13 81000000 81550000
chr9 133500000 133650000 chr13 90400000 92500000
chr9 133600000 134050000 chr13 92850000 93350000
chr9 133550000 134000000 chr13 93850000 94200000
chr9 133550000 133950000 chr13 108350000 108950000
The next step is type annotations for each structural variant. Here, GC content, mappability and the number of restriction sites files are required as inputs to obtain a normalized coverage profile. When the Hi-C experiment does not use restriction enzyme, the RE file does not need to be provide (--withoutRE). These files are provided in /HiSV_test_data/normData, and some files with the extension of .gz need to be decompressed. Users can use the gzip -dv *
command to decompress files.
This step only for intra-chromosomal SV events.
usage: SV_type [-h] [--hic_file HIC_FILE] [--gc_file GC_FILE]
[--map_file MAP_FILE] [--RE_file RE_FILE] [--binsize BINSIZE]
[--withoutRE] [--HiSV_result HISV_RESULT] [--name NAME]
Define the type of SV event recognized by each HiSV
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--hic_file HIC_FILE Hi-C contact matrix file. (default: None)
--gc_file GC_FILE GC contene file of the reference genome. (default:
--map_file MAP_FILE Mappability file of the reference genome. (default:
--RE_file RE_FILE RE sites file of the reference genome. (default: None)
--binsize BINSIZE Bin size of final Hi-C contact matrix. (default:
Result file from HiSV (default: None)
--name NAME Sample name (default: None)
The command to run the test sample is:
$ SV_type --hic_file /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/Matrix_data/Intra_matrix --gc_file /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/normData/hg19_1kb_GC.bw --map_file /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/normData/hg19_mappability_100mer.1kb.bw --RE_file /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/normData/hg19.HindIII.npz --binsize 50000 --HiSV_result /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/result/HiSV_intra_SV_result.txt --name K562
When the Hi-C experiment does not use restriction enzyme:
$ SV_type --hic_file /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/Matrix_data/Intra_matrix --gc_file /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/normData/hg19_1kb_GC.bw --map_file /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/normData/hg19_mappability_100mer.1kb.bw --withoutRE --binsize 50000 --HiSV_result /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/result/HiSV_intra_SV_result.txt --name K562
SV_type script outputs each SV type directly. For example:
SV_mean 105.09020572658713
all_mean 124.7138356396499
Num 1 deletion
SV_mean 147.46605838315728
all_mean 124.7138356396499
Num 2 duplication
SV_mean: the average coverage profile in SV region
all_mean: the average coverage profile across the genome
When high-resolution Hi-C data is available, we provide the script to determine SV breakpoints more accurately.
usage: determin_breakpoint [-h] [--hic_file HIC_FILE] [--binsize BINSIZE]
[--HiSV_result HISV_RESULT] [--order_bin ORDER_BIN]
[--name NAME] [--output OUTPUT]
Determination of SV breakpoint
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--hic_file HIC_FILE High resolution hi-C contact matrix file. (default:
--binsize BINSIZE Bin size of high-resolution Hi-C contact matrix.
(default: 5000)
Result file from HiSV (default: None)
--order_bin ORDER_BIN
Bin size of Hi-C contact matrix for HiSV. (default:
--name NAME Sample name (default: None)
--output OUTPUT Output file path. (default: None)
Note: since the full storage of high-resolution Hi-C data occupies a lot of disk usage, sparse storage is used here to store Hi-C matrices, such as:
$ head K562_5kb_chr9_chr9_bed.txt
chrom_1 pos_1 chrom_2 pos_2 count
chr9 10000 chr9 10000 20
chr9 10000 chr9 15000 2
chr9 15000 chr9 15000 2
chr9 10000 chr9 20000 1
chr9 15000 chr9 20000 1
chr9 20000 chr9 20000 16
chr9 10000 chr9 25000 2
chr9 20000 chr9 25000 4
chr9 25000 chr9 25000 3
These high-reolution hi-c files are provided in /HiSV_test_data/Matrix_data/Intra_matrix
and /HiSV_test_data/Matrix_data/Intra_matrix
, and these files need to be decompressed. Users can use the gzip -dv *
command to decompress files. The command to run the test sample is:
$ determin_breakpoint --hic_file /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/Matrix_data/Intra_matrix --binsize 5000 --HiSV_result /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/result/HiSV_intra_SV_result.txt --name K562 --output /mnt/d/HiSV_test_data/result
In the HiSV ouput directory, you will find
The file "HiSV_intra_SV_breakpoint.txt" contains the intra-chromosomal SV events. Each column is named 'chrom1', 'breakpoint1', 'chrom2' and 'breakpoint2'. Here, the breakpoint of each SV event is a precise location.
$ head HiSV_intra_SV_breakpoint.txt
chr9 26600000 chr9 38410000
chr9 123550000 chr9 130910000
chr9 123560000 chr9 132445000
chr9 131105000 chr9 132430000
chr9 133765000 chr9 133925000
chr13 81105000 chr13 90450000
chr13 81095000 chr13 93330000
chr13 81100000 chr13 93860000
chr13 81135000 chr13 108650000
chr13 90440000 chr13 92960000