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Prototype mir_verify command
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This implements just enough scaffolding to support the basics of a `mir_verify`
command and related scaffolding, which is one of the main goals of #1859. When
I say "basic", I really do mean that: there are quite a few things that do not
work currently. These include:

* `mir_alloc`/`mir_points_to` do not work yet.
* Overrides (unsafe or otherwise) do not work yet.
* There is no way to declare variables with `struct` or `enum` types.
* Likely other things.

These limitations notwithstanding, it is now possible to write MIR
specifications for very simple functions such as the ones in the
`test_mir_verify_basic` integration test. I will be adding additional
capabilities in subsequent patches.

Most of the code in this patch is not terribly exciting, as lots of it is
cargo-culted from the LLVM and JVM backends. Ideally, we would find a way to
deduplicate a lot more of this code, but this will not be straightforward
without substantial refactoring in SAW. See #379.

In addition to the code itself, I have also expanded the SAW manual to mention
the variety of new MIR-related commands added in this patch. Of particular
interest is that `mir_verify` allows you to specify function identifiers in
multiple ways, which is provided as a convenience to SAW users. See the manual
for more details.

Checks off several boxes in #1859.
  • Loading branch information
RyanGlScott committed Aug 17, 2023
1 parent d4b61c3 commit c01a82c
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
# Version TBA -- ????-??-??

## New Features
* Add an experimental `mir_verify` command, along with related utilities for
constructing specifications for MIR/Rust programs. For more information, see
the `mir_*` commands documented in the [SAW

# Version 1.0 -- 2023-06-26

## New Features
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion crucible-mir-comp/crucible-mir-comp.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ library
exposed-modules: Mir.Compositional.Builder

ghc-options: -Wall -Wno-name-shadowing
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions crucible-mir-comp/src/Mir/Compositional/Builder.hs
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Expand Up @@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ import qualified Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.ReturnTrip as SAW
import qualified Verifier.SAW.TypedTerm as SAW

import qualified SAWScript.Crucible.Common.MethodSpec as MS
import SAWScript.Crucible.MIR.MethodSpecIR
import SAWScript.Crucible.MIR.TypeShape

import Mir.DefId
import Mir.Generator (CollectionState, collection)
Expand All @@ -61,7 +63,6 @@ import qualified Mir.Mir as M

import Mir.Compositional.Clobber
import Mir.Compositional.Convert
import Mir.Compositional.MethodSpec
import Mir.Compositional.Override (MethodSpec(..))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -686,7 +687,7 @@ regToSetup bak p eval shp rv = go shp rv
", but got Any wrapping " ++ show tpr
where shpTpr = StructRepr $ fmapFC fieldShapeType flds
go (TransparentShape _ shp) rv = go shp rv
go (RefShape refTy ty' tpr) ref = do
go (RefShape refTy ty' _ tpr) ref = do
partIdxLen <- lift $ mirRef_indexAndLenSim ref
optIdxLen <- liftIO $ readPartExprMaybe sym partIdxLen
let (optIdx, optLen) =
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion crucible-mir-comp/src/Mir/Compositional/Clobber.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ import Lang.Crucible.Backend
import Lang.Crucible.Simulator
import Lang.Crucible.Types

import SAWScript.Crucible.MIR.TypeShape

import Mir.Generator (CollectionState, collection, staticMap, StaticVar(..))
import Mir.Intrinsics hiding (MethodSpec, MethodSpecBuilder)
import qualified Mir.Mir as M
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,7 +108,7 @@ clobberImmutSymbolic sym loc nameStr shp rv = go shp rv
go (TransparentShape _ shp) rv = go shp rv
-- Since this ref is in immutable memory, whatever behavior we're
-- approximating with this clobber can't possibly modify it.
go (RefShape _ _ _tpr) rv = return rv
go (RefShape _ _ _ _tpr) rv = return rv
go (FnPtrShape _ _ _) _rv =
error "Function pointers not currently supported in overrides"

Expand Down
197 changes: 2 additions & 195 deletions crucible-mir-comp/src/Mir/Compositional/Convert.hs
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Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
module Mir.Compositional.Convert

import Control.Lens ((^.), (^..), each)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Foldable
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,177 +46,10 @@ import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4 (SValue)
import qualified Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4 as SAW
import qualified Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.ReturnTrip as SAW (baseSCType)

import SAWScript.Crucible.MIR.TypeShape

import Mir.Intrinsics
import qualified Mir.Mir as M
import Mir.TransTy ( tyListToCtx, tyToRepr, tyToReprCont, canInitialize
, isUnsized, reprTransparentFieldTy )

-- | TypeShape is used to classify MIR `Ty`s and their corresponding
-- CrucibleTypes into a few common cases. We don't use `Ty` directly because
-- there are some `Ty`s that have identical structure (such as TyRef vs.
-- TyRawPtr) or similar enough structure that we'd rather write only one case
-- (such as `u8` vs `i8` vs `i32`, all primitives/BaseTypes). And we don't use
-- TypeRepr directly because it's lacking information in some cases (notably
-- `TyAdt`, which is always AnyRepr, concealing the actual field types of the
-- struct).
-- In each constructor, the first `M.Ty` is the overall MIR type (e.g., for
-- ArrayShape, this is the TyArray type). The overall `TypeRepr tp` isn't
-- stored directly, but can be computed with `shapeType`.
data TypeShape (tp :: CrucibleType) where
UnitShape :: M.Ty -> TypeShape UnitType
PrimShape :: M.Ty -> BaseTypeRepr btp -> TypeShape (BaseToType btp)
TupleShape :: M.Ty -> [M.Ty] -> Assignment FieldShape ctx -> TypeShape (StructType ctx)
ArrayShape :: M.Ty -> M.Ty -> TypeShape tp -> TypeShape (MirVectorType tp)
StructShape :: M.Ty -> [M.Ty] -> Assignment FieldShape ctx -> TypeShape AnyType
TransparentShape :: M.Ty -> TypeShape tp -> TypeShape tp
-- | Note that RefShape contains only a TypeRepr for the pointee type, not
-- a TypeShape. None of our operations need to recurse inside pointers,
-- and also this saves us from some infinite recursion.
RefShape :: M.Ty -> M.Ty -> TypeRepr tp -> TypeShape (MirReferenceType tp)
-- | Note that 'FnPtrShape' contains only 'TypeRepr's for the argument and
-- result types, not 'TypeShape's, as none of our operations need to recurse
-- inside them.
FnPtrShape :: M.Ty -> CtxRepr args -> TypeRepr ret
-> TypeShape (FunctionHandleType args ret)

-- | The TypeShape of a struct field, which might have a MaybeType wrapper to
-- allow for partial initialization.
data FieldShape (tp :: CrucibleType) where
OptField :: TypeShape tp -> FieldShape (MaybeType tp)
ReqField :: TypeShape tp -> FieldShape tp

-- | Return the `TypeShape` of `ty`.
-- It is guaranteed that the `tp :: CrucibleType` index of the resulting
-- `TypeShape` matches that returned by `tyToRepr`.
tyToShape :: M.Collection -> M.Ty -> Some TypeShape
tyToShape col ty = go ty
go :: M.Ty -> Some TypeShape
go ty = case ty of
M.TyBool -> goPrim ty
M.TyChar -> goPrim ty
M.TyInt _ -> goPrim ty
M.TyUint _ -> goPrim ty
M.TyTuple [] -> goUnit ty
M.TyTuple tys -> goTuple ty tys
M.TyClosure tys -> goTuple ty tys
M.TyFnDef _ -> goUnit ty
M.TyArray ty' _ | Some shp <- go ty' -> Some $ ArrayShape ty ty' shp
M.TyAdt nm _ _ -> case Map.lookup nm (col ^. M.adts) of
Just adt | Just ty' <- reprTransparentFieldTy col adt ->
mapSome (TransparentShape ty) $ go ty'
Just (M.Adt _ M.Struct [v] _ _ _ _) -> goStruct ty (v ^.. M.vfields . each . M.fty)
Just (M.Adt _ ak _ _ _ _ _) -> error $ "tyToShape: AdtKind " ++ show ak ++ " NYI"
Nothing -> error $ "tyToShape: bad adt: " ++ show ty
M.TyRef ty' mutbl -> goRef ty ty' mutbl
M.TyRawPtr ty' mutbl -> goRef ty ty' mutbl
M.TyFnPtr sig -> goFnPtr ty sig
_ -> error $ "tyToShape: " ++ show ty ++ " NYI"

goPrim :: M.Ty -> Some TypeShape
goPrim ty | Some tpr <- tyToRepr col ty, AsBaseType btpr <- asBaseType tpr =
Some $ PrimShape ty btpr
goPrim ty | Some tpr <- tyToRepr col ty =
error $ "tyToShape: type " ++ show ty ++ " produced non-primitive type " ++ show tpr

goUnit :: M.Ty -> Some TypeShape
goUnit ty = Some $ UnitShape ty

goTuple :: M.Ty -> [M.Ty] -> Some TypeShape
goTuple ty tys | Some flds <- loop tys Empty = Some $ TupleShape ty tys flds
loop :: forall ctx. [M.Ty] -> Assignment FieldShape ctx -> Some (Assignment FieldShape)
loop [] flds = Some flds
loop (ty:tys) flds | Some fld <- go ty = loop tys (flds :> OptField fld)

goStruct :: M.Ty -> [M.Ty] -> Some TypeShape
goStruct ty tys | Some flds <- loop tys Empty = Some $ StructShape ty tys flds
loop :: forall ctx. [M.Ty] -> Assignment FieldShape ctx -> Some (Assignment FieldShape)
loop [] flds = Some flds
loop (ty:tys) flds | Some fld <- goField ty = loop tys (flds :> fld)

goField :: M.Ty -> Some FieldShape
goField ty | Some shp <- go ty = case canInitialize col ty of
True -> Some $ ReqField shp
False -> Some $ OptField shp

goRef :: M.Ty -> M.Ty -> M.Mutability -> Some TypeShape
goRef ty ty' mutbl
| M.TySlice slicedTy <- ty'
, Some tpr <- tyToRepr col slicedTy
= Some $
TupleShape ty [refTy, usizeTy]
:> ReqField (RefShape refTy slicedTy tpr)
:> ReqField (PrimShape usizeTy BaseUsizeRepr))
| M.TyStr <- ty'
= Some $
TupleShape ty [refTy, usizeTy]
:> ReqField (RefShape refTy (M.TyUint M.B8) (BVRepr (knownNat @8)))
:> ReqField (PrimShape usizeTy BaseUsizeRepr))
-- We use a ref (of the same mutability as `ty`) when possible, to
-- avoid unnecessary clobbering.
refTy = case ty of
M.TyRef _ _ -> M.TyRef ty' mutbl
_ -> M.TyRef ty' mutbl
usizeTy = M.TyUint M.USize
goRef ty ty' _ | isUnsized ty' = error $
"tyToShape: fat pointer " ++ show ty ++ " NYI"
goRef ty ty' _ | Some tpr <- tyToRepr col ty' = Some $ RefShape ty ty' tpr

goFnPtr :: M.Ty -> M.FnSig -> Some TypeShape
goFnPtr ty (M.FnSig args ret _abi _spread) =
tyListToCtx col args $ \argsr ->
tyToReprCont col ret $ \retr ->
Some (FnPtrShape ty argsr retr)

-- | Given a `Ty` and the result of `tyToRepr ty`, produce a `TypeShape` with
-- the same index `tp`. Raises an `error` if the `TypeRepr` doesn't match
-- `tyToRepr ty`.
tyToShapeEq :: HasCallStack => M.Collection -> M.Ty -> TypeRepr tp -> TypeShape tp
tyToShapeEq col ty tpr | Some shp <- tyToShape col ty =
case testEquality (shapeType shp) tpr of
Just Refl -> shp
Nothing -> error $ "tyToShapeEq: type " ++ show ty ++
" does not have representation " ++ show tpr ++
" (got " ++ show (shapeType shp) ++ " instead)"

shapeType :: TypeShape tp -> TypeRepr tp
shapeType shp = go shp
go :: forall tp. TypeShape tp -> TypeRepr tp
go (UnitShape _) = UnitRepr
go (PrimShape _ btpr) = baseToType btpr
go (TupleShape _ _ flds) = StructRepr $ fmapFC fieldShapeType flds
go (ArrayShape _ _ shp) = MirVectorRepr $ shapeType shp
go (StructShape _ _ _flds) = AnyRepr
go (TransparentShape _ shp) = go shp
go (RefShape _ _ tpr) = MirReferenceRepr tpr
go (FnPtrShape _ args ret) = FunctionHandleRepr args ret

fieldShapeType :: FieldShape tp -> TypeRepr tp
fieldShapeType (ReqField shp) = shapeType shp
fieldShapeType (OptField shp) = MaybeRepr $ shapeType shp

shapeMirTy :: TypeShape tp -> M.Ty
shapeMirTy (UnitShape ty) = ty
shapeMirTy (PrimShape ty _) = ty
shapeMirTy (TupleShape ty _ _) = ty
shapeMirTy (ArrayShape ty _ _) = ty
shapeMirTy (StructShape ty _ _) = ty
shapeMirTy (TransparentShape ty _) = ty
shapeMirTy (RefShape ty _ _) = ty
shapeMirTy (FnPtrShape ty _ _) = ty

fieldShapeMirTy :: FieldShape tp -> M.Ty
fieldShapeMirTy (ReqField shp) = shapeMirTy shp
fieldShapeMirTy (OptField shp) = shapeMirTy shp

-- | Run `f` on each `SymExpr` in `v`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -549,28 +381,3 @@ regToTerm sym sc name w4VarMapRef shp rv = go shp rv
go shp rv'
goVector _shp (MirVector_Array _) = fail $
"regToTerm: MirVector_Array not supported"

shapeToTerm :: forall tp m.
(MonadIO m, MonadFail m) =>
SAW.SharedContext ->
TypeShape tp ->
m SAW.Term
shapeToTerm sc shp = go shp
go :: forall tp. TypeShape tp -> m SAW.Term
go (UnitShape _) = liftIO $ SAW.scUnitType sc
go (PrimShape _ BaseBoolRepr) = liftIO $ SAW.scBoolType sc
go (PrimShape _ (BaseBVRepr w)) = liftIO $ SAW.scBitvector sc (natValue w)
go (TupleShape _ _ flds) = do
tys <- toListFC getConst <$> traverseFC (\x -> Const <$> goField x) flds
liftIO $ SAW.scTupleType sc tys
go (ArrayShape (M.TyArray _ n) _ shp) = do
ty <- go shp
n <- liftIO $ SAW.scNat sc (fromIntegral n)
liftIO $ SAW.scVecType sc n ty
go shp = fail $ "shapeToTerm: unsupported type " ++ show (shapeType shp)

goField :: forall tp. FieldShape tp -> m SAW.Term
goField (OptField shp) = go shp
goField (ReqField shp) = go shp

79 changes: 0 additions & 79 deletions crucible-mir-comp/src/Mir/Compositional/MethodSpec.hs

This file was deleted.


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