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add MRVarCtx to avoid ambiguity about var ctx orderings
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m-yac committed Aug 16, 2022
1 parent 59dfb09 commit 7de0965
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Showing 4 changed files with 149 additions and 87 deletions.
113 changes: 59 additions & 54 deletions src/SAWScript/Prover/MRSolver/Monad.hs
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Expand Up @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ instance PrettyInCtx MRFailure where

-- | Render a 'MRFailure' to a 'String'
showMRFailure :: MRFailure -> String
showMRFailure = showInCtx []
showMRFailure = showInCtx emptyMRVarCtx

-- | Render a 'MRFailure' to a 'String' without its context (see
-- 'mrFailureWithoutCtx')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -220,10 +220,8 @@ asEVarApp _ _ = Nothing
-- for some universal context @x1:T1, ..., xn:Tn@ and some lists of argument
-- expressions @y1, ..., ym@ and @z1, ..., zl@ over the universal context.
data CoIndHyp = CoIndHyp {
-- | The uvars that were in scope when this assmption was created, in order
-- from outermost to innermost; that is, the uvars as "seen from outside their
-- scope", which is the reverse of the order of 'mrUVars', below
coIndHypCtx :: [(LocalName,Term)],
-- | The uvars that were in scope when this assmption was created
coIndHypCtx :: MRVarCtx,

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eddywestbrook Aug 16, 2022


The old version used outermost-to-innermost order, whereas MRVarCtx uses innermost-to-outermost. Is that intentional, because the latter now has a nice type for it?

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m-yac Aug 17, 2022

Author Contributor

Yes. The order in which they're stored doesn't really matter, as long as we use the right function when this argument is actually used. (Plus the old code ended up reversing this argument when it actually got used, so this is cleaner anyway 🤷‍♂️)

-- | The LHS function name
coIndHypLHSFun :: FunName,
-- | The RHS function name
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -263,19 +261,21 @@ coIndHypSetArgs hyp specs x =
-- | Add a variable to the context of a coinductive hypothesis, returning the
-- updated coinductive hypothesis and a 'Term' which is the new variable
coIndHypWithVar :: CoIndHyp -> LocalName -> Type -> MRM (CoIndHyp, Term)
coIndHypWithVar (CoIndHyp ctx f1 f2 args1 args2 invar1 invar2) nm (Type tp) =
coIndHypWithVar (CoIndHyp ctx f1 f2 args1 args2 invar1 invar2) nm tp =
do var <- liftSC1 scLocalVar 0
let ctx' = mrVarCtxAppend (singletonMRVarCtx nm tp) ctx
(args1', args2') <- liftTermLike 0 1 (args1, args2)
return (CoIndHyp (ctx ++ [(nm,tp)]) f1 f2 args1' args2' invar1 invar2, var)
return (CoIndHyp ctx' f1 f2 args1' args2' invar1 invar2, var)

-- | A map from pairs of function names to co-inductive hypotheses over those
-- names
type CoIndHyps = Map (FunName, FunName) CoIndHyp

instance PrettyInCtx CoIndHyp where
prettyInCtx (CoIndHyp ctx f1 f2 args1 args2 invar1 invar2) =
local (const $ map fst $ reverse ctx) $
prettyAppList [return (ppCtx ctx <> "."),
-- ignore whatever context we're in and use `ctx` instead
return $ flip runPPInCtxM ctx $
prettyAppList [prettyInCtx ctx, return ".",
(case invar1 of
Just f -> prettyTermApp f args1
Nothing -> return "True"), return "=>",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -307,10 +307,8 @@ data MRInfo = MRInfo {
mriSC :: SharedContext,
-- | SMT timeout for SMT calls made by Mr. Solver
mriSMTTimeout :: Maybe Integer,
-- | The current context of universal variables, which are free SAW core
-- variables, in order from innermost to outermost, i.e., where element @0@
-- corresponds to deBruijn index @0@
mriUVars :: [(LocalName,Type)],
-- | The current context of universal variables
mriUVars :: MRVarCtx,
-- | The top-level Mr Solver environment
mriEnv :: MREnv,
-- | The current set of co-inductive hypotheses
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,7 +356,7 @@ mrSMTTimeout :: MRM (Maybe Integer)
mrSMTTimeout = mriSMTTimeout <$> ask

-- | Get the current value of 'mriUVars'
mrUVars :: MRM [(LocalName,Type)]
mrUVars :: MRM MRVarCtx
mrUVars = mriUVars <$> ask

-- | Get the current function assumptions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -396,7 +394,8 @@ runMRM sc timeout env m =
do true_tm <- scBool sc True
let init_info = MRInfo { mriSC = sc, mriSMTTimeout = timeout,
mriEnv = env,
mriUVars = [], mriCoIndHyps = Map.empty,
mriUVars = emptyMRVarCtx,
mriCoIndHyps = Map.empty,
mriAssumptions = true_tm,
mriDataTypeAssumps = HashMap.empty }
let init_st = MRState { mrsVars = Map.empty }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -595,22 +594,21 @@ mrBvToNat n len = liftSC2 scGlobalApply "Prelude.bvToNat" [n, len]
-- | Get the current context of uvars as a list of variable names and their
-- types as SAW core 'Term's, with the least recently bound uvar first, i.e., in
-- the order as seen "from the outside"
mrUVarCtx :: MRM [(LocalName,Term)]
mrUVarCtx = reverse <$> mrUVarCtxRev
mrUVarsOuterToInner :: MRM [(LocalName,Term)]
mrUVarsOuterToInner = mrVarCtxOuterToInner <$> mrUVars

-- | Get the current context of uvars as a list of variable names and their
-- types as SAW core 'Term's, with the most recently bound uvar first, i.e., in
-- the order as seen "from the inside"
mrUVarCtxRev :: MRM [(LocalName,Term)]
mrUVarCtxRev = map (\(nm,Type tp) -> (nm,tp)) <$> mrUVars
mrUVarsInnerToOuter :: MRM [(LocalName,Term)]
mrUVarsInnerToOuter = mrVarCtxInnerToOuter <$> mrUVars

-- | Get the type of a 'Term' in the current uvar context
mrTypeOf :: Term -> MRM Term
mrTypeOf t =
-- NOTE: scTypeOf' wants the type context in the most recently bound var
-- first, i.e., in the mrUVarCtxRev order
-- NOTE: scTypeOf' wants the type context in the most recently bound var first
-- mrDebugPPPrefix 3 "mrTypeOf:" t >>
mrUVarCtxRev >>= \ctx -> liftSC2 scTypeOf' (map snd ctx) t
mrUVarsInnerToOuter >>= \ctx -> liftSC2 scTypeOf' (map snd ctx) t

-- | Check if two 'Term's are convertible in the 'MRM' monad
mrConvertible :: Term -> Term -> MRM Bool
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -652,7 +650,9 @@ mrLambdaLift :: TermLike tm => [(LocalName,Term)] -> tm ->
([Term] -> tm -> MRM Term) -> MRM Term
mrLambdaLift [] t f = f [] t
mrLambdaLift ctx t f =
do nms <- uniquifyNames (map fst ctx) <$> map fst <$> mrUVars
do -- uniquifyNames doesn't care about the order of the names in its second,
-- argument, thus either inner-to-outer or outer-to-inner would work
nms <- uniquifyNames (map fst ctx) <$> map fst <$> mrUVarsInnerToOuter
let ctx' = zipWith (\nm (_,tp) -> (nm,tp)) nms ctx
vars <- reverse <$> mapM (liftSC1 scLocalVar) [0 .. length ctx - 1]
t' <- liftTermLike 0 (length ctx) t
Expand All @@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ mrLambdaLift ctx t f =
-- variable, which is passed as a 'Term' to the sub-computation. Note that any
-- assumptions made in the sub-computation will be lost when it completes.
withUVar :: LocalName -> Type -> (Term -> MRM a) -> MRM a
withUVar nm (Type tp) m = withUVars [(nm,tp)] (\[v] -> m v)
withUVar nm tp m = withUVars (singletonMRVarCtx nm tp) (\[v] -> m v)

-- | Run a MR Solver computation in a context extended with a universal variable
-- and pass it the lifting (in the sense of 'incVars') of an MR Solver term
Expand All @@ -673,17 +673,25 @@ withUVarLift nm tp t m =

-- | Run a MR Solver computation in a context extended with a list of universal
-- variables, passing 'Term's for those variables to the supplied computation.
-- The variables are bound "outside in", meaning the first variable in the list
-- is bound outermost, and so will have the highest deBruijn index.
withUVars :: [(LocalName,Term)] -> ([Term] -> MRM a) -> MRM a
withUVars [] f = f []
withUVars :: MRVarCtx -> ([Term] -> MRM a) -> MRM a
withUVars (mrVarCtxLength -> 0) f = f []
withUVars ctx f =
do nms <- uniquifyNames (map fst ctx) <$> map fst <$> mrUVars
let ctx_u = zip nms $ map (Type . snd) ctx
assumps' <- mrAssumptions >>= liftTerm 0 (length ctx)
dataTypeAssumps' <- mrDataTypeAssumps >>= mapM (liftTermLike 0 (length ctx))
vars <- reverse <$> mapM (liftSC1 scLocalVar) [0 .. length ctx - 1]
local (\info -> info { mriUVars = reverse ctx_u ++ mriUVars info,
do -- for uniquifyNames, we want to consider the oldest names first, thus we
-- must pass the first argument in outer-to-inner order. uniquifyNames
-- doesn't care about the order of the names in its second, argument, thus
-- either inner-to-outer or outer-to-inner would work
let ctx_l = mrVarCtxOuterToInner ctx
nms <- uniquifyNames (map fst ctx_l) <$> map fst <$> mrUVarsInnerToOuter
let ctx_u = mrVarCtxFromOuterToInner $ zip nms $ map snd ctx_l
-- lift all the variables in our assumptions by the number of new uvars
-- we're adding (we do not have to lift the types in our uvar context
-- itself, since each type is in the context of all older uvars - see the
-- definition of MRVarCtx)
assumps' <- mrAssumptions >>= liftTerm 0 (mrVarCtxLength ctx)
dataTypeAssumps' <- mrDataTypeAssumps >>= mapM (liftTermLike 0 (mrVarCtxLength ctx))
-- make terms for our new uvars, extend the context, and continue
vars <- reverse <$> mapM (liftSC1 scLocalVar) [0 .. mrVarCtxLength ctx - 1]
local (\info -> info { mriUVars = mrVarCtxAppend ctx_u (mriUVars info),
mriAssumptions = assumps',
mriDataTypeAssumps = dataTypeAssumps' }) $
mrDebugPPPrefix 3 "withUVars:" ctx_u >>
Expand All @@ -693,35 +701,35 @@ withUVars ctx f =
withNoUVars :: MRM a -> MRM a
withNoUVars m =
do true_tm <- liftSC1 scBool True
local (\info -> info { mriUVars = [], mriAssumptions = true_tm,
local (\info -> info { mriUVars = emptyMRVarCtx, mriAssumptions = true_tm,
mriDataTypeAssumps = HashMap.empty }) m

-- | Run a MR Solver in a context of only the specified UVars, no others -
-- note that this also clears all assumptions
withOnlyUVars :: [(LocalName,Term)] -> MRM a -> MRM a
withOnlyUVars :: MRVarCtx -> MRM a -> MRM a
withOnlyUVars vars m = withNoUVars $ withUVars vars $ const m

-- | Build 'Term's for all the uvars currently in scope, ordered from least to
-- most recently bound
getAllUVarTerms :: MRM [Term]
getAllUVarTerms =
(length <$> mrUVars) >>= \len ->
(mrVarCtxLength <$> mrUVars) >>= \len ->
mapM (liftSC1 scLocalVar) [len-1, len-2 .. 0]

-- | Lambda-abstract all the current uvars out of a 'Term', with the least
-- recently bound variable being abstracted first
lambdaUVarsM :: Term -> MRM Term
lambdaUVarsM t = mrUVarCtx >>= \ctx -> liftSC2 scLambdaList ctx t
lambdaUVarsM t = mrUVarsOuterToInner >>= \ctx -> liftSC2 scLambdaList ctx t

-- | Pi-abstract all the current uvars out of a 'Term', with the least recently
-- bound variable being abstracted first
piUVarsM :: Term -> MRM Term
piUVarsM t = mrUVarCtx >>= \ctx -> liftSC2 scPiList ctx t
piUVarsM t = mrUVarsOuterToInner >>= \ctx -> liftSC2 scPiList ctx t

-- | Instantiate all uvars in a term using the supplied function
instantiateUVarsM :: TermLike a => (LocalName -> Term -> MRM Term) -> a -> MRM a
instantiateUVarsM f a =
do ctx <- mrUVarCtx
do ctx <- mrUVarsOuterToInner
-- Remember: the uvar context is outermost to innermost, so we bind
-- variables from left to right, substituting earlier ones into the types
-- of later ones, but all substitutions are in reverse order, since
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -850,15 +858,15 @@ mrFreshEVar nm (Type tp) =
mrSetVarInfo var (EVarInfo Nothing)
mrVarTerm var

-- | Return a fresh sequence of existential variables for a context of variable
-- names and types, assuming each variable is free in the types that occur after
-- it in the list. Return the new evars all applied to the current uvars.
mrFreshEVars :: [(LocalName,Term)] -> MRM [Term]
mrFreshEVars = helper [] where
-- | Return a fresh sequence of existential variables from a 'MRVarCtx'.
-- Return the new evars all applied to the current uvars.
mrFreshEVars :: MRVarCtx -> MRM [Term]
mrFreshEVars = helper [] . mrVarCtxOuterToInner where
-- Return fresh evars for the suffix of a context of variable names and types,
-- where the supplied Terms are evars that have already been generated for the
-- earlier part of the context, and so must be substituted into the remaining
-- types in the context
-- types in the context. Since we want to make fresh evars for the oldest
-- variables first, the second argument must be in outer-to-inner order.
helper :: [Term] -> [(LocalName,Term)] -> MRM [Term]
helper evars [] = return evars
helper evars ((nm,tp):ctx) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1019,7 +1027,7 @@ withFunAssump :: FunName -> [Term] -> NormComp -> MRM a -> MRM a
withFunAssump fname args rhs m =
do k <- CompFunReturn <$> Type <$> mrFunOutType fname args
mrDebugPPPrefixSep 1 "withFunAssump" (FunBind fname args k) "|=" rhs
ctx <- mrUVarCtx
ctx <- mrUVars
assumps <- mrFunAssumps
let assump = FunAssump ctx args (RewriteFunAssump rhs)
let assumps' = Map.insert fname assump assumps
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1118,21 +1126,19 @@ debugPretty i pp = debugPrint i $ renderSawDoc defaultPPOpts pp
-- | Pretty-print an object in the current context if the current debug level is
-- at least the supplied 'Int'
debugPrettyInCtx :: PrettyInCtx a => Int -> a -> MRM ()
debugPrettyInCtx i a =
mrUVars >>= \ctx -> debugPrint i (showInCtx (map fst ctx) a)
debugPrettyInCtx i a = mrUVars >>= \ctx -> debugPrint i (showInCtx ctx a)

-- | Pretty-print an object relative to the current context
mrPPInCtx :: PrettyInCtx a => a -> MRM SawDoc
mrPPInCtx a =
runReader (prettyInCtx a) <$> map fst <$> mrUVars
mrPPInCtx a = runPPInCtxM (prettyInCtx a) <$> mrUVars

-- | Pretty-print the result of 'ppWithPrefix' relative to the current uvar
-- context to 'stderr' if the debug level is at least the 'Int' provided
mrDebugPPPrefix :: PrettyInCtx a => Int -> String -> a -> MRM ()
mrDebugPPPrefix i pre a =
mrUVars >>= \ctx ->
debugPretty i $
flip runReader (map fst ctx) (group <$> nest 2 <$> ppWithPrefix pre a)
runPPInCtxM (group <$> nest 2 <$> ppWithPrefix pre a) ctx

-- | Pretty-print the result of 'ppWithPrefixSep' relative to the current uvar
-- context to 'stderr' if the debug level is at least the 'Int' provided
Expand All @@ -1141,5 +1147,4 @@ mrDebugPPPrefixSep :: (PrettyInCtx a, PrettyInCtx b) =>
mrDebugPPPrefixSep i pre a1 sp a2 =
mrUVars >>= \ctx ->
debugPretty i $
flip runReader (map fst ctx) (group <$> nest 2 <$>
ppWithPrefixSep pre a1 sp a2)
runPPInCtxM (group <$> nest 2 <$> ppWithPrefixSep pre a1 sp a2) ctx
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions src/SAWScript/Prover/MRSolver/SMT.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -260,10 +260,10 @@ mrNormTerm t =
-- removing those lambdas
mrNormOpenTerm :: Term -> MRM Term
mrNormOpenTerm body =
do ctx <- mrUVarCtx
fun_term <- liftSC2 scLambdaList ctx body
do length_ctx <- mrVarCtxLength <$> mrUVars
fun_term <- lambdaUVarsM body
normed_fun <- mrNormTerm fun_term
return (peel_lambdas (length ctx) normed_fun)
return (peel_lambdas length_ctx normed_fun)
peel_lambdas :: Int -> Term -> Term
peel_lambdas 0 t = t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -310,8 +310,7 @@ mrProvableRaw prop_term =
mrProvable :: Term -> MRM Bool
mrProvable (asBool -> Just b) = return b
mrProvable bool_tm =
do uvarCtx <- mrUVarCtx
debugPretty 3 $ "mrProvable uvars:" <> ppCtx uvarCtx
do mrUVars >>= mrDebugPPPrefix 3 "mrProvable uvars:"
assumps <- mrAssumptions
prop <- liftSC2 scImplies assumps bool_tm >>= liftSC1 scEqTrue
prop_inst <- mrSubstEVars prop >>= instantiateUVarsM instUVar
Expand Down
11 changes: 5 additions & 6 deletions src/SAWScript/Prover/MRSolver/Solver.hs
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Expand Up @@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ proveCoIndHypInvariant hyp =
-- restored and the computation is re-run with the widened hypothesis.
mrRefinesCoInd :: FunName -> [Term] -> FunName -> [Term] -> MRM ()
mrRefinesCoInd f1 args1 f2 args2 =
do ctx <- mrUVarCtx
do ctx <- mrUVars
preF1 <- mrGetInvariant f1
preF2 <- mrGetInvariant f2
let hyp = CoIndHyp ctx f1 f2 args1 args2 preF1 preF2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ generalizeCoIndHypArgs hyp [(specs1, tp1), (specs2, tp2)] = case matchHet tp1 tp

Nothing -> throwMRFailure (TypesNotRel True (Type tp1) (Type tp2))

generalizeCoIndHypArgs _ specs = map fst <$> mrUVars >>= \uvar_ctx ->
generalizeCoIndHypArgs _ specs = mrUVars >>= \uvar_ctx ->
-- Being in this case implies we have types @tp1, tp2, tp3@ which are related
-- by 'typesHetRelated' but no two of them are convertible. As of the time of
-- writing, the only way this could be possible is if the types are pair
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1103,8 +1103,7 @@ mrRefinesFunH k vars tps1 t1 tps2@(asPi -> Just (nm2, tp2@(asEq -> Just (asBoolT

mrRefinesFunH k vars tps1@(asPi -> Just (nm1, tp1, _)) t1
tps2@(asPi -> Just (nm2, tp2, _)) t2 =
mrUVarCtx >>= \uvarCtx ->
debugPretty 3 ("mrRefinesFunH uvars:" <> ppCtx uvarCtx) >>
mrUVars >>= mrDebugPPPrefix 3 "mrRefinesFunH uvars:" >>
mrDebugPPPrefixSep 3 "mrRefinesFunH types" tps1 "|=" tps2 >>
mrDebugPPPrefixSep 3 "mrRefinesFunH" t1 "|=" t2 >>
case matchHet tp1 tp2 of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1241,14 +1240,14 @@ askMRSolverH f t1 t2 =
-- If t1 and t2 are both named functions, our result is the opaque
-- FunAssump that forall xs. f1 xs |= f2 xs'
(FunBind f1 args1 (CompFunReturn _), FunBind f2 args2 (CompFunReturn _)) ->
mrUVarCtx >>= \uvar_ctx ->
mrUVars >>= \uvar_ctx ->
return $ Just (f1, FunAssump { fassumpCtx = uvar_ctx,
fassumpArgs = args1,
fassumpRHS = OpaqueFunAssump f2 args2 })
-- If just t1 is a named function, our result is the rewrite FunAssump
-- that forall xs. f1 xs |= m2
(FunBind f1 args1 (CompFunReturn _), _) ->
mrUVarCtx >>= \uvar_ctx ->
mrUVars >>= \uvar_ctx ->
return $ Just (f1, FunAssump { fassumpCtx = uvar_ctx,
fassumpArgs = args1,
fassumpRHS = RewriteFunAssump m2 })
Expand Down

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