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Remove some unused BuiltinContext and Options parameters.
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Removing those parameters also necessitated the addition of
a `roBasicSS` field to the `TopLevelRO` datatype.

Fixes #945.
  • Loading branch information
Brian Huffman committed Dec 3, 2020
1 parent 14bab8f commit 25a31a8
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Showing 13 changed files with 291 additions and 395 deletions.
15 changes: 6 additions & 9 deletions saw-remote-api/src/SAWServer/JVMCrucibleSetup.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ import SAWScript.Crucible.JVM.Builtins
import SAWScript.Crucible.JVM.BuiltinsJVM
import qualified SAWScript.Crucible.JVM.MethodSpecIR as CMS
import SAWScript.JavaExpr (JavaType(..))
import SAWScript.Options (defaultOptions)
import SAWScript.Value (BuiltinContext, JVMSetupM(..), biSharedContext)
import qualified Verifier.SAW.CryptolEnv as CEnv
import Verifier.SAW.CryptolEnv (CryptolEnv)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,19 +95,19 @@ interpretJVMSetup ::
JVMSetupM ()
interpretJVMSetup fileReader bic cenv0 ss = runStateT (traverse_ go ss) (mempty, cenv0) *> pure ()
go (SetupReturn v) = get >>= \env -> lift $ getSetupVal env v >>= jvm_return bic opts
go (SetupReturn v) = get >>= \env -> lift $ getSetupVal env v >>= jvm_return
-- TODO: do we really want two names here?
go (SetupFresh name@(ServerName n) debugName ty) =
do t <- lift $ jvm_fresh_var bic opts (T.unpack debugName) ty
do t <- lift $ jvm_fresh_var (T.unpack debugName) ty
(env, cenv) <- get
put (env, CEnv.bindTypedTerm (mkIdent n, t) cenv)
save name (Val (MS.SetupTerm t))
go (SetupAlloc name ty _ (Just _)) =
error "attempted to allocate a Java object with alignment information"
go (SetupAlloc name (JavaArray n ty) True Nothing) =
lift (jvm_alloc_array bic opts n ty) >>= save name . Val
lift (jvm_alloc_array n ty) >>= save name . Val
go (SetupAlloc name (JavaClass c) True Nothing) =
lift (jvm_alloc_object bic opts c) >>= save name . Val
lift (jvm_alloc_object c) >>= save name . Val
go (SetupAlloc name ty False Nothing) =
error $ "cannot allocate type: " ++ show ty
go (SetupPointsTo src tgt) = get >>= \env -> lift $
Expand All @@ -117,13 +116,12 @@ interpretJVMSetup fileReader bic cenv0 ss = runStateT (traverse_ go ss) (mempty,
error "nyi: points-to"
go (SetupExecuteFunction args) =
get >>= \env ->
lift $ traverse (getSetupVal env) args >>= jvm_execute_func bic opts
lift $ traverse (getSetupVal env) args >>= jvm_execute_func
go (SetupPrecond p) = get >>= \env -> lift $
getTypedTerm env p >>= jvm_precond
go (SetupPostcond p) = get >>= \env -> lift $
getTypedTerm env p >>= jvm_postcond

opts = defaultOptions
save name val = modify' (\(env, cenv) -> (Map.insert name val env, cenv))

getSetupVal ::
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -190,7 +188,6 @@ jvmLoadClass (JVMLoadClassParams serverName cname) =
case tasks of
(_:_) -> raise $ notAtTopLevel $ map fst tasks
[] ->
do bic <- view sawBIC <$> getState
c <- tl $ loadJavaClass bic cname
do c <- tl $ loadJavaClass cname
setServerVal serverName c
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions saw-remote-api/src/SAWServer/JVMVerify.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import qualified Language.JVM.Common as JVM

import SAWScript.Crucible.JVM.Builtins
import SAWScript.JavaExpr (JavaType(..))
import SAWScript.Options (defaultOptions)
import SAWScript.Value (rwCryptol)

import Argo
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,9 +43,9 @@ jvmVerifyAssume mode (VerifyParams className fun lemmaNames checkSat contract sc
VerifyContract -> do
lemmas <- mapM getJVMMethodSpecIR lemmaNames
proofScript <- interpretProofScript script
tl $ crucible_jvm_verify bic defaultOptions cls fun lemmas checkSat setup proofScript
tl $ crucible_jvm_verify cls fun lemmas checkSat setup proofScript
AssumeContract ->
tl $ crucible_jvm_unsafe_assume_spec bic defaultOptions cls fun setup
tl $ crucible_jvm_unsafe_assume_spec cls fun setup
setServerVal lemmaName res
Expand Down
17 changes: 8 additions & 9 deletions saw-remote-api/src/SAWServer/LLVMCrucibleSetup.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ import SAWScript.Crucible.LLVM.Builtins
, crucible_precond
, crucible_postcond )
import qualified SAWScript.Crucible.LLVM.MethodSpecIR as CMS
import SAWScript.Options (defaultOptions)
import SAWScript.Value (BuiltinContext, LLVMCrucibleSetupM(..), biSharedContext)
import qualified Verifier.SAW.CryptolEnv as CEnv
import Verifier.SAW.CryptolEnv (CryptolEnv)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,28 +108,28 @@ interpretLLVMSetup ::
interpretLLVMSetup fileReader bic cenv0 ss =
runStateT (traverse_ go ss) (mempty, cenv0) *> pure ()
go (SetupReturn v) = get >>= \env -> lift $ getSetupVal env v >>= crucible_return bic defaultOptions
go (SetupReturn v) = get >>= \env -> lift $ getSetupVal env v >>= crucible_return
-- TODO: do we really want two names here?
go (SetupFresh name@(ServerName n) debugName ty) =
do t <- lift $ crucible_fresh_var bic defaultOptions (T.unpack debugName) ty
do t <- lift $ crucible_fresh_var (T.unpack debugName) ty
(env, cenv) <- get
put (env, CEnv.bindTypedTerm (mkIdent n, t) cenv)
save name (Val (CMS.anySetupTerm t))
go (SetupAlloc name ty True Nothing) =
lift (crucible_alloc bic defaultOptions ty) >>= save name . Val
lift (crucible_alloc ty) >>= save name . Val
go (SetupAlloc name ty False Nothing) =
lift (crucible_alloc_readonly bic defaultOptions ty) >>= save name . Val
lift (crucible_alloc_readonly ty) >>= save name . Val
go (SetupAlloc name ty True (Just align)) =
lift (crucible_alloc_aligned bic defaultOptions align ty) >>= save name . Val
lift (crucible_alloc_aligned align ty) >>= save name . Val
go (SetupAlloc name ty False (Just align)) =
lift (crucible_alloc_readonly_aligned bic defaultOptions align ty) >>= save name . Val
lift (crucible_alloc_readonly_aligned align ty) >>= save name . Val
go (SetupPointsTo src tgt) = get >>= \env -> lift $
do ptr <- getSetupVal env src
tgt' <- getSetupVal env tgt
crucible_points_to True bic defaultOptions ptr tgt'
crucible_points_to True ptr tgt'
go (SetupExecuteFunction args) =
get >>= \env ->
lift $ traverse (getSetupVal env) args >>= crucible_execute_func bic defaultOptions
lift $ traverse (getSetupVal env) args >>= crucible_execute_func
go (SetupPrecond p) = get >>= \env -> lift $
getTypedTerm env p >>= crucible_precond
go (SetupPostcond p) = get >>= \env -> lift $
Expand Down
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions saw-remote-api/src/SAWServer/LLVMVerify.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import Control.Lens

import SAWScript.Crucible.LLVM.Builtins
import SAWScript.Crucible.LLVM.X86
import SAWScript.Options (defaultOptions)
import SAWScript.Value (rwCryptol)

import Argo
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,9 +42,9 @@ llvmVerifyAssume mode (VerifyParams modName fun lemmaNames checkSat contract scr
VerifyContract -> do
lemmas <- mapM getLLVMMethodSpecIR lemmaNames
proofScript <- interpretProofScript script
tl $ crucible_llvm_verify bic defaultOptions mod fun lemmas checkSat setup proofScript
tl $ crucible_llvm_verify mod fun lemmas checkSat setup proofScript
AssumeContract ->
tl $ crucible_llvm_unsafe_assume_spec bic defaultOptions mod fun setup
tl $ crucible_llvm_unsafe_assume_spec mod fun setup
setServerVal lemmaName res
Expand All @@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ llvmVerifyX86 (X86VerifyParams modName objName fun globals _lemmaNames checkSat
proofScript <- interpretProofScript script
fileReader <- getFileReader
setup <- compileLLVMContract fileReader bic cenv <$> traverse getExpr contract
res <- tl $ crucible_llvm_verify_x86 bic defaultOptions mod objName fun allocs checkSat setup proofScript
res <- tl $ crucible_llvm_verify_x86 mod objName fun allocs checkSat setup proofScript
setServerVal lemmaName res
9 changes: 2 additions & 7 deletions src/SAWScript/Crucible/Common/Setup/Builtins.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import qualified What4.ProgramLoc as W4

import Verifier.SAW.TypedTerm (TypedTerm)

import SAWScript.Options (Options)
import SAWScript.Value

import qualified SAWScript.Crucible.Common.MethodSpec as MS
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,22 +50,18 @@ crucible_postcond loc p = do
addCondition (MS.SetupCond_Pred loc p)

crucible_return ::
BuiltinContext ->
Options ->
MS.SetupValue ext ->
CrucibleSetup ext ()
crucible_return _bic _opt retval = do
crucible_return retval = do
ret <- use (csMethodSpec . MS.csRetValue)
case ret of
Just _ -> fail "crucible_return: duplicate return value specification"
Nothing -> csMethodSpec . MS.csRetValue .= Just retval

crucible_execute_func ::
BuiltinContext ->
Options ->
[MS.SetupValue ext] ->
CrucibleSetup ext ()
crucible_execute_func _bic _opt args = do
crucible_execute_func args = do
tps <- use (csMethodSpec . MS.csArgs)
csPrePost .= MS.PostState
csMethodSpec . MS.csArgBindings .= Map.fromList [ (i, (t,a))
Expand Down

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