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Make things build with the sum-types branch of cryptol
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Co-authored-by: Ryan Scott <[email protected]>
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yav and RyanGlScott committed Feb 2, 2024
1 parent ae35e76 commit 107838c
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Showing 12 changed files with 105 additions and 75 deletions.
111 changes: 71 additions & 40 deletions cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Cryptol.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ module Verifier.SAW.Cryptol
, importSchema

, defaultPrimitiveOptions
, genNewtypeConstructors
, genNominalConstructors
, exportValueWithSchema
) where

import Control.Monad (foldM, join, unless)
import Control.Monad (foldM, join, unless,forM)
import Control.Exception (catch, SomeException)
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ import qualified Cryptol.Utils.Ident as C
, modNameChunksText
import qualified Cryptol.Utils.RecordMap as C
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Type as C (Newtype(..))
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Type as C (NominalType(..))
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.TypeOf (fastTypeOf, fastSchemaOf)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP (pretty)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,10 +266,17 @@ importType sc env ty =
C.TRec fm ->
importType sc env (C.tTuple (map snd (C.canonicalFields fm)))

C.TNewtype nt ts ->
C.TNominal nt ts ->
do let s = C.listSubst (zip (map C.TVBound (C.ntParams nt)) ts)
let t = plainSubst s (C.TRec (C.ntFields nt))
go t
let n = C.ntName nt
case ntDef nt of
C.Struct stru -> go (plainSubst s (C.TRec (C.ntFields stru)))
C.Enum {} -> error "importType: `enum` is not yet supported"
| Just prim <- C.asPrim n
, Just t <- Map.lookup prim (envPrimTypes env) ->
scApplyAllBeta sc t =<< traverse go ts
| True -> panic ("importType: unknown primitive type: " ++ show n) []

C.TCon tcon tyargs ->
case tcon of
Expand All @@ -290,11 +297,6 @@ importType sc env ty =
b <- go (tyargs !! 1)
scFun sc a b
C.TCTuple _n -> scTupleType sc =<< traverse go tyargs
C.TCAbstract (C.UserTC n _)
| Just prim <- C.asPrim n
, Just t <- Map.lookup prim (envPrimTypes env) ->
scApplyAllBeta sc t =<< traverse go tyargs
| True -> panic ("importType: unknown primitive type: " ++ show n) []
C.PC pc ->
case pc of
C.PLiteral -> -- we omit first argument to class Literal
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1008,8 +1010,13 @@ importExpr sc env expr =
("Expected filed " ++ show x ++ " in normal RecordSel")
(elemIndex x (map fst (C.canonicalFields fm)))
scTupleSelector sc e' (i+1) (length (C.canonicalFields fm))
C.TNewtype nt _args ->
do let fs = C.ntFields nt
C.TNominal nt _args ->
do let fs = case C.ntDef nt of
C.Struct s -> C.ntFields s
C.Enum {} ->
panic "importExpr" ["Select from enum"]
C.Abstract ->
panic "importExpr" ["Select from abstract type"]
i <- the ("Expected field " ++ show x ++ " in Newtype Record Sel")
(elemIndex x (map fst (C.canonicalFields fs)))
scTupleSelector sc e' (i+1) (length (C.canonicalFields fs))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1134,6 +1141,9 @@ importExpr sc env expr =
-- generated if-then-else
Fold.foldrM (propGuardToIte typ') err arms

C.ECase {} -> panic "importExpr"
["`case` expressions are not yet supported"]

the :: String -> Maybe a -> IO a
the what = maybe (panic "importExpr" ["internal type error", what]) return
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1240,6 +1250,8 @@ importExpr' sc env schema expr =
C.ELocated _ e ->
importExpr' sc env schema e

C.ECase {} -> panic "importExpr" ["`case` is not yet supported"]

C.EList {} -> fallback
C.ESel {} -> fallback
C.ESet {} -> fallback
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1285,7 +1297,7 @@ plainSubst s ty =
C.TUser f ts t -> C.TUser f (map (plainSubst s) ts) (plainSubst s t)
C.TRec fs -> C.TRec (fmap (plainSubst s) fs)
C.TVar x -> C.apSubst s (C.TVar x)
C.TNewtype nt ts -> C.TNewtype nt (fmap (plainSubst s) ts)
C.TNominal nt ts -> C.TNominal nt (fmap (plainSubst s) ts)

-- | Generate a URI representing a cryptol name from a sequence of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1632,14 +1644,26 @@ proveEq sc env t1 t2
(C.tIsRec -> Just tm1, C.tIsRec -> Just tm2)
| map fst (C.canonicalFields tm1) == map fst (C.canonicalFields tm2) ->
proveEq sc env (C.tTuple (map snd (C.canonicalFields tm1))) (C.tTuple (map snd (C.canonicalFields tm2)))

-- XXX: add a case for `enum`
-- 1. Match constructors by names, and prove fields as tuples
-- 2. We need some way to combine the proofs of equality of
-- the fields, into a proof for equality of the whole type
-- for sums

(_, _) ->
panic "proveEq" ["Internal type error:", pretty t1, pretty t2]

-- | Resolve user types (type aliases and newtypes) to their simpler SAW-compatible forms.
tNoUser :: C.Type -> C.Type
tNoUser initialTy =
case C.tNoUser initialTy of
C.TNewtype nt _ -> C.TRec $ C.ntFields nt
C.TNominal nt params
| C.Struct fs <- C.ntDef nt ->
if null params then C.TRec (C.ntFields fs)
else panic "tNoUser" ["Nominal type with parameters"]
-- XXX: We should instantiate, see #2019
t -> t

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1898,13 +1922,12 @@ exportValue ty v = case ty of
TV.TVFun _aty _bty ->
pure $ V.VFun mempty (error "exportValue: TODO functions")

-- abstract types
TV.TVAbstract{} ->
error "exportValue: TODO abstract types"

-- newtypes
TV.TVNewtype _ _ fields ->
exportValue (TV.TVRec fields) v
-- nominal types
TV.TVNominal _ _ fields ->
case fields of
TV.TVStruct fs -> exportValue (TV.TVRec fs) v
TV.TVEnum {} -> error "exportValue: TODO enum"
TV.TVAbstract {} -> error "exportValue: TODO abstract types"

exportTupleValue :: [TV.TValue] -> SC.CValue -> [V.Eval V.Value]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1980,30 +2003,38 @@ importFirstOrderValue t0 v0 = V.runEval mempty (go t0 v0)
_ -> panic "importFirstOrderValue"
["Expected finite value of type:", show t, "but got", show v]

-- | Generate functions to construct newtypes in the term environment.
-- (I.e., make identity functions that take the record the newtype wraps.)
genNewtypeConstructors :: SharedContext -> Map C.Name Newtype -> Env -> IO Env
genNewtypeConstructors sc newtypes env0 =
foldM genConstr env0 newtypes
-- | Generate functions to construct nominal values in the term environment.
-- For structs, make identity functions that take the record the newtype wraps.
-- Abstract types do not produce any functions.
genNominalConstructors :: SharedContext -> Map C.Name NominalType -> Env -> IO Env
genNominalConstructors sc nominal env0 =
foldM genConstr env0 nominal
genConstr :: Env -> Newtype -> IO Env
genConstr :: Env -> NominalType -> IO Env
genConstr env nt = do
constr <- importExpr sc env (newtypeConstr nt)
let env' = env { envE = Map.insert (ntConName nt) (constr, 0) (envE env)
, envC = Map.insert (ntConName nt) (newtypeSchema nt) (envC env)
let conTs = C.nominalTypeConTypes nt
constrs <- forM (nominalConstrs nt) $ \(x,e) ->
do e' <- importExpr sc env e
pure (x,(e',0))
let env' = env { envE = foldr (uncurry Map.insert) (envE env) constrs
, envC = foldr (uncurry Map.insert) (envC env) conTs
return env'
newtypeConstr :: Newtype -> C.Expr
newtypeConstr nt = foldr tFn fn (C.ntParams nt)

nominalConstrs :: NominalType -> [(C.Name,C.Expr)]
nominalConstrs nt =
case C.ntDef nt of
C.Struct fs ->
let recTy = C.TRec (C.ntFields fs)
fn = C.EAbs paramName recTy (C.EVar paramName)
con = C.ntConName fs
paramName = C.asLocal C.NSValue con
in [(con, foldr tFn fn (C.ntParams nt))]
C.Abstract -> []
C.Enum {} -> error "genNominalConstrurctors: `enum` is not yet supported"
paramName = C.asLocal C.NSValue (ntConName nt)

recTy = C.TRec $ ntFields nt
fn = C.EAbs paramName recTy (C.EVar paramName) -- EAbs Name Type Expr -- ETAbs TParam Expr
tFn tp body =
if elem (C.tpKind tp) [C.KType, C.KNum]
then C.ETAbs tp body
else panic "genNewtypeConstructors" ["illegal newtype parameter kind", show (C.tpKind tp)]
newtypeSchema :: Newtype -> C.Schema
newtypeSchema nt = C.Forall (ntParams nt) (ntConstraints nt)
$ C.TRec (ntFields nt) `C.tFun` C.TRec (ntFields nt)
else panic "genNominalConstructors" ["illegal nominal type parameter kind", show (C.tpKind tp)]
19 changes: 10 additions & 9 deletions cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/CryptolEnv.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -313,8 +313,9 @@ mkCryEnv env =
-- noIfaceParams because we don't support translating functors yet
infInp <- MB.genInferInput P.emptyRange prims NoParams ifaceDecls
let newtypeCons = Map.fromList
[ (T.ntConName nt, T.newtypeConType nt)
| nt <- Map.elems (TM.inpNewtypes infInp)
[ con
| nt <- Map.elems (TM.inpNominalTypes infInp)
, con <- T.nominalTypeConTypes nt
pure (newtypeCons `Map.union` TM.inpVars infInp)
let types' = Map.union (eExtraTypes env) types
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -415,11 +416,11 @@ loadCryptolModule sc primOpts env path = do
$ ME.meLoadedModules modEnv''

let newDeclGroups = concatMap T.mDecls newModules
let newNewtypes = Map.difference (ME.loadedNewtypes modEnv')
(ME.loadedNewtypes modEnv)
let newNominal = Map.difference (ME.loadedNominalTypes modEnv')
(ME.loadedNominalTypes modEnv)

newTermEnv <-
do cEnv <- C.genNewtypeConstructors sc newNewtypes oldCryEnv
do cEnv <- C.genNominalConstructors sc newNominal oldCryEnv
newCryEnv <- C.importTopLevelDeclGroups sc primOpts cEnv newDeclGroups
traverse (\(t, j) -> incVars sc 0 j t) (C.envE newCryEnv)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -517,11 +518,11 @@ importModule sc env src as vis imps = do
$ ME.lmLoadedModules
$ ME.meLoadedModules modEnv'
let newDeclGroups = concatMap T.mDecls newModules
let newNewtypes = Map.difference (ME.loadedNewtypes modEnv')
(ME.loadedNewtypes modEnv)
let newNominal = Map.difference (ME.loadedNominalTypes modEnv')
(ME.loadedNominalTypes modEnv)

newTermEnv <-
do cEnv <- C.genNewtypeConstructors sc newNewtypes oldCryEnv
do cEnv <- C.genNominalConstructors sc newNominal oldCryEnv
newCryEnv <- C.importTopLevelDeclGroups sc C.defaultPrimitiveOptions
cEnv newDeclGroups
traverse (\(t, j) -> incVars sc 0 j t) (C.envE newCryEnv)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -751,7 +752,7 @@ typeNoUser t =
T.TVar {} -> t
T.TUser _ _ ty -> typeNoUser ty
T.TRec fields -> T.TRec (fmap typeNoUser fields)
T.TNewtype nt ts -> T.TNewtype nt (fmap typeNoUser ts)
T.TNominal nt ts -> T.TNominal nt (fmap typeNoUser ts)

schemaNoUser :: T.Schema -> T.Schema
schemaNoUser (T.Forall params props ty) = T.Forall params props (typeNoUser ty)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion deps/cryptol
Submodule cryptol updated 177 files
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions intTests/test_cryptol_enums/Test.cry
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
module Test where

enum Foo a b = Bar a | Baz b
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions intTests/test_cryptol_enums/test.saw
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
import "Test.cry";
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions intTests/test_cryptol_enums/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
set -e

! $SAW test.saw
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions saw/SAWScript/REPL/Monad.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ module SAWScript.REPL.Monad (
-- ** Environment
, getCryptolEnv, modifyCryptolEnv, setCryptolEnv
, getModuleEnv, setModuleEnv
, getTSyns, getNewtypes, getVars
, getTSyns, getNominalTypes, getVars
, getExprNames
, getTypeNames
, getPropertyNames
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -397,11 +397,11 @@ getTSyns = do
let decls = getAllIfaceDecls me
return (M.ifTySyns decls)

getNewtypes :: REPL (Map.Map T.Name T.Newtype)
getNewtypes = do
getNominalTypes :: REPL (Map.Map T.Name T.NominalType)
getNominalTypes = do
me <- getModuleEnv
let decls = getAllIfaceDecls me
return (M.ifNewtypes decls)
return (M.ifNominalTypes decls)

-- | Get visible variable names.
getExprNames :: REPL [String]
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/SAWScript/Builtins.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1945,7 +1945,7 @@ defaultTypedTerm opts sc cfg tt@(TypedTerm (TypedTermSchema schema) trm)
C.TUser f ts t -> C.TUser f (map (plainSubst s) ts) (plainSubst s t)
C.TRec fs -> C.TRec (fmap (plainSubst s) fs)
C.TVar x -> C.apSubst s (C.TVar x)
C.TNewtype nt ts -> C.TNewtype nt (fmap (plainSubst s) ts)
C.TNominal nt ts -> C.TNominal nt (fmap (plainSubst s) ts)

defaultTypedTerm _opts _sc _cfg tt = return tt

Expand Down
9 changes: 3 additions & 6 deletions src/SAWScript/Crucible/JVM/ResolveSetupValue.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -251,10 +251,8 @@ resolveSAWTerm cc tp tm =
fail "resolveSAWTerm: unsupported record type"
Cryptol.TVFun _ _ ->
fail "resolveSAWTerm: unsupported function type"
Cryptol.TVAbstract _ _ ->
fail "resolveSAWTerm: unsupported abstract type"
Cryptol.TVNewtype{} ->
fail "resolveSAWTerm: unsupported newtype"
Cryptol.TVNominal {} ->
fail "resolveSAWTerm: unsupported nominal type"
sym = cc^.jccSym

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,8 +300,7 @@ toJVMType tp =
Cryptol.TVTuple _tps -> Nothing
Cryptol.TVRec _flds -> Nothing
Cryptol.TVFun _ _ -> Nothing
Cryptol.TVAbstract _ _ -> Nothing
Cryptol.TVNewtype{} -> Nothing
Cryptol.TVNominal {} -> Nothing

equalValsPred ::
JVMCrucibleContext ->
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/SAWScript/Crucible/LLVM/FFI.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ import Verifier.SAW.CryptolEnv
import Verifier.SAW.OpenTerm
import Verifier.SAW.Prelude
import Verifier.SAW.Recognizer
import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm as Term
import Verifier.SAW.TypedTerm

-- | Commonly used things that need to be passed around.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ llvm_ffi_setup TypedTerm { ttTerm = appTerm } = do
cryEnv <- lll $ rwCryptol <$> getMergedEnv
case asConstant funTerm of
Just (ec, funDef)
| Just FFIFunType {..} <- Map.lookup (ecName ec) (eFFITypes cryEnv) -> do
| Just FFIFunType {..} <- Map.lookup (Term.ecName ec) (eFFITypes cryEnv) -> do
when (isNothing funDef) do
"Cannot verify foreign function with no Cryptol implementation"
Expand Down
9 changes: 3 additions & 6 deletions src/SAWScript/Crucible/LLVM/ResolveSetupValue.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -868,10 +868,8 @@ resolveSAWTerm cc tp tm =
fail "resolveSAWTerm: unimplemented record type (FIXME)"
Cryptol.TVFun _ _ ->
fail "resolveSAWTerm: invalid function type"
Cryptol.TVAbstract _ _ ->
fail "resolveSAWTerm: invalid abstract type"
Cryptol.TVNewtype{} ->
fail "resolveSAWTerm: invalid newtype"
Cryptol.TVNominal {} ->
fail "resolveSAWTerm: invalid nominal type"
sym = cc^.ccSym
dl = Crucible.llvmDataLayout (ccTypeCtx cc)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -931,8 +929,7 @@ toLLVMType dl tp =
return (Crucible.StructType si)
Cryptol.TVRec _flds -> Left (NotYetSupported "record")
Cryptol.TVFun _ _ -> Left (Impossible "function")
Cryptol.TVAbstract _ _ -> Left (Impossible "abstract")
Cryptol.TVNewtype{} -> Left (Impossible "newtype")
Cryptol.TVNominal {} -> Left (Impossible "nominal")

toLLVMStorageType ::
forall w .
Expand Down
9 changes: 3 additions & 6 deletions src/SAWScript/Crucible/MIR/ResolveSetupValue.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -868,10 +868,8 @@ resolveSAWTerm mcc tp tm =
fail "resolveSAWTerm: unsupported record type"
Cryptol.TVFun _ _ ->
fail "resolveSAWTerm: unsupported function type"
Cryptol.TVAbstract _ _ ->
fail "resolveSAWTerm: unsupported abstract type"
Cryptol.TVNewtype{} ->
fail "resolveSAWTerm: unsupported newtype"
Cryptol.TVNominal {} ->
fail "resolveSAWTerm: unsupported nominal type"
sym = mcc ^. mccSym
col = mcc ^. mccRustModule ^. Mir.rmCS ^. Mir.collection
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -942,8 +940,7 @@ toMIRType tp =
Right $ Mir.TyTuple tps'
Cryptol.TVRec _flds -> Left (NotYetSupported "record")
Cryptol.TVFun _ _ -> Left (Impossible "function")
Cryptol.TVAbstract _ _ -> Left (Impossible "abstract")
Cryptol.TVNewtype{} -> Left (Impossible "newtype")
Cryptol.TVNominal {} -> Left (Impossible "nominal")

-- | Check if two MIR references are equal.
equalRefsPred ::
Expand Down

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