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Implement REPL :check-docstrings command
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This command checks that all of the unlabeled and "repl" labeled
codeblocks in docstrings can successfully evaluate as REPL commands.

Cryptol will now indicate exit failure if any of REPL commands fail,
making it possible to use in automated testing.

:check-docstrings internal implementation is set up to track results
of subcommands in support for integration into a remote server API
  • Loading branch information
glguy committed Jul 8, 2024
1 parent ad5af8b commit b2ce820
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Showing 4 changed files with 248 additions and 26 deletions.
21 changes: 11 additions & 10 deletions cryptol/REPL/Haskeline.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

module REPL.Haskeline where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,42 +56,42 @@ data ReplMode
crySession :: ReplMode -> Bool -> REPL CommandResult
crySession replMode stopOnError =
do settings <- io (setHistoryFile (replSettings isBatch))
let act = runInputTBehavior behavior settings (withInterrupt (loop 1))
let act = runInputTBehavior behavior settings (withInterrupt (loop True 1))
if isBatch then asBatch act else act
(isBatch,behavior) = case replMode of
InteractiveRepl -> (False, defaultBehavior)
Batch path -> (True, useFile path)
InteractiveBatch path -> (False, useFile path)

loop :: Int -> InputT REPL CommandResult
loop lineNum =
loop :: Bool -> Int -> InputT REPL CommandResult
loop !success !lineNum =
do ln <- getInputLines =<< MTL.lift getPrompt
case ln of
NoMoreLines -> return emptyCommandResult
NoMoreLines -> return emptyCommandResult { crSuccess = success }
| isBatch && stopOnError -> return emptyCommandResult { crSuccess = False }
| otherwise -> loop lineNum
| otherwise -> loop success lineNum
NextLine ls
| all (all isSpace) ls -> loop (lineNum + length ls)
| otherwise -> doCommand lineNum ls
| all (all isSpace) ls -> loop success (lineNum + length ls)
| otherwise -> doCommand success lineNum ls

run lineNum cmd =
case replMode of
InteractiveRepl -> runCommand lineNum Nothing cmd
InteractiveBatch _ -> runCommand lineNum Nothing cmd
Batch path -> runCommand lineNum (Just path) cmd

doCommand lineNum txt =
doCommand success lineNum txt =
case parseCommand findCommandExact (unlines txt) of
Nothing | isBatch && stopOnError -> return emptyCommandResult { crSuccess = False }
| otherwise -> loop (lineNum + length txt) -- say somtething?
| otherwise -> loop False (lineNum + length txt) -- say somtething?
Just cmd -> join $ MTL.lift $
do status <- handleInterrupt (handleCtrlC emptyCommandResult { crSuccess = False }) (run lineNum cmd)
case crSuccess status of
False | isBatch && stopOnError -> return (return status)
_ -> do goOn <- shouldContinue
return (if goOn then loop (lineNum + length txt) else return status)
return (if goOn then loop (crSuccess status && success) (lineNum + length txt) else return status)

data NextLine = NextLine [String] | NoMoreLines | Interrupted
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204 changes: 194 additions & 10 deletions src/Cryptol/REPL/Command.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -139,14 +139,15 @@ import qualified System.Random.TF as TF
import qualified System.Random.TF.Instances as TFI
import Numeric (showFFloat)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.IORef(newIORef,readIORef,writeIORef)
import Data.IORef(newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef, modifyIORef)

import GHC.Float (log1p, expm1)

import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat

import qualified Data.SBV.Internals as SBV (showTDiff)
import Data.Foldable (foldl')

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,9 +192,10 @@ data CommandBody

data CommandResult = CommandResult
{ crType :: Maybe String -- ^ type output for relevant commands
, crValue :: Maybe String -- ^ value output for relevan commands
, crValue :: Maybe String -- ^ value output for relevant commands
, crSuccess :: Bool -- ^ indicator that command successfully performed its task
deriving (Show)

emptyCommandResult :: CommandResult
emptyCommandResult = CommandResult
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,6 +301,9 @@ nbCommandList =
, CommandDescr [ ":new-seed"] [] (NoArg newSeedCmd)
"Randomly generate and set a new seed for the random number generator"
, CommandDescr [ ":check-docstrings" ] [] (ModNameArg checkDocStringsCmd)
"Run the REPL code blocks in the module's docstring comments"

commandList :: [CommandDescr]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -420,6 +425,12 @@ evalCmd str lineNum mbBatch = do
-- comment or empty input does nothing
pure emptyCommandResult

-- parsing and evaluating expressions can fail in many different ways
`catch` \e -> do
rPutStrLn ""
rPrint (pp e)
pure emptyCommandResult { crSuccess = False }

printCounterexample :: CounterExampleType -> Doc -> [Concrete.Value] -> REPL ()
printCounterexample cexTy exprDoc vs =
do ppOpts <- getPPValOpts
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -518,14 +529,14 @@ qcExpr qcMode exprDoc texpr schema =
do (val,ty) <- replEvalCheckedExpr texpr schema >>= \mb_res -> case mb_res of
Just res -> pure res
-- If instance is not found, doesn't necessarily mean that there is no instance.
-- And due to nondeterminism in result from the solver (for finding solution to
-- And due to nondeterminism in result from the solver (for finding solution to
-- numeric type constraints), `:check` can get to this exception sometimes, but
-- successfully find an instance and test with it other times.
Nothing -> raise (InstantiationsNotFound schema)
testNum <- (toInteger :: Int -> Integer) <$> getKnownUser "tests"
tenv <- E.envTypes . M.deEnv <$> getDynEnv
let tyv = E.evalValType tenv ty
-- tv has already had polymorphism instantiated
-- tv has already had polymorphism instantiated
percentRef <- io $ newIORef Nothing
testsRef <- io $ newIORef 0

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -813,7 +824,7 @@ cmdProveSat isSat "" _pos _fnm =
pure $! acc && success
success <- foldM check True xs
pure emptyCommandResult { crSuccess = success }

cmdProveSat isSat str pos fnm = do
pexpr <- replParseExpr str pos fnm
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -913,7 +924,7 @@ proveSatExpr isSat rng exprDoc texpr schema = do
printSafetyViolation :: T.Expr -> T.Schema -> [E.GenValue Concrete] -> REPL ()
printSafetyViolation texpr schema vs =
(do fn <- replEvalCheckedExpr texpr schema >>= \mb_res -> case mb_res of
(do fn <- replEvalCheckedExpr texpr schema >>= \mb_res -> case mb_res of
Just (fn, _) -> pure fn
Nothing -> raise (EvalPolyError schema)
rEval (E.forceValue =<< foldM (\f v -> E.fromVFun Concrete f (pure v)) fn vs))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1110,7 +1121,7 @@ typeOfCmd str pos fnm = do
-- type annotation ':' has precedence 2
let output = show $ runDoc fDisp $ group $ hang
(ppPrec 2 expr <+> text ":") 2 (pp sig)

rPutStrLn output
pure emptyCommandResult { crType = Just output }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1565,12 +1576,12 @@ moduleCmdResult (res,ws0) = do

-- ignore certain warnings during typechecking
filterTypecheck :: M.ModuleWarning -> Maybe M.ModuleWarning
filterTypecheck (M.TypeCheckWarnings nameMap xs) =
case filter (allow . snd) xs of
filterTypecheck (M.TypeCheckWarnings nameMap xs) =
case filter (allow . snd) xs of
[] -> Nothing
ys -> Just (M.TypeCheckWarnings nameMap ys)
allow :: T.Warning -> Bool
allow :: T.Warning -> Bool
allow = \case
T.DefaultingTo _ _ | not warnDefaulting -> False
T.NonExhaustivePropGuards _ | not warnNonExhConGrds -> False
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1933,5 +1944,178 @@ moduleInfoCmd isFile name
rPutStrLn "}"
pure emptyCommandResult

-- | Extract the code blocks from the body of a docstring.
-- A single code block starts with at least 3 backticks followed by an
-- optional language specifier of "cryptol". This allowed other kinds
-- of code blocks to be included (and ignored) in docstrings. Longer
-- backtick sequences can be used when a code block needs to be able to
-- contain backtick sequences.
-- @
-- /**
-- * A docstring example
-- *
-- * ```cryptol
-- * :check example
-- * ```
-- */
-- @
extractCodeBlocks :: T.Text -> Either String [[T.Text]]
extractCodeBlocks raw = go [] (T.lines raw)
go finished [] = Right (reverse finished)
go finished (x:xs)
| (ticks, lang) <- T.span ('`' ==) x
, 3 <= T.length ticks
= if lang `elem` ["", "repl"]
then keep finished ticks [] xs
else skip finished ticks xs
| otherwise = go finished xs

-- process a code block that we're keeping
keep _ _ _ [] = Left "Unclosed code block"
keep finished close acc (x:xs)
| close == x = go (reverse acc : finished) xs
| otherwise = keep finished close (x : acc) xs

-- process a code block that we're skipping
skip _ _ [] = Left "Unclosed code block"
skip finished close (x:xs)
| close == x = go finished xs
| otherwise = skip finished close xs

data SubcommandResult = SubcommandResult
{ srInput :: T.Text
, srResult :: CommandResult
, srLog :: String

-- | Check a single code block from inside a docstring.
-- The result will contain the results of processing the commands up to
-- the first failure.
-- Execution of the commands is run in an isolated REPL environment.
checkBlock ::
[T.Text] {- ^ lines of the code block -} ->
REPL [SubcommandResult]
checkBlock = isolated . go
go [] = pure []
go (line:block) =
case parseCommand (findNbCommand True) (T.unpack line) of
Nothing -> do
pure [SubcommandResult
{ srInput = line
, srLog = "Failed to parse command"
, srResult = emptyCommandResult { crSuccess = False }
Just Ambiguous{} -> do
pure [SubcommandResult
{ srInput = line
, srLog = "Ambiguous command"
, srResult = emptyCommandResult { crSuccess = False }
Just Unknown{} -> do
pure [SubcommandResult
{ srInput = line
, srLog = "Unknown command"
, srResult = emptyCommandResult { crSuccess = False }
Just (Command cmd) -> do
(logtxt, result) <- captureLog (cmd 0 Nothing)
results <- checkBlock block
let subresult = SubcommandResult
{ srInput = line
, srLog = logtxt
, srResult = result
pure (subresult : results)

captureLog :: REPL a -> REPL (String, a)
captureLog m = do
previousLogger <- getLogger
outputsRef <- io (newIORef [])
setPutStr (\str -> modifyIORef outputsRef (str:))
result <- m `finally` setLogger previousLogger
outputs <- io (readIORef outputsRef)
let output = concat (reverse outputs)
pure (output, result)

-- | Check all the code blocks in a given docstring.
checkDocString :: T.Text -> REPL [[SubcommandResult]]
checkDocString str =
case extractCodeBlocks str of
Left e -> do
pure [[SubcommandResult
{ srInput = T.empty
, srResult = emptyCommandResult { crSuccess = False }
, srLog = e
Right bs -> do
traverse checkBlock bs

-- | Check all of the docstrings in the given module.
-- The outer list elements correspond to the code blocks from the
-- docstrings in file order. Each inner list corresponds to the
-- REPL commands inside each of the docstrings.
checkDocStrings :: M.LoadedModule -> REPL [[SubcommandResult]]
checkDocStrings m = do
let dat = M.lmdModule (M.lmData m)
let ds = T.gatherModuleDocstrings dat
concat <$> traverse checkDocString ds

-- | Evaluate all the docstrings in the specified module.
-- This command succeeds when:
-- * the module can be found
-- * the docstrings can be parsed for code blocks
-- * all of the commands in the docstrings succeed
checkDocStringsCmd ::
String {- ^ module name -} ->
REPL CommandResult
checkDocStringsCmd input
| null input = do
mb <- getLoadedMod
case lName =<< mb of
Nothing -> do
rPutStrLn "No current module"
pure emptyCommandResult { crSuccess = False }
Just mn -> checkModName mn
| otherwise =
case parseModName input of
Nothing -> do
rPutStrLn "Invalid module name"
pure emptyCommandResult { crSuccess = False }
Just mn -> checkModName mn


countOutcomes :: [SubcommandResult] -> (Int, Int)
countOutcomes = foldl' countOutcomes' (0, 0)
countOutcomes' (successes, failures) result
| crSuccess (srResult result) = (successes + 1, failures)
| otherwise = (successes, failures + 1)

checkModName :: P.ModName -> REPL CommandResult
checkModName mn = do
mb <- M.lookupModule mn <$> getModuleEnv
case mb of
Nothing -> do
rPutStrLn ("Module " ++ show input ++ " is not loaded")
pure emptyCommandResult { crSuccess = False }

Just fe -> do
results <- checkDocStrings fe
let (successes, failures) = countOutcomes (concat results)

forM_ results $ \result ->
forM_ result $ \line -> do
rPutStrLn (T.unpack (srInput line))
rPutStr (srLog line)
rPutStrLn ("Successes: " ++ show successes ++ " Failures: " ++ show failures)

pure emptyCommandResult { crSuccess = failures == 0 }
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/Cryptol/REPL/Monad.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ module Cryptol.REPL.Monad (
, asBatch
, validEvalContext
, updateREPLTitle
, isolated
, setUpdateREPLTitle
, withRandomGen
, setRandomGen
Expand All @@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ module Cryptol.REPL.Monad (
-- ** Configurable Output
, getPutStr
, getLogger
, setLogger
, setPutStr

-- ** Smoke Test
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -560,6 +562,11 @@ asBatch body = do
modifyRW_ $ (\ rw -> rw { eIsBatch = wasBatch })
return a

isolated :: REPL a -> REPL a
isolated body = do
rw <- getRW
body `finally` modifyRW_ (const rw)

-- | Is evaluation enabled? If the currently focused module is parameterized,
-- then we cannot evaluate.
validEvalContext :: T.FreeVars a => a -> REPL ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -592,6 +599,8 @@ getPutStr =
getLogger :: REPL Logger
getLogger = eLogger <$> getRW

setLogger :: Logger -> REPL ()
setLogger logger = modifyRW_ $ \rw -> rw { eLogger = logger }

-- | Use the configured output action to print a string
rPutStr :: String -> REPL ()
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