C++ example analysis package based on the FCC event datamodel, pythia, and HepMC
- example executable
Prerequisite: before doing anything,
install HepMC, and make sure that HEPMC_PREFIX is pointing to the installation directory of HepMC. HepMC should be configured for pythia:
./configure --prefix=$HEPMC_PREFIX --with-momentum=GEV --with-length=MM
install pythia8, and make sure that PYTHIA8_DIR is pointing to the installation prefix of pythia8
compile albers-core and source its init script to set your environment for albers.
compile fcc-edm and source its init script to set your environment for fcc-edm
Before compiling or using on lxplus:
source init.sh
Before compiling or using on mac os:
source init_macos.sh
Before compiling or using on linux (tested on Ubuntu):
source init_linux.sh
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install ..
make -j 4 install
cd ..
Test of the executable