This set of scripts help partners to mantain the healthines of their subscription.
Some partner asked has asked how to check if MFA is enabled from Azure Active Directory
Get-MsolUser -All | select DisplayName,BlockCredential,UserPrincipalName,@{N="MFA Status"; E={ if( $_.StrongAuthenticationRequirements.State -ne $null){ $_.StrongAuthenticationRequirements.State} else { "Disabled"}}}
The script will run to all the subscription for a given list of tenants.
File tenants.txt contains the list of tennant and the script will loop all the subscriptions of those tenant
- Will check if the subscription is onboarded for the security score if not it will onboard
- if yes will collect the security score
- Otutput in MySecureScores.csv collected scores scores and Azure Defender Tasks
All of the above but does not enable Secure Score
The script will run to all the subscription for a given list of tenants.
- Will check if a budget with the name ContosoManual exist.
- If yes will interprete that this subscription is handled manually goes to the next one
- Will check if a budget with the name ContosoAuto exist
- If "force" parameter is specified will delete the alert (and recreate in the steps below) otherwise will skip to the next subscription leaving the existing alert unchanged
- Collect the consumption in the last month increase it by a percentage specified in IncrementInPercentage
- Check if the consumption estimate is above MinimumBudget. Otherwise set consumption to the minimum
- Create budget Alert with the parameters specified in the budget.json
- Output budget.csv with the rules applied
File tenants.txt contains the list of tenant and the script will loop all the subscriptions of those tenant
File budget.json contains the rules to apply to the budget section
The variable $budgetName="ContosoAuto" provide the name of the budget it will look for
The variable $budgetNameManual = "ContosoManual" provide the name of the subscription in manual mode